Thunder Egg Mercy Mission/Pity Party

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Jul 11, 2023
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Hi Folks,
I’m new.
46yo Sydney Based Bloke. I’ve got a terminal illness and twin boys with special needs. They both love the bush and are really, really into gem stones Thunder eggs particularly. I’m looking to go on a holiday with them that they’ll always remember and if they could have a souvenir to remember it by then more’s the better. I can travel to wherever (fingers crossed) and F the expense. All advice welcome.
Gear required
Anything I might need to know.
Sorry for the gratuitous pity party but I haven’t got time to muck around. Might only get one shot at this.
Hi BS, welcome to PA. Let's see if we can find a way to help you and your boys.

How about this:
Sounds great.

“We spent a day on top of that range breaking open several hundred of these Thunder Eggs to only find one with a solid interior. My suggestion if you want "Thunder Eggs", is don't bother with the ones here, and go to places like Mt Hay near Rockhampton, where much better quality eggs can be found.”

Firstly, several hundred Thunder eggs sounds like a win to me. Is it so bad that they’re not sold? I think the hollow ones look terrific.

Might have to go to Mt Hay also

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