This man is an absolute Legend!!!!

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Dec 10, 2013
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Hello all

I have been watching the video's of this Geologist for a while and just realized that I should post it hear. If you have some time watch them all.

He has a wealth of experience and loves to share it.... He might even be a member of PA I'm not sure.


This one is my favorite but I have watched them all ten times over. BogiZemlja is the man.

(I have no affiliations with him or his channel. I would like to meet him though)
Ah yes, I just put his name into YouTube search, and I too, have seen nearly all his vids, he's good alright!

Cheers, Paul.
The Art of Gold mining.
Good informative vids.
I downloaded them and put them on a DVD to watch end to end.
Good stuff.