The issues of quitting smoking

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Brian Rourke
Apr 20, 2013
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Came down with the Flu last Sunday.....pretty ill to say the least.
Made the decision this was the correct time to quit the habit.
Ditched everything related to smoking.
Come Friday I had the run in with the lawn lost.
Saturday off to the Doctors for some advice... was a tad stressed at this stage.
She my Doctor say hey you have beat it cold turkey.
I moan the craving are sending me crazy.....what can I do.
Simple fix she says.......everytime you feel like a smoke have a piece of fruit that you like.
To make it more interesting she says don't buy a bag of fruit...instead hop in your truck everytime you have an urge to smoke and go to the green grocers and purchase a piece of your favorite fruit.
What a great idea...that will keep me occupied for a few hrs per day. Plus it is healthy.

Holly crap its now Sunday evening.....I have eaten 25 Bananas, 18 apples, 3 pinapples, 11 mangos, 5 watermellons, 7 peachers, 15 oranges.
my truck has clocked up 336 klm
I have a swag set up in the bathroom to be closer to the long drop.
I feel even worse than I did last sunday.
This program the doctor set me has cost so far
$50.00 Dr appointment
$120.00 in fuel
$201.00 for running a red light (the green grocers were closing)
$68.00 in fruit
Total $439.00

This was only 1.5 days into my treatment.

so I have come to the conclusion that if I just bought a packet of smokes for 20 bucks and thrown them in the wheelie bin with the others
and grabbed a chain from the truck to chain myself to the toilet for a coupe more days I would beat it.
and a saving of $419.00
You learn something new every day EH.
cheers TheSmithy.

on a lighter note... the time it took me to think and write this down I would have smoked 4 smokes. So it is working.
I feel for ya Smithy.
Its been a struggle for me also since October. Gave up after our last campout in Tuena
Mind you im still guilty of the "occasional" smoke when im out for a dig or such. But nothing else.
Keep at it mate. It takes a good three weeks to break a habit.
Soon you'll be able to take a deep breath and not feel a pain in your chest. Worth every hissy fit you have.
Good luck
my wife gave up smoking but not me I have to let her get over it last time we tried together it was bad fighting all day so one at a time looking forward to kicking the horrible things bloody tax on them is a killer patches have helped my wife I am very proud of what she has done no smokes in 2 weeks :D
Good luck to you there Smithy .. You're a better man than I ..!! .. Sounds like you're going to make it mate .. Clean lungs, more energy .. and, a full service on the foofoo valve! Now I'm getting jealous! .. Stay strong there Mate.
Keep at it mate.
Well worth it.
Just over 10 years since my last puff, best thing I ever did for the health factor.
I went 'cold turkey' and it was really hard for a few weeks.
It was an amazing habit to break. Little things like when answering or making a phone call, always lit up.
Driving to work I found I used to light up at the same places on route. etc.
Was hard at the pub. Back then you were the odd one out if you never had a fag.
Now the situation has been reversed.

Mrs Redfin came up with a great incentive.
Every day without the fags the money saved went into a jar for 12 months [ for MY spending pleasure ]. :)
At todays prices 1 pack a day saved would equate to a GPX5000 with extras coils.
It's easy to stop smoking I have done it about dozen times :D . But seriously, I have been smoking since I turn twelve. I have tried to give it up, not because health issues but because it is bloody expensive. Longest I lasted was 6 weeks and I was cranky all the time . So I decided that it is better to die happy, then to be cranky for rest of my life.
Price of smokes - what a ripoff. When I'm in Philippines, packed of smokes cost me about fifty cents. If I ever get sick, big if, because of smoking I have prepaid my medical treatment many times over in tobacco tax.
I notice how obesity and associated diseases increased in Australia linearly with number of people that stopped smoking.
Keep going Smithy, I know its hard but you've already beat the worst of it if you stay off them for a week. Ive been off them now five years and still get the "MMMMMM could go a smoke about now" then give myself an upper cut and get on with what I`m doing.

If your a smoker like I was, 35 years smoking two packs a day, then you will realise the benefits very quickly. No more shortness of breath etc, particularly in the wallet. (can afford another detector now)... :cool:

Go you good thing!
I tried a dozen times to but what kicked it for me was go into hospital and be put beside 2 people with emphysema i can guarantee this will fix it for good
But i must admit i laughed out loud when i read you article and admire you for trying its a filthy habit and hard to kick but once your through it you wont look back
Hang in there smithy, I gave up about 10 years ago with help from the doc. He put me on zyaban. When I started taking the tablets I was to slowly cut back on the smokes over the the first week then on the second week stop smoking altogether. My first thoughts was yer right, this ain't going to work because I was going through a packet of rollies in 2 days but when the second week came and I stopped smoking and guess what, no cravings and I was working with a heap of smokers at the time and were amazed at how a chain smoker like me could stop and not have the urge for a smoke. I did get the urge once or twice a day but I had a bit of fruit and I was ok, it amazed me. Like the doc said, it only works on the first try. I've put weight ( I ate more because food tasted better without the smoke flavouring) but I've saved money. My sense of smell has improved (I can smell a person coming through the bush before I see them by their cologne or if their a smoker, smell fires a mile off ect). Just don't replace one craving with another, example, people who chew gum can become addicted to it.
:) Mick
Keep going mate, Its been over 15 years for me. Was the hardest thing I have ever done and thats why I am so proud of myself to have the strength to get the job done.

We are all going to die, thats a fact but its the last 10 years of your life where it will catch up to you.

10 years of quality living or 10 years of health related smoking issues.

P.s. 10 years is a long time!

10 years of being able to run the Walbanker or 10 years of sitting in the doctors waiting room.

The stress and anger does pass, you will find the time between episodes gets greater and its a day by day proposition. Some does you will do it easy and then tomorrow will be really difficult.

But when you hit the 3 to 4 week mark it gets a lot easier. You body is in withdrawal mode at the moment. I found carrying a pen with a clicker on the end helped me out. You just get lost with you hands.

Keep at it mate, its a fight worth winning.

Brilliant write up Smithy :D I'm on the road to iga have urge for a plumb :) I've tried giving up few times my self, just like the atx :)
Retirement Stone said:
Keep going mate, Its been over 15 years for me. Was the hardest thing I have ever done and thats why I am so proud of myself to have the strength to get the job done.

We are all going to die, thats a fact but its the last 10 years of your life where it will catch up to you.

10 years of quality living or 10 years of health related smoking issues.

P.s. 10 years is a long time!

10 years of being able to run the Walbanker or 10 years of sitting in the doctors waiting room.

The stress and anger does pass, you will find the time between episodes gets greater and its a day by day proposition. Some days you will do it easy and then tomorrow will be really difficult.

But when you hit the 3 to 4 week mark it gets a lot easier. You body is in withdrawal mode at the moment. I found carrying a pen with a clicker on the end helped me out. You just get lost with you hands.

Keep at it mate, its a fight worth winning.

It has been said that it is easyer to give up heroin than tobacco... Hideouse stuff nicotine... I gave up smoking over 20 years ago first go cold turkey... ate a lot of lollies kept in my pocket... I agree that the worst part was not having anything to do with my hands ... cant stand the smell of tobacco now... After a short time you will realise that food tastes much better without the poison in your body.Yep the vision of a new detector with the dough saved may keep you sane in the meantime... ;)