Today I found half an ounce of yellow and gave it away :D

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Sep 2, 2013
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Well, it wasn't exactly gold but the same value.

While shopping at Woolies, I found a lady's wallet with just over $700 in cash and all her cr cards, licence etc.

It was a really great feeling handing it to their supervisor who happened to know the lady in question. Money and owner reunited :D

Now if only I can find some colour, even one tiny little spec would be fine :D
Well done, Karma will reward you I'm sure ..... hopefully with a nice nugget.
Did the same thing myself many years ago, found at a footy match, the bloke was rapt that it was returned and invited me to a match in the members with all the trimmings.
Cheers Tom
Good on you. I bet she would be happy!
Feels good to do a good deed hey.

Today I saw a bloke trying to clear some branches out of his way with a blunt tomahawk...
I walked upto him with chainsaw in hand - made his day.
Good on ya. There are too many people in this world who couldnt care less. So we have to prove them wrong.
It always feels good to do a good deed.
Thanks guys, yeah it is a great feeling and to top it off, I was wearing my PA shirt as I was on the way to the beach to get some coins hahaha, love the advertising bit :D
I went to my mates house that he rents out to a few people as a share house while he is away at the mines and lets me take care of the maintaince of it, I went today to replace the shower taps/rose and ended up trimming all the palm fronts from around the pool and garden while I was there
Great to see how honest some people are, you deserve some good karma in return.
Good man gav, you will be rewarded on your next trip with a great find mate :)

its a nice feeling . done it heaps of times with the biggest one having about $ 3000 in cash inside it , you should have seen the guys face when i refused a reward

I just said "dont worry about that , just pass it on one day mate "

In the last 25 years or so i have stopped on the road or highway and removed debris off the road ( only if its safe to do so ) , stuff like truck tyre caps , bits of timber , rope , exhaust pipes , a screen door , truck brake drums etc , and thrown them to the side of the road.
last count i am up to around 21 occasions .

gotta be careful though , people have been killed doing that before now
Good on you Gav, your a top bloke. I hope the trip to the beach was rewarding.
Thanks guys but I did receive my reward, that was when the Woolies supervisor told me that the owner is well known and that it's as good as being back with her.

The world is so full of crap as it is, if we can all do our tiny bit to make it a slightly happier place for someone, well then our jobs done :D

I love this group because I know I'm surrounded by top guys and women as well. It can't get any better than this.
Well done. Would buy you a drink but you're a little too far away. So a virtual hug is all I can offer.
Nugget the wind blew me back into the car 200 times lol. Blew a gale down at the beach so I gave it up for another day. Tomorrow we'll be dropping into one of the clubs, prob Blacktown Workers or Rooty Hill to indulge in the Melb Cup celebrations, so it will have to be Thursday (temp is predicted to reach 33C). See how it goes.
Well done Gav and the rest of you doing yourself proud. It always pays to remember, it does not matter who sees you do the deed, as long as the it gets done.

Good luck in the hills,

Cheers, Tone
Great stuff Gav!!! Karma will indeed prevail :cool:
My wallet fell out of my pocket while at the RSL club one night and it was the worst feeling thinking of all the licences, and other bits and pieces I keep in it that were no longer in my possession and the crap I would have to go through trying to replace them all, (only about $20 in it). I asked at the bar and the lady said "why yes a fella did hand in a wallet", and I described it and bugga me days if it wasn't mine :D
After getting a bit of a description of this bloke I proceeded to scour the club asking anyone that matched the description if they had handed in a lost wallet. Well finally asked this big, burly looking bloke and yep it was him. Went and got a bit more money out and shouted him and his partner drinks for the rest of the night and had a real good yarn to him, he was a top fella. Sorry to hijack the post and I hope you are well rewarded in some way Gav :cool:
gavfromoz said:
Well, it wasn't exactly gold but the same value.

While shopping at Woolies, I found a lady's wallet with just over $700 in cash and all her cr cards, licence etc.

It was a really great feeling handing it to their supervisor who happened to know the lady in question. Money and owner reunited :D

Now if only I can find some colour, even one tiny little spec would be fine :D
Great work Gav, I found a ladies purse on the road near my home one afternoon. There was cash blowing everywhere so I started trying to run it all down. I picked up as much as I could find as well as a cheque book, cards etc. There was an address on her license so I dropped all the stuff off to her husband who took it and didn't offer a word of thanks. Lousy turd! I went away a little flustered but at least I slept well that night knowing I had done the right thing. Cheers Rick