The outback dunny

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Oct 31, 2013
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Whilst recently camping at Hill End where there were no facilities, we set up 4 tent poles and placed a small tarp around both sides and the back. Sat a milk crate with the bottom cut out and an el cheapo toilet set strapped to the top over a freshly dug hole (sandy so that was helpful) and there in all our glory would sit facing the running river - contemplating "where is all that gold"

Very comfy
Try this one...Called the "Bumper Dumper" can be easily fabricated at home for less then $50

i love bush camping and have always taken the minimalist approach and there is many a memory of misty mornings, of striding out into the scrub (or the snow) shovel in one hand and poo tickets in t'other, and of swatting mossies and march flies that land on the tender parts and all the time trying to maintain position over the drop zone. But i'm older now and truely there is nothing like a comfortable bush crap eh!.... so now i have one of these which is obviously born out of somebody elses DIY light bulb moment..
Brings whole new meaning to the term 'nugget traps' :D personal favourite so far is "Jimmy's Thunder Box". Nowhere else in the world would ya find such ingenuity when it comes to outback dunnies! :)
I made one once out of a 44 gallon drum Doug into the ground it was quite good had a wood seat and back to it and it even had a roof and walls and a door but.............

it got taken down because some one didn't want a dunny in the next door paddock to the old cemetery but It was for a younger friends place but some one pulled it down maybe young teens don't know but I was proud of making my friend a dunny lol I also have made similar ones near fossicking places and are still there today but hey if you need to go where are you going to go if there's no dunny around for miles ?
So many great inventions.....only prob with some of these is you have to empty them!!! a fellow camper I so understand how important the comfort zone is for something like this. Me too love the thunder box. Hey if someone came up with a collapsible one, you could just about patent it! (or have they) Otherwise, as much as it saves the knees, it's just another thing to fit in when packing - and I so liked the term 'nugget trap' ha ha ha
penfooey said:
So many great inventions.....only prob with some of these is you have to empty them!!! a fellow camper I so understand how important the comfort zone is for something like this. Me too love the thunder box. Hey if someone came up with a collapsible one, you could just about patent it! (or have they) Otherwise, as much as it saves the knees, it's just another thing to fit in when packing - and I so liked the term 'nugget trap' ha ha ha

The thunderbox is collapsible down to a flat pack maybe 30mm thick, a hessian carry bag is provided. you probably noticed that doesn't require emptying, dig a post hole and place the throne over it , for hygiene we get biodegradable garbags and cut the bottom seal off to make it a tube and use it as a liner for the box.

Casper, I so gotta get me one of them! Going camping over Chrissy, so will try have it by then.....wait til the guys see this!!!
ah good old aussie inventions. The americans* invent the abomb, put a couple of geezers on the moon - we invent rip top beer cans, banana lounges, zinc cream and portable dunnies. We win - you can sit back and relax while having a frothie while watching the world disappear in a cloud of radiation, and sneek in a quick richard the third just before you are vaporised. Oh the humanity.

*yes - I know it was more than the americans before the pedants hit me with nonsense responses.