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SaBogan you are so correct about 32 being goldie, this was only example of 2 items been same number. I also explained that most of the time even with these being the same I can tell one from the other. I have also comment on area. I have also learnt gold rings come up with many different numbers depending on amount of gold but ring pull usually comes up at 14 so while it is possable to walk over a ring at 14. I know from experience for a gold ring to read 14 it would need to be a very small ring so this make it more unlikely.
It comes down to the person whether to dig or not. If I'm in an area with lots of ring pulls I will take my chance at not digging.
This has benefits because while I may miss one ring I am able to detect more area which results in more finds and possible more gold jewellery.
In a nut shell if you waste time digging every target you can & will often lose targets.
Depends on the area whether dig everything or not.
The area Im working is huge. I will need lots of hours swinging to cover the grounds.
The only way to work such a large area is to grid it and work it methodically.
I use landmarks, trees, pathways, other structures etc and make a mental note of where I have worked. I don't mind if I accidently go over the same ground.
I have decided to work 10mt squares around benches, trees and along footpaths to start then grid out the other areas in 10mt blocks and work them.
It takes about an hour to work this size properly (for me) with the number of targets I am hitting.
The only time I deviate from this technique is when I am walking to/from my next area or the car.
The last ring I found was on the way back to the car.
Its good to read everyone's comments and see the different techniques etc. The more info a person has the better armed they are to get the best result for their efforts.
I agree totally guys.

There would be a mathematical formula. Time you have divided by amount of time spent digging.

Dig everything = less ground covered to get to that Gold sovereign.

Dig only recognised targets = more targets worth keeping or passing over that Gold sovereign/Ring/other valuable item.

A few observations that I have made (since starting this Jan)

1. When I first arrive at a location, in the city I am self conscious about starting and waiting for someone to come over and tell me "You cant do that here"

2. By 1 hour in I am oblivious to any other human being within a 1 km radius.

3. I know its time to go home when I start to choose not to dig target because "My brain says that a bottle top keep moving"

Great discussion!
Yes, I get a bit self conscious at times, depending on location. That all quickly disappears once you are in the "zone", concentrating on that next good target. I too don't worry about deeper targets, wind the sensitivity back a tad to null out some of those small annoying deeper targets, and concentrate on nice repeatable signals at or close to the surface. Probably more so now the ground is relatively dry and crumbly, if I can't pop it out with a probe or screwdriver, it stays in the ground.

Nothing worse than spending all day/night digging deep holes only to find trash targets, you end up getting nowhere. Digging deep plugs to investigate targets is reserved mainly for the winter months for me.
I'm the same goldpick...if I cant pop it its too deep..the areas I have covered so far are too recent to have any pre-decimals that may be deep so I just concentrate on 4 inches or less...maybe I'm missing some but would rather not dig holes everywhere..
I've never been told to leave a place I am working but I have had permission refused when I asked to access 'sensitive' areas. Recently I was told I cant detect around some old ruins that are heritage listed in the city. Funny how its ok to drive pegs into the ground to put up a marquee for some event and women with high heels can plug holes all over the grass but making a small incision in the turf to unearth potential relics, leaving no trace of the activity is forbidden. Not even reasoning on the removal of trash from the landmark location would sway these goons.
Truth is the gardeners do more damage with there whipper snippers and lawn mowers than my little digs would do.
Its easy to see why some might ignore the rules and run the gauntlet so to speak.
There are so many places to practice the hobby so I am not too concerned I just hate ignorance.
The only thing holding me back right now is time!!
Have to agree with you gold pick. I GPS mark the deep targets and go back in winter especially after a big downpour and dig the plug then to get them.

Well I went out yesterday and walked over some ground that I'd done before with the underwater detector, cranked the Ace250 up to full sensitivity to see if Id missed some 3ds and sure enough 3d 1940,1950, 1883 and a 1900 shilling as well as a few half pennies and pennies. Mind you I'd cleaned out all the bottle tops and pulltabs last time round(mostly), and some bits got a bit chattery. But I'm sure I'll get to that bit another time with another machine (not too much competition on the planet I'm from !).
Not sayin that there not out there, just that it's a case of who dares wins I recon !
My theory is that if I remove the majority of junk targets, next time I go back there will be less digging, the newer coins or rubbish will be closer to the surface??

I already have a stock reply if I get chatted by someone, particularly if it is near a kids playground.

"Thanks fine I ll move on, its a pretty good area here I ve only found 2 syringes today and put them in the bin"

The amount of rubbish I pull out of the ground I always leave the area feeling good that it is in better condition now than before I started.
I like to show them anything that would be dangerous to little feet (nails or screws usually) and everybody's happy knowing there's someone other than the council helping take rubbish away. I try to pick up other rubbish as well if I'm out in the public eye anywhere, sometimes its funny, as people think you've detected glass and paper as well (they just don't know how it works).
Mind you, this is coming from the bloke who thought the fax didn't work because he still held the original in his hand(ha ha).
I used to document everything (slow memory) but it was quite taxing, but, I can see exactly where my good finds were and go over that ground again if I want too. I'm actually leaving most of it for who reads all my stuff later on when I'm gone, they'll have the heads up on everything(even how to think about it all properly). I had this place to myself for most of the time since 1977, too far off the highways for the grey nomads to waste fuel on a maybe, that said though, there still a few ton of silver in the ground.....everywhere !
Im only new at this but i hunt in my flouro's and tell everyone council contracts me to find syringes ;)
:lol: good thinking camo...and if a council supervisor questions you just tell him its a top secret operation... :lol:
I was thinking of saying (if I ever get asked) my daughter lost her ring here or my kids play here too so I like to make sure its safe.
I have ordered detectors for my kids so when they arrive I will have a great reason to go to play grounds etc. All the other kids will be jealous when they see my 7 year old pull 1 & 2 dollar coins out of the sand. Its a good way to top up the money boxes.
I always feel a bit weird walking onto a playground without kids.