R.I.P Our 4 legged friends and other loved pets

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Mar 10, 2016
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Today has been a day of emotions and the hole I had to dig but didn't won't to. Spud joined our household 2 years ago, found by our daughter out the front of her home. Spud was skinny and frightened and yelped when we brushed our hand along his back close to his hind. We established Spud to be approx 10 years old and our good friend who's a vet established similar. About a month ago Spud showed signs of discomfort so our friend checked him and diagnosed prostate cancer :N:. We gave Spud the best care we could but today (arranged for today a few days ago) we called time to put Spud at ease. He was a beautiful dog with a beautiful temperament and I'm so happy Spud enjoyed his last few years with space to roam. RIP Spud
All good Marksman he was a ripper. Pity his previous owner who I managed to find out by accident /pure luck didn't have the privilege we had over the last few years. Doesn't matter how old they are or how long you've owned a pet they all take a piece of your heart when they pass. Pets are better than humans in alot of instances but if they could talk then there'd be issue's, like why have you fed me that shit :lol: :Y: I love dogs.
Yep Flowerpot he had that affect on us too glad I took that photo. Unfortunately my two teenage boys play havoc on each other hence the red spot on Spuds tail tip. Just the other week Clancy the older one coloured Buster's (Charlie's white and tan miniature foxy dog) stumpy tail black with a permanent texta. So Charlie not to be out done grabbed the red marking paint to square up with Clancy. I wasnt impressed when I noticed the dogs sporting teenage art but every time I look at that photo I smile :) after all they are their fathers son's :lol:.
Spud brings joy to me, I smile and cry

RIP Spud and condolences RM Outback

I lost this girl a few years back, at 15 she told me it was time,
Photo taken 2000

Spent the last year taking these two around Australia

It's a dogs life if they can get a good gig, I think Spud got a good gig, David
RM .................... feeling for your bloke. Have lost a few over the years, some of which I've had my deepest and darkest talks with :Y: That drive to the vets is one of the hardest to ever do :brokenh:

My mate as a pup and now after he's grown big and tough ..................... sook that is. :rolleyes:

