Self-navigating underground drones for dangerous mines

Prospecting Australia

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Any parents on here should quickly realise that it has real world applications in....

Finding your way through a kids bedroom to find the dirty laundry that has been sitting there going mouldy for 6 weeks.

It seems almost like a mine field that you have to "map" your way through, so that you don't step on a jam sandwich or wet 'grey/green' towels,
maybe it will help to find our kids when we tell them to get up, but then have to locate them in the junk pile of STUFF.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Any one here that can afford the $K's for that lidar gear, let alone the drone ?
I don't think I'd fly like that in a mine!!
The one's they are using right know have a cage around them... they can bounce off walls and still be ok!

