VEGE PATCH. What's growing in yours?

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No BJ. I had it in for about 3yrs did nothing so I yanked it out. If its too precious I dont grow it. Its gotta withstand an 8 wk negligence when I go to Vict goldfields.

Im trying Artichokes this year. If they dont respond theyll get the shovel too.
Now harvesting the cauli's and broccoli.


spuds are progressing nicely and i have topped up the soil to the top of the pots . about to start off another lot of pea seeds cos the first lot did not do very well in the bunnings compost . i am trying a searls 5 in 1 mixed with seed raising mix for this second lot , and the nights are a lot warmer now so should go better this time.
There is nothing like home grown vegetables and especially tomatoes and spuds.
Yummo, yummo and yummo.
I have a real problem with bush turkeys at present and if anyone has a non harmful deterrent, please let me know.
Mackka said:
There is nothing like home grown vegetables and especially tomatoes and spuds.
Yummo, yummo and yummo.
I have a real problem with bush turkeys at present and if anyone has a non harmful deterrent, please let me know.
note mine are growing inside a tunnel i built years ago . made with 3 full sheets of reo mesh then 1/2"bird wire over that then shade cloth over that . it was a vege garden first for a few years then a chook pen for quite a few years now back to veg again . i dont have a problem with bush turkeys just got roo's, goats, deer, the odd cow now and then , stray sheep,cats . and variety of wild birds .
Sparrys started. Will slow down a bit with last nights almost snow . Months time it should be going hard. Got some procutio waiting to wrap it and fry. Love procutio wrapped asparagus.

Not sure why pics go sideways. And I cant spell prosciutto
Funny thing it makes your wee smell pretty bad. But it doesnt effect everyone apparently.
Some Ruem Nobile grown from seed. Its a type of rare Himalayan Rhubarb. I know it does not look real impressive but I am happy because finally got some seeds to germinate after many failed attempts.
this is what they will aventually look like if I can keep them alive
Hello Mr Magoo, here is a random picture of the internet to give you an idea of its potential size. Apparently the leaves are translucent which act like a mini green house at high altitudes. Very interesting plant.
I think you can eat it and it is also used as a madicinal thing. No idea what it taste like and I have never seen one in person apart from my new little seedlings. Might try to hybridise it with my other Rhubarb.
That is a great looking plant GF. I enjoy growing weird and interesting plants. But I don't think that will grow here in tropical FNQ. :D
Good luck with the seedlings. :Y:

Growing a Konjac at the moment. Which is grown for it's edible tuber. Unfortunately it is dormant at the moment so no pics but here's some also scalped from the interweb.
Can be made into anything, sweets, noodles and even a sponge.




Used to also grow Nepenthes too, mainly because they looked cool and also made a heap of cash on them :money: . Cha-ching.
I once paid $100 for a sickly half inch sized cutting that would produce pitchers like these.

Man was I deflated when it arrived in the post then I had to show the wife. :argh: :fistpump: :playful:
Although about six years later when I had to sell them all, all was forgiven when I got nearly $900 for the main plant and between 2 and $400 for several cuttings. Cha-ching :money: :money: O:) :flowers:
Did far better with them than my bit coin retirement fund. 8.( :lol:

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