Tarnagulla Reserve closure

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Redfin said:
Deepseeker said:
Unfortunately that is one more nail in the coffin for Tarnagulla. They already have a brand new unmanned police station, their general store closed some time ago, so all that is really left is a Post office and a pub. Loddon Shire have given the whole town a heritage overlay, which to some degree is not a bad thing, but if anybody wishes to live in the 21st century it makes it extremely hard for them to build anything new, be it private or commercial. Sadly, it is destined to become a town in name only, just like Rheola and some other GT towns. :N:

A new supply store opened at Tarnagulla a few weeks ago, fresh produce, meat, groceries, prepared meals and takeaway.

You'd think opening a new store in these times wouldn't be advisable, but they probably did their research and are catering to the huge influx of tourist/prospectors that pump money into the town each year and stay at the local camp ground.....oh, um, scrap that - what camp ground? and what visitors staying local?
It may also have something to do with the Heritage listing of both the stand, and the reserve itself. Funny thing is, council planning departments so often use heritage overlays to give them even more control over an area.


Mrs D & I own a property not far from Tarnagulla that has a heritage overlay, that the council has erroneously, and tenuously justified by associating it with a rush that ended there almost 25 years before it was built.

A property that we still own in Eden Park came close to getting a Heritage overlay placed on it, based on a shonky heritage study submitted by an architectural firm whose main business is preparing heritage reports for councils, so they can then add it to their planning scheme and stick a heritage overlay on a property.

They said someone by the name of Annie Jane King lived there at some time, and based on that a big old diseased gumtree over what was the original milking shed, would have been there as a young tree when she was living there. That meant the whole property needed tree controls and the house itself needed further consideration.......

At my own expense, in my spare time, using Ancestry.com, Electoral roll records, and newspaper clippings of the time sourced from Trove, I proved beyond doubt that she had never lived there, and most likely lived in a house that one local old timer told me used to be in the middle of a paddock further down the street, as that and one other road a few kilometers away were the only houses that ever had a family with the name King living in them. Further to that, I found that the exact time they said she was living there, she actually lived in Northcote...... This was later verified by the old bloke who delivered our tankwater, who was born and grew up in an historic house nearby, and his family had lived there since the late 1800's. (remember, councils, and therefore ratepayers, pay for supposedly professional people to come up with this crap).

Redfin said:
Deepseeker said:
Unfortunately that is one more nail in the coffin for Tarnagulla. They already have a brand new unmanned police station, their general store closed some time ago, so all that is really left is a Post office and a pub. Loddon Shire have given the whole town a heritage overlay, which to some degree is not a bad thing, but if anybody wishes to live in the 21st century it makes it extremely hard for them to build anything new, be it private or commercial. Sadly, it is destined to become a town in name only, just like Rheola and some other GT towns. :N:

A new supply store opened at Tarnagulla a few weks ago, fresh produce, meat, groceries, prepared meals and takeaway.

I feel sorry for those people Redfin. Because even though they are in a zone where they are able to still do that, they will almost certainly be affected financially by the councils decision to stop tourists using the reserve.
I hope so too redfin. They had a population of 304 in the 2011 census, but only 133 by 2016. You'd hope the locals would support it totally rather than just use it at times of convenience. They'd have to remember too that they are competing with IGA's, butchers etc in Inglewood, Dunolly, and Wedderburn.
No worries. I guess a couple of mistakes in 47 years is ok aye. :D

Any Public notice should be corrected before going to print.

Ut duzen't matter much on va Forrum but coz jus slong az we get va mesage akkros .

Which of these words is correct?


Even some of our News readers pronounce this word incorrectly.
A big day for my Mum was to go to Tarnagulla to do the shopping.

She could remember every store open in the main street.
Butcher, Baker and, The Candle Stick Maker. The place
was full of folk's going about their business.
Just a Dash said:
Just heard the Tarnagulla Reserve is closing to camping from 7 April. That is a shame as it's a great place to stay.
Plenty of good people about. But unfortunately these days equal useless pigs too. Too many doing the wrong thing. Small town and im hearing people are sick of it with blow in prospectors having no respect for the privilege they were given. And fair enough I say. Leaving rubbish, sh*t,. ..no respect.
Deepseeker said:
I hope so too redfin. They had a population of 304 in the 2011 census, but only 133 by 2016. You'd hope the locals would support it totally rather than just use it at times of convenience. They'd have to remember too that they are competing with IGA's, butchers etc in Inglewood, Dunolly, and Wedderburn.
Maryborough is only 30 min drive and will beat the prices of all those places with Aldi, Coles and Woolworths. The Tarna people have done so for yrs and dont care. The ultra small convenience store they have now is just that. Good its there and im 100% sure they love it but you wouldn't want it as your main shop.
Over the yrs they have had several of those. I remember one on the left as you turned into the side road to go to the van park. We used to get stuff from there in the 80s early 90s. Heck, they even once had a video shop and an old English style pie shop. They come n go and sadly I reckon that new one will fall too in like they all did.
As did Laanacoorie near the bridge. That used to sell some good food there. Also some pretty good fishing gear and bait too.
If I had to bet on it id bet the Tarna shop will be gone within 2 to 3 yrs.
Many shops in smaller bush towns too that pop up n go are just money cleaners ;)
Very common.
The most blatant hilarious one I saw was Aquarium supplies and fish, in Dunolly. ?
They then did work place embroidery. :lol:
Was the district joke.

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