Respect ?

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May 1, 2014
Reaction score
Hello members,
On this forum there over 6,000 members which is an amazing result due to the creator having a fantastic idea and making a format which covers such a wide range of activities in the prospecting world, his name is nugget.
I thank you nugget for a wonderful forum and the ground rules you set out from the start.
HarriL is now the owner of this forum and I thank you for endeavoring to continue the forum with the friendly spirit in which it began.
However, in the last few months I have been distressed and concerned about how much the moderators have needed to get involved and caution or even ban some members due to comments that offend not only the target but other members who read this forum.
I applaud all the moderators for there restraint and patients and for the actions they've needed to take.
They are unpaid and unselfish and always try to settle things with fairness and/or humor.
Most members don't post anything as we all know, but what I have noticed in the last few months is a reluctance for greatly respected and knowledgeable members to barely post anything such as WalnLiz, Loamer, dwt etc.
RESPECT is lacking when someone abuse's or mocks another member just because of a different opinion a way of prospecting.
I'm really saddened by this as I don't partake in any other forum, Facebook, Twitter etc, but I'm seriously considering pulling the plug and not being an active participant in any format.
Please, please, please show respect for one another so that we can all enjoy this amazing resource as it was originally designed for by nugget,
Regards Steve's
People come and go stoyve. Please be one of the ones who help it thrive at its best. I've noticed the 'movements' as well and have had negative thoughts myself. But for those who were here and those who respectfully started it and hosted it for us, I stay here for them and those who are currently working so hard to keep it right. As stoyve is saying, that respect needs to be returned equally from all
I'm actually amazed the forum is soooooo active. Facey killed a lot of fishing forums I was on.

Keep up the good work mod's, and FFS, if anyone gets angry about something, don't publicise it. Move on!
spatch out.
Not in the right mind set at the moment but I know where you are coming from Cobber.
Difference of an opinion is one of the things we have to deal with but direct attacking is
just not on mate.
Thank you very much for this.
We all do mean well.
Well said Steve, I agree 100% mate. Being fairly new to this forum I joined for the wealth of information I could receive from all who love getting out in nature and chasing what they love to do, and hopefully pick up a bit of advice along the way and meet up with a few. Lately there has been a couple of bad apples within this forum who think it's ok to start a slanging match and put each other down for all to see. I don't know any of you personnelly but majority of you seem great blokes with a wealth of knowledge of what this forum is set up for. We all have problems in life now and then, and to attack each other with verbal abuse on this forum, doesn't sit well with what I joined for. Positive feedback and answering questions in a thoughtful curtious way is a normal practise, so if you don't have anything good to say- don't say it!! Take it out on something else, life is too short.
The guys running this forum do a great job and it's been designed for a specific purpose, go on facecow or something if you need to personnelly attack someone else, and let the ones who have valuable information and knowledge add to this forum.
Thanks for the support Steve.

Nugget did create a great forum with firm but fair rules and guidelines. I use the WWND. What Would Nugget Do when moderating but I am more lenient.
Some of the recent issues are just part of becoming such a large forum. More people = more egos.

It is very sad to see the knowledge base of the forum dwindle. We have lost some fine members in recent times

Perhaps it is time to moderate strictly by the rules.

I think the first 3 points cover it.

Posts are to be on topic and written with the intent to make a positive contribution to the discussion.
Posts which are of an offensive nature will be removed without notice.
Bullying and harassing other members will not be tolerated, at all.

Then I guess we will be berated for over moderating. Such is Life.

Respect costs nothing.
Well said Steve.
RESPECT and treating others the way you'd like to be treated, it's pretty simple really.
Hang in there mate and don't pull the pin, the mods and the civil majority on here won't let this forum be taken over by a few that seem intent on spoiling the great vibe and camaraderie of this fantastic place.
Merry christmas all.
Unfortunately this situation always seems to arise around Christmas time every year without fail, particularly when detecting/prospecting activities go off the boil. Whilst I do understand that the Christmas/holiday period can be a stressful time for many (including me), there is no real justification for aggro on the forum pages. We are all here to have some fun and to escape such stresses, not to compound things even further. :)
Goldpick said:
Unfortunately this situation always seems to arise around Christmas time every year without fail, particularly when detecting/prospecting activities go off the boil. Whilst I do understand that the Christmas/holiday period can be a stressful time for many (including me), there is no real justification for aggro on the forum pages. We are all here to have some fun and to escape such stresses, not to compound things even further. :)
Sorry to quote you mate but you've been here a long time.
So your feedback is very relevant.
Xmas madness (which is a valid point) is one thing but this place hasn't been the same for a good 6 months to a year.

My 2 specs is 6000 members means not much. Active Members at triple figures plus is the real measure. If the top 30 active guys disappeared this would be a ghost forum.
I still come here purely for certain members and proportion of those I speak to regularly are spending less and less time here. In the end it doesn't bother me but some of the last 6 months crud has had me reconsidering my need to come here read and where I can contribute. My pm box got so full of spammy nonsense and opinionated wankers and free loaders when I was posting I gave up.
I (as well as a lot others) came here from another forum which had a great atmosphere, not unlike PA, until one day there was a personal attack between two of the long time members.
The moderators let it go on too long and everybody drifted away and it has never recovered to the way it was.
I still go on there occasionally and some of the old timers are still on there but it has definitely lost it's shine.

There's a lesson for our Mods.
Goldtarget said:
Goldpick said:
Unfortunately this situation always seems to arise around Christmas time every year without fail, particularly when detecting/prospecting activities go off the boil. Whilst I do understand that the Christmas/holiday period can be a stressful time for many (including me), there is no real justification for aggro on the forum pages. We are all here to have some fun and to escape such stresses, not to compound things even further. :)
Sorry to quote you mate but you've been here a long time.
So your feedback is very relevant.
Xmas madness (which is a valid point) is one thing but this place hasn't been the same for a good 6 months to a year.

My 2 specs is 6000 members means not much. Active Members at triple figures plus is the real measure. If the top 30 active guys disappeared this would be a ghost forum.
I still come here purely for certain members and proportion of those I speak to regularly are spending less and less time here. In the end it doesn't bother me but some of the last 6 months crud has had me reconsidering my need to come here read and where I can contribute. My pm box got so full of spammy nonsense and opinionated wankers and free loaders when I was posting I gave up.

It seems we are singing the same song Goldtarget,
The last six to twelve months have been really sad and I am quite disillusioned at the moment.
Everyone is due respect, until they prove otherwise. Is it the general section being most problematic, the gold prospecting bits, or is it across the board? I dont read much in the gold sections, but do see the odd issue in the general just dont look at it, if you dont like reading a colorful discussion :)
I love you mate, you have a good attitude and positivity about you stovye.
I'm sure to a few blokes I am anything but, still you gotta have some characters on here.
What is missing is good solid prospecting blokes that help keep the wheels turning. There's more than a few left but I agree they are much quieter now than ever. We've lost some heavy weights too which is a real shame, blokes who balls to bones knew their stuff and it's noticeably absent.
It's a been a bit like a bar where there's a few too many who had a few too many and the good solid entertaining guys have slipped out or stayed quiet as some of the rowdy ones let loose. I dunno how to fix it or if it's even broken, but some of my mates from here, old and new, will hopefully continue to catch up for a chin wag and a bit of RnR from time to time which to me is just gold. And that right there is the number one reason I love this place.
I wish nugget could get back into prospecting I think it was all the negative members on his own forum that he created made him lose interest in his hobby witch really sucks it just go's to show some people can change others and their hobbies witch is a shame

hope your ok nugget mate
