Re-pointing old crumbling mortar joints

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Years ago I had the opportunity to buy an old peasey built house circa 1890's for a song for the YB. The main "problem" was the "rising damp" that had blown out the walls above floor level.
Well to the average punter and modern real estate agent that's what it looked like. But the fact of the matter was someone had used modern render and paint over Lime morter/wash and this was the result.
Pity the YB said he wasn't interested. That same place has gone up 10 times in value over the last 5 years. He regrets it now. lol
Sandta, the turnbacks are on the side flashings and are the top sections that sit back in the brick joints, the wedges are little rolls of lead which one taps in hold these in place before pointing.

Sorry the images are a bit small




Leadwork is a dieing art, did a bit of it up to my early 50's, youngsters haven't a clue how to do it, they can't even get simple metal roof flashing right :(
Cheers mate thanks :Y:
Yes ive had to fix the lead up to
(Rolled up lead wedges would be perfect :Y: will keep that in mind for next time)
Looks like some clown pulled it off on one side
Was full of silastic and was put back on starting at the top so the overlaps were the wrong way around :mad:
Will need to re-address later when i replace all the roofing ,will have better access then
ROOFING .... sounds simple enough :)
Great pics and illustrations Dihusky. One thing I have wondered though, is when the only water available in rural areas is tank water, are there any health concerns with harvesting drinking water from a roof with so much leadwork on it?
Sandta most things sound simple to us folk that never do it.
I tried a simple replumbing job last year cost me $$$ to get a real plumber in when it went :poop:
Deepseeker said:
Great pics and illustrations Dihusky. One thing I have wondered though, is when the only water available in rural areas is tank water, are there any health concerns with harvesting drinking water from a roof with so much leadwork on it?

Bush folks are pretty darn smart when compared to some city folk I have come across, don't think it's doing too much harm.

The modern lead has a coating on one side, not sure what it is but I imagine this might be the reason. You can also flash with zinc but nowhere near as easy to work with you can't stretch it like you can with 4lb lead.