Trouble brewing in Queensland?

Prospecting Australia

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Yeah those GPZ sure do punch deep, look at this hole, farout....... :)

Chewy said:
I see the bloke who shot that prospector in Qld is appealing his sentence to.
God I hope that they reject it.
I also thought his 28 days to appeal had passed
I deal with property owners regularly and their biggest concern about people fossicking is them entering their property unannounced or uninvited.
As the article states, the property owners need to checkout any fresh tracks as they could mean a threat to there livelihood or disturb their cattle.
Even if the property owner seems "scary" it is well worth putting the effort in to become acquainted, find out their concerns, once they are on your side it doesn't take much to please them.
Looking after their interests takes as little effort as letting them know if you think some cattle are in trouble, or if you see a fence down, others vehicle tracks, cattle in a paddock without water etc.
They will appreciate your simple effort and you may be seen as an asset rather than a nuisance.

On one property I travel through I noticed two cows in a small paddock without a water trough, I notified the property owners, they were very grateful, and stated that I had saved their lives with that simple observation.
The fact that I wasn't the one who shut the gate would not have mattered if those cattle had died, I would have been blamed as they knew I was there.
They knew of no on else that was supposed to be there. Some one had been there without telling them and did the wrong thing, notifying them was in MY best interest also. Thus it is important to tell them if you notice other wheel tracks that are not due to their activities.
It's about time these laws were enforced.
Someone posted this and my first thought was; of some of the crap I have seen around hidden HERB gardens in FNQ, including cross bows and shotguns set up...

It was gotten on a Property and I can only guess, as to if they were maybe in a place; where the property owner was pissed with people trespassing. And if so, they either the property owner forgot to tell them OR they were there without permission.

So many seem to loose focus on the most basic ethics and morals when a bit of gold or a few $$$ might be available. And they all love to use any number of reasons as to why they should be allowed or why they did not know. But at the end of the day there is no real excuse, the licences and equipment all make reference to obtaining permission and filling holes and doing the right thing.

But it is also clear that many don't read or do not care AND when people (myself and many others) do raise the issue in an attempt to help newcomers to the hobby or activities...

It is interesting to note that a few people get all agro and start hating and attacking about Freedom, Permissions and Public access etc... If they don't like the laws etc then follow up with the law makers etc... Don't keep attacking the messenger - as it will not change the laws.


Hi All
As a local of NQ, Ravenswood is only 1 hr from me, I have never detected there due to not having permission!
The biggest problem facing property owners in this area is their proximity to Townsville!!!

What I mean by this is the fact that the Ravenswood area due to how close it is to Townsville is far to accessible to a "Vast Number" of people, this is not a new issue for the folks out there & it is not only the unruly prospector that is to blame for trespass, this area has been heavily "Trespassed" for more than 30 years, by people hunting pigs, rabbits, roos, gold & shooting cattle, the only way to "Control" it is for people to catch these folks red handed & for the Law to charge them, you will notice I said "Control" as it will never be stopped, for the very reason it is a problem.
Swinging & digging said:

This article seems to blame owners of GPZ 7000s?

Does not sound good though as all prospectors will suffer an image problem with land owners! :(
Been going on since polly put the kettle on. It's not a problem unique to the GPZ or detecting like Lee said.
Around here the detectorists fencejump - the piggers just cut them down.
mbasko said:
Swinging & digging said:

This article seems to blame owners of GPZ 7000s?

Does not sound good though as all prospectors will suffer an image problem with land owners! :(
Been going on since polly put the kettle on. It's not a problem unique to the GPZ or detecting like Lee said.
Around here the detectorists fencejump - the piggers just cut them down.

Yes i realise this:

In Victoria there is considerable trespass occurring in gold fields, just speaking with a mate last night who vistied his bush block at Heathcote and someone has sluiced the entire Creek on his property and dug up every metallic target and not filled any holes? No permission was asked by any of the prospectors and nearby residents are chasing away at least 6 people every week?

Also lots of activity in NO GO areas on public land, a mate who is a ranger just missed some campers on Sunday who were illegally prospecting in a National Park, exempted stream and heritage River, they left a heap of rubbish at there camp site. Also made a mess of the once pristine Stream by hacking into the bank? :mad:

The ranger is submitting photographic evidence to the mining warden. :eek:
I came back from Perth a while ago where a lot of garbage is being dumped illegally in the water catchment areas. The authorities have introduced motion activated hidden cameras in the bush and it is working. As for the prospectors being shot, that is rather extreme but from a farmers point of view it is similar to break and entry into a home. There's also the problem of drug crop growers and drug crop thieves which becomes a very dangerous area.
Gympies counsel wants cams setup at deep creek...
I dont know why considering the locals have dpi on speed dial.
If this is the attitude for designated fossicking areas im not supprised people go out bush and jump fences...
Qld needs to address this issue by opening new areas that will help the farmers...