The Play in the Fields

Prospecting Australia

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dwt said:
Ha haaa, made ya's all look! :lol:

Yeh, 5 pages back!

Took me nearly 2 beers to find it.

Just not cricket big fella....lift ya game!

Yobskin says he wont share the 2002 merlot till you share!

Saturday is good. Have mouth guard in.... :p
Metamorphic said:
dwt said:
Ha haaa, made ya's all look! :lol:

Yeh, 5 pages back!

Took me nearly 2 beers to find it.

Just not cricket big fella....lift ya game!

Yobskin says he wont share the 2002 merlot till you share!
I've got 11 bottles of 2011 Shiraz from the Vinyard I was working in for a while, complementary gift from 'Bigboss'
Free to a good home!
Oh, and I've been busy, doing..........stuffs!
Long sloping mountain sides make their way down to the water wheel that powers the ore crushing stamper, smoke rises from the many houses scattered throughout the valleys of Walhalla.
The sound of heavily mounted horse's echo through the fresh morning air, the Pinkertons role into town.
Out in front, Boyd and Big Nugget lead the way crossing flattened mullock dumps and past an old sign that says 'Stringers Creek'
"I thought we were heading for Walhalla?" asks one of the Pinkertons
"Stringers creek was Walhalla's name before it got changed mate"
Replies Big Nugget
"That bloody sound is deafening!" exclaims another Pinkerton, "how in gods name do people live here"
"75 stamp head steam powered batteries and one water wheel one and it's going to create a bit of noise you would think, hey mate"
States Big Nugget as he reshuffles himself in the saddle
"Sarcastic prick" mutters a Pinkerton under his breath as Boyd raises his hand to halt the well armed and highly skilled convoy of mercenaries.
"Is our contact here Boyd?" Asks Big Nugget
"He's here somewhere mate, I'm supposed to meet him out the front of the Mechanics institute" replies Boyd
"I would ask that you men remain mounted, please, cover your fire arms as you will spook the children, and the good towns folk of the area do not appreciate gunslingers in such a number"
Henry Tisdall steps out of the Mechanics institute doorway, letter in hand.
"I believe this is addressed to a Mr Boyd"
"That will be I sir" replies Boyd
"I would ask again sir that you pick up whatever you need and leave with upmost haste, the school is about to open"
"And what's the problem with us staying for a bit!" Barks out one of the Pinkertons, as his hand slides back to the butt of his Colt navy revolver,
Henry Tisdall steps down from the make shift verandah, hands raised,
"I mean you no harm sir, my only wish is that you move on without causing any trouble, there is a man waiting for you at the other end of town, he has your provisions"
The Pinkerton whips his pistol out aiming strait at the head of Tisdall
The stock whip of Big Nugget leaves a deep cut along the top of the Pinkertons hand while the Colt revolver falls heavily to the ground.
Within seconds Pistols are drawn, Big Nugget firmly in their sights,
"ENOUGH!" States a booming voice coming from behind the group
The Pinkertons swing around to see an all to familiar face looking at them
"Well well well, if it ain't old Canadian Jackson"
"Yeah, and if you pack of clowns could make any more noise and a bigger scene, we'd have an armed bunch of troopers chewing at our heels, NOW LOWER YOUR BLOODY WEAPONS!"
Canadian Jackson mounts his horse and extends his hand to Henry Tisdall.
Tisdall stands firm, never budges an inch,
"Well what's your problem Tisdall!" Exclaims Jackson
"You know all to well sir what my problem is" replies Tisdall, "you have what you need now I beg of you, move on please sir!"
"You see this men" remarks Jackson
"A man who fears no other or pistol is more dangerous than a highly trained mercenary"
Jacksons face turns blank, as his thousand yard stare at Tisdall turns the proud mans stance into a steady shiver.

The sound of hands on leather creaks gently from behind partially opened doors not more then ten feet from where Jackson stares down Tisdall
"Easy there Turk, Easy mate"
The Britt and The Turk, armed to the teeth crouch in wait, like two stalking lions, pausing deadly still not moving an inch in wait for their prey,
"I'm gunna smash that Jacksons head clean in BRITT" whispers The Turk
"Easy mate" replies Britt
A gentle breeze runs its way up the valley, brining with it the smell of burning fire wood, the breeze ever so gently, touches the door of the old hut that hide the two heavily armed assassins,
Goes the old timbered door, quickly grabbing the attention of a pistol drawn Pinkerton, who dismounts his horse to walk over to investigate the sound, pistol at the ready the Pinkerton rips open the door,
"Chasing ghosts?" Asks Big Nugget as the Pinkerton swings around, startled by the fact Big Nugget had snuck up so quietly from behind,
"Maybe" replies the Pinkerton,
Big Nugget laughs as he roles up his stock whip and makes his way back to his horse,
With all eyes now firmly on the Pinkerton standing in front of the open doorway the Pinkerton looks down as he holsters his Colt revolver,
A small amount of dust falls down upon his shoulder , The Pinkerton slowly looks up.............
Almost in slow motion the Pinkerton yells in fear as he begins to redraw his revolver,
Instantly upon hearing the yell Big Nugget launches forward and rolls across the ground springing back to feet with pistol drawn, two Pinkertons horse's rear up as they are startled by the other mans cry, for above him perched in the rafters The Britt and The Turk swing down kicking the Pinkerton clean out of the doorway, the Pinkerton flies through the air slamming strait into Big Nugget who let flys with a single shot that hits the wall of a surrounding house,
"MOVE" cries Canadian Jackson
As Henry Tisdall scurries for the safety of the Mechanics institute doorway
"ARRGH!" Screams the Pinkerton that went flying into Big Nugget, as the hardened battle axe of the Britt severs his shinbone from the knee, two shots ring out as the Turk launches off a hitching post somersaulting forwards in the air to deal a harrowing blow to the spine of the Pinkerton with the butt end of his shortened broad sword rendering the Pinkerton paralysed.
Horses scream as the the group of Pinkertons spur the ribs of their mounts in a rapid manner to escape the slaughter that waits them if they were to remain.
Like lightning Boyd spins around with outstretched hand leaning towards Big Nugget, mount at full speed, Big Nugget grabs the outstretched arm of Boyd pulling himself onto the the rear of Boyds horse as the two men make at fast gallop to catch up with the fleeing Jackson and his Pinkerton's .
"TURK" yells The Britt
The Turk spins around, removes his battle axe from its sheathe and throws it at the fleeing Boyd and Big Nugget,
The battle axe lodges itself into a post mere millimetres from the ducking Big Nuggets head.
"I DUNNO MATE, BUT I GOTTA SICK FEELING IN MY GUT THAT WERE GOING TO MEET THEM AGAIN" yells back Boyd as he's spurs on his horse and makes for the safety of the fleeing group.

The Pinkerton lays on the ground, unable to move from the waist down, now not feeling the pain of his severd limb, rolls over to see the ghastly stares of The Britt And The Turk as they lean over him,
Silence has once again come to Walhalla,
As The Britt leans down and lifts the Pinkerton clear of the ground drawing him in close and whispers the words in his ear,
"Laddy, you and I are about to have a little chat"
"NOOOOOOO" screams the Pinkerton as The Britt and The Turk with the Pinkerton melt into the darkness of the room from where they sprung their attack.

To be continued......
The Brit and Turk will meet their maker when Big Nugget decides enough is enough!

They are cunning, but BN is smarter, he will know they will pursue and he will lay the trap for them is my guess!

Its only a matter of time i say!

Bravo dwt.....awesome stuff.
Damn, looks like i may have to print the story so far, then come over and get the rest.

[clears throat]

Unfinished business :p

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