Spong & Co Coffee Grinder #3

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Feb 27, 2014
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Hi All,

I've picked up this old coffee grinder. It's a Spong & Co Coffee Grinder #3. Would this have any value?

That looks in good nick, like it belongs in a museum. Definitely should be on show somewhere. I know grade one in QLD is doing old things at the moment so it may be the same everywhere. I'm sure there would be a few children that wouldn't get a chance to see something like that up close everyday. It looks nice and original and that adds value to things(no ones restored it),I don't know it's value(that could depend on the buyers needs).
Thank you for replying!

I agree! Considering it's age it is in quite good condition. When I purchased it, it had a thick bag over it, so I assume someone took great care of it.

Are their any forums for things like this?
I had a quick look and found two
you could copy and paste these one at a time into Google to see if they are what you are looking for.
I hope this helps, I'm not the best at getting the proper things onto the page so you can just click and go yet.
Hi Mel,
I picked one up not that brand but that size for $20 at a local Sunday markets in similar condition, what ever you do,do not try to restore it, the value will drop like you would not believe. Also it should have a very small date stamp somewhere that will give you the month/year of manufacture.

Forgot - the Spong No3 is the ideal grinder for espresso because of the burr wheel that gives the grind size, a number 3 should in about 30 turns give you enough for two espresso coffees.

Have been told by a coffee nut friend of ours your machine should sell for between $170 and $200(NEW) or today about 1/4 that price. The original company is English early 1800's to about 1963, the later model grinders had a plastic handle and are of less value $100 to $150. The company also made meat grinders, bean slicers and was sold to Salter the scale company in 1963.

Looks very good. Have you ran any beans trough it? I wonder if the number has anything to do with the grind size?

Cheers Tone
That's great to know! I won't be restoring it. I will be selling it at is. Are these things valuable?

I haven't put coffee through it yet but I turned the crank and works perfect! No hesitation - just a perfect spin.
Buy em both so you'll have 1,2&3 the whole set up to 3 may be worth more than 1 by itself.
Just a thought !
Hi Mel obviously I work in the coffee industry not
sure of value but as all cool old stuff you never know.
Shoot a email to Brew house coffee roasters in bendigo
there's a guy called Cory that loves things like that.Dr :)