Simple but great soup recipes...

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Apr 15, 2017
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My dear old mum , rip, only taught my wife this soup recipe. Now I'm sharing it with all you as the night's start to get colder.

Mum's pumpkin soup.

Full pumpkin, cut into roasting sizes
1 or 2 white onions, cut into half.
Quarter or 3 cloves garlic.

Roast in the oven the lot until tender.

Blend the lot once roasted using chicken or vege stock.

Into a pot, use chicken or vege stock to thin. Consistency close to thick melted ice cream.

Add nutmeg, simmer on low for 15 minutes.

Serve with some cream and cracked black pepper, and fresh toasted bread with butter.

Simple, cheap and delicious!...add or take whatever to suit yourself.

Feel free to share your favourite soup! :Y:
Potato and leek soup with Bacon bits

2 leeks washed and sliced
4 potatoes medium diced
500ml chicken or veg stock
Nob of butter
2 rashers of bacon, chopped and fried.

Add nob of butter and sliced leeks to pan and saut till softened.
Add stock and diced potatoes, bring to boil, turn down to simmer till potatoes soft.
Drain, keeping stock

Blend leeks and potato, add stock to desired consistency (thick cream) stir thru bacon pieces, add salt,n pepper to taste.

Serve with crusty bread.
Rustic lamb soup
Brown lamb chops or neck with onion and garlic
Add water and stock of choice
Add diced potatoe, carrots and celery
Simmer for an hour or more(the longer the better)
Serve with fresh buttered bread and a dash of maggi sauce.
We had this last night with all ingredients from our farm. Delicious
Would like to share with members a tried and proven recipe for a tasty (come back for more) starter to your favourite bush meal while relaxing with family and friends. Note: Yabbies make an alternative to crab meat.


1.5 litres chicken stock
250 gram fresh crab meat. (Canned crab meat will suffice if none available.)
125 gram can creamed sweetcorn.
1 tablespoon cornflour.
1 tablespoon sherry
2 teaspoon olive oil.
teaspoon sesame oil.
2 eggs beaten.
2 shallots (finely chopped.)

Bring stock to boil in a large wok or pot.
Add crab meat and corn and simmer for two minutes.
Blend cornflour, sherry and oils and add to wok, bring back to boil then remove from heat.
Immediately pour in beaten eggs in a steady stream to form a pattern on surface.
Decorate with chopped shallots and serve immediately.

Bon apetite
Laura's Pumpkin Soup

1 x whole Butternut Pumpkin

1/2 Kent Pumpkin

1 x Sweet Potato

3 x ordinary Potatoes

1 x Tablespoon Curry Powder

500ml Beef Stock

500ml Water

250ml Cream

Peel and dice to approximately the same size pieces (1 inch cubes)

In a very large pot add stock, water and Curry Powder and diced vegetables.
Bring to the boil and then simmer until cooked.
Once cooked, add the cream and mash together.
Next, put this mixture through a blender to form a puree.
Once completed,. pour into containers and once cool you can put these into the freezer and use up to three months.
Or better still, get out a couple of bowls, add fresh damper to the table with butter and go for it.
A mate of mine also adds sweet chili.
Buon Appetito
I dont have a recipe but just make it up as I go. Generally some soup mix(barley,lentils and whatever else is in it) chicken stock, heaps of veggies, some tomato sauce and a fair amount of Franks hot sauce. Tastes a bit different every time but only slightly.
Oh almost forgot, at the end of cooking I rip up a sheet of sushi seaweed rap and throw it in. Gives it a funky taste that for some reason I like.
Got yours running in the slow cooker now Macka. :Y:
Still reckon it needs some Tomato Past chucked in as well
but will see how this batch turns out. :cool: :cool: :cool:

Mackka said:
Laura's Pumpkin Soup

1 x whole Butternut Pumpkin

1/2 Kent Pumpkin

1 x Sweet Potato

3 x ordinary Potatoes

1 x Tablespoon Curry Powder

500ml Beef Stock

500ml Water

250ml Cream

Peel and dice to approximately the same size pieces (1 inch cubes)

In a very large pot add stock, water and Curry Powder and diced vegetables.
Bring to the boil and then simmer until cooked.
Once cooked, add the cream and mash together.
Next, put this mixture through a blender to form a puree.
Once completed,. pour into containers and once cool you can put these into the freezer and use up to three months.
Or better still, get out a couple of bowls, add fresh damper to the table with butter and go for it.
A mate of mine also adds sweet chili.
Buon Appetito
Roast Beef, Potato n Veg, my mother used to make.

I don't know the recipe, but...... Back in the UK she use to a Sunday roast and make extra potato, peas n carrots. With the left over beef she divided it into 2, one part for a shepherds pie she used one of those old cast iron mincers to make.

The other half of the beef was shredded, mixed with the left over roast spuds, which where cubed (roughly) and vegies and I assume some gravy powder and cornflour. Didn't need much more than a reheat.

I used to eat it with 6-8 slices of bread and butter. It was almost like getting 2 Sunday roasts a week. :)