Starting an adit/excavation

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Jul 2, 2015
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OK so i thought i would put this in here as you guys have some experience in this. I'm not starting a gold mine per se, just looking to drive in an adit at my property and then excavate out a small underground chamber. Although the area is very 'reefy' so might find something...

The geology is Quartzite and Siltstone. I have a few very steep gullys and wanted to drive in an adit into the face of one of the gullys. More as a bushfire shelter than anything else (in the Adelaide Hills) by it will probably get used to store wine/smallgoods etc too as i imagine it will be nice and cool inside.

What would be the best technique and to do this? The country is too steep to get in an excavator and hydraulic hammer. I'm assuming hand excavation is probably the (hard) way to go, using a demolition hammer and then some of these non explosive agents. Would this work? Where do i get hold of this stuff or do i need a license? Alternatively, is this going to take forever and am i better off using something else? In theory ii could build a track and get a dingo down there would this be a better option?

A QLD opal miner acquaintance used a bobcat to carve out some substantial adits. If I recall correctly my old man said he had a tyne or claw on the front. The geology is sandstone siltstone. Should be ok with a dingo I guess.
A generator and small jack hammer would be a good start, if you have good rock fractures it may be all you need. If your rock is more massive, the expando grout is great stuff and you don't need a licence. I have used it on boulders but not for tunnelling so can't offer advice for your application, but it does cost a bit of money for the product, so it would depend on the cost/benefit of your view on potential labour saving.

An esky, directors chair and some well trained wombats would be the best way to go. :D