Using Deep on 5000 & NF Evo 15"

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Mar 5, 2017
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G'day all,

I'm after a bit of advice please.

I found an 8.4 grammer the other day. I had the machine on general & special on the front & fine gold on the LCD.

I have also found quite a few smaller ones up just over 1g in the same vicinity but not as deep.

The nugget was down about 16 inches in clay under gravel in unworked ground (probably a fluke that I wandered over it).

I gave the surrounding ground a good going over the same settings.

Do you think that it's worth switching to Deep on the front (or changing any other settings) and giving it another thorough going over?

The 15 Evo is the biggest coil that I've got.

Best regards & thanks

The 15 evo are a good coil ,I use deep all the time on my 4500 its worth a go you have nothing to loose some of the settings on the lcd screen you will have to alter to suite your self such as audio it will go into deep also it will go into inverted witch I like you will just have to go through them and change them to what suites you regards john :)
Thanks John,

Will give it a go and start using deep as well.

Once I sorted the settings out with your advice, the coil has been working a treat. Very rarely do I go out now with out finding something and it
definately punches deeper.

A mate of mine recently purchased one and is going through similar issues in adjusting to the new coil as I did. Hopefully we can get him sorted quickly.

Once again John, thanks for your help.

Best regards

Remember that General (G) and Deep are just switch setting names.
Whilst they have specific factory defaults, they can be changed however you like (except for Soil Timings).
You can make them both the same or even put Deep settings into General and vice versa, effectively swapping them over (but why would you).
Many use Deep switch setting to program for wide-area detecting, then simply switch to General which they have programmed for better pin-pointing or detecting a small area/patch. In that case, better names would be Detect and PinPoint - whatever.
It's easier than constantly changing multiple settings on the rear LCD.
For example, switching to General after a faint target (or ifyou think there may be a local patch), you could instantly run hotter Rx gain & Stabiliser, switch from Audio Quiet to Audio Normal, slow your Sweep and Tracking Speeds, increase Target Volume and Signal (pitch deviation) etc.
Of course, Soil Timing changes need to be changed on the front panel.
This method is not good (IMHO) in hot ground (i.e.: where there are lots of false targets) or rapidly changing ground mineralisation though.
Some even change Soil Timings from Enhance (or even Fine Gold for a 5000) to Normal (on front panel), to achieve much the same results. Here, Normal may be too hot on wild & wide area grounds, but just fine in a small confined area with nearly constant ground mineralisation.
This takes a bit of: "getting your head around", and is where you need to get out there and experiment on your home grounds. They're all different.
It's: "horses for courses."
Thanks Big Wave,
So much to learn.
Getting the new coil forced me to get out of my comfort zone learn more about the settings.
This has made me realise I've been using a small percentage of my machines capability.
Advice from members like yourself, old timer nenad etc. has been invaluable.
Best regards
A good thing to look at is your user manual and the table showing default settings for the various search modes. You can think about and select what you want in Deep, General and Custom. Then as BigWave suggested a flick of the switch can give 3 search modes. And then do the same with your soil timings. Enhance is enhanced but you can select which settings you have in Special and Normal. I normally detect in Enhance in the Vic GT and have Sensitive Smooth set in Special so at a flick if a switch I have the smoothest option on my 4500. And use Normal when I want that extra depth at a flick of a switch. Good luck