Put There by Ken.

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Ross Langlands
Jun 17, 2013
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There's never a dull moment
Or period of gloom
Whenever my Mate Ken
Walks into the room.

He's often non-committal
A sort of,'need to know basis'
But his quick to share with those in need
Cause' he just likes to see happy faces.

His statute gait, is unmistaken
Sure steps forward, Determined concentration
You don't get that from other's than
From one whose 'been-there' defending our Nation.

His confidence and 'straight-forward' ways
Have carried on in 'civvy' days He has the means,He has the 'Pluck'
Has what he needs, it's in the Truck!.

Up Hill-Down Dale,we seem to hurtle,
Ken's got both hands on the wheel of the 'Turtle'
We cruise on in and cruise on out
There n' back there is no doubt.

And all the while ,Ken's at the wheel
I look on with boy-like zeal
Seatbelts on,...is this a Dream?
'Turtle'crosses ,the Turon Stream

I'm on my feet and Ken is too!' With Camera...ON...I do detail
Each likely spot... each clue'd, tell-tale.

And Then!...He's gone...
Just like the wind
A cloud of dust
And 'Turtle's rear-end.

I'm left to ponder, his need to wander
Short and sharp,...no muck'n around
I watch the sunset...Gold and Zen!
And where a smile...Put there by Ken.

Ross Langlands.
Copyright.Dec. 2018

Dam it!..Dam it. ]:D Please don't go there!...The piece is a light-hearted tribute to a great man. :p
And.... A VERY GOOD MATE.!... :Y: I really don't want it to be seen in any other light mate... :/ and I really don't want to give you cause to cast lots and profit from the likelihood of other unsavoury comments :D ...you have after all a history of doing that! :p ]:D ]:D
It is what it is though, so make of it what you will. :rolleyes:
reefer said:
Dam it!..Dam it. ]:D Please don't go there!...The piece is a light-hearted tribute to a great man. :p
And.... A VERY GOOD MATE.!... :Y: I really don't want it to be seen in any other light mate... :/ and I really don't want to give you cause to cast lots and profit from the likelihood of other unsavoury comments :D ...you have after all a history of doing that! :p ]:D ]:D
It is what it is though, so make of it what you will. :rolleyes:
:( :( I'm sorry :( :(
What can I say ]:D ]:D
It's in my nature :lol: :lol:
It is indeed!...Dam it ]:D ...somethings in life!...You just gotta laugh over! :D
Other things in life!...Y'all just gotta draw a Redline , damn it!!. :cool: :rolleyes:
BigWave said:
Reefer, I will happily take a ban for this but for the sake of this forum's credibility and my sanity, please don't post any more "poetry".
Copyright BigWave Jan 2018

Mate as the Qld red head would say "please explain" Just struggling a bit to see how the credibility of the forums on the line due to a bloke expressing his emotions and feelings :) Don't tell me your in love with Ken also ? :) :) :)
ok ok guys there is only one of me but i have enough love to share with you all ]:D ]:D ]:D ]:D
Reefer thanks for a great poem
just got back from Oallan and turned this on and had a good laugh
keep the poems coming they are a pleasure to read
my doctor said that both of me are in good health and mind
but the other me dosent agree he thinks i am mad ]:D ]:D ]:D ]:D
so i done know i could fit in both categories ]:D ]:D ]:D