Prospector moved on by police

Prospecting Australia

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good on ya nucopia :) sometimes when the council on lunch break they just sit and watch quite happy with what I'm doing, one time even having a couple of swings and giggle. Its not hard to keep clean at all. My new things been knocking down thistle weeds and binning them as an extra
Tathradj said:
Just got off the phone with the local Paper Editor.
I am going to write a spread for him as he thought it is a
brilliant idea.
I am going to link the forum and they will hyperlink it
so people,
We are going to be published. :)
I will contact Harri the forum owner to obtain his permission to do so. :) :)
Just be aware Tath ,.... it's the media ,... they will twist and turn it to their own ends, and you will hyperlink the general public right into the heart of this forum where they will go through it like a dose if salts and pick out every bad bit to hold up high ,... put me down as against the idea in no uncertain terms. :| 8)
Just to add, the people that find this forum do so because they want to, they seek it out to find information and like minded people ,.... now just imagine getting on here and putting up with disinterested people (of our hobby) signing on in droves and making comment on every topic just for the heck of it. I can't think of anything worse ,... we (PA) would be the public domain of the people, the place where Nancy No-all will go straight to as soon as she sees anyone (and I mean anyone) digging somewhere she thinks they shouldn't (not claiming nancy to being female at all {sorry womankind}) , so please Tath ,... Don't do it mate. :D
No, The story for the paper will be done on both sides of the fence
with an emphasis on all party's doing the right thing. :)
I will be amassing a lot of info for this so hang tight. :)
I have started also to think about how it is written so bear with me. :)
silver said:
Tathradj said:
Just got off the phone with the local Paper Editor.
I am going to write a spread for him as he thought it is a
brilliant idea.
I am going to link the forum and they will hyperlink it
so people,
We are going to be published. :)
I will contact Harri the forum owner to obtain his permission to do so. :) :)
Just be aware Tath ,.... it's the media ,... they will twist and turn it to their own ends, and you will hyperlink the general public right into the heart of this forum where they will go through it like a dose if salts and pick out every bad bit to hold up high ,... put me down as against the idea in no uncertain terms. :| 8)

Actually, good point. :)
Personally, I dont think that we should even have these discussions. Better we act responsibly, and hope our park detecting days last. I hate seeing posts like angermanagements, that basically state that we are not allowed to detect at all in parks. Lets not feed the do gooders information, to use against us please! Dont contact the paper Tath, other than finding a lost ring on a beach, there is No good press coming our way.
Wolfy said:
Yes, and you cant say that football damages it more, if that is what the field is for.

As a rate payer I disagree Wolfy, the council bloke who looks after out local sports fields was pretty grumpy about this mess, the soccer players are not meant to use the fields when the are soaking wet as this type of damage results, bit worse than making a few small plugs I reckon.



The Monday morning after the local scumbag footy players had finished filthing up the place. I don't think this was cleaned up with insurance money. :( I've spoken to the council guy who cleans up rubbish asfter the games and he just calls them "pigs". Which is very true in my opinion. Every team who leaves an oval like this should be fined for every single piece of litter. May even go and do some filming this winter and dob them into the anti dumping hotline.



I can understand why some wish to fly under the RADAR..

I like to and try not to stand out when detecting so as to keep my piece and quite and to detect/recover and relax without being hassled...

But ignorance and assumptions and the AGGRESSION shown by some; when members of the Public or Police or Council ask or question their activities is what causes even more harm.

A: The man told police that under the Mining Act that deals with fossicking and prospecting he was allowed to search and dig on the oval.

Hear this time and time again - other forums and FB

B: Central West Prospecting Supplies - ON FB where first published.

The rules applied to prospecting can be a bit ambiguous, so check the laws (google them), or contact your State's local action group for advice.

What I see all the time is:

A new person asks about parks etc and gets told - all good " don't leave a mess and fill your plugs ", its is a Public park; so if any one asks tell them to mind their own business...

I am a paid up member of a long time Registered MD Club and one of the few in Qld and we have an ongoing battle with club days and digs; as we are always battling the Rules and REGS AND new people who have been told and told again; they can dig parks all they want.

We fight to maintain Permission on some private places that allow us to prospect and camp for Club outings.

But coin and or relic hunts are almost impossible to organise/manage because of the LAWS ( We are accountable under our public Liability) and that means we have to ensure all members/guests are aware and that ILLEGAL activities can not be condoned.

HOWEVER: It is all resolved by asking and setting the conditions AND obtaining permission :)

Then some A/hole comes along after (no permission) and digs holes and may or may not, leave a mess.. Because they are under the impression that; that a public park is open slather... And then we loose access!!!

Permission is all that is needed - Just ASK...

So as a Member of a Registered Club/Organization I do not apologize for bringing the LAW to the notice of all. It is an impost in organising a Club Outing but it is not possible.

The sooner more people understand and work with the land owners/managers. The better for all.

As a single identity - you can do, what you can, to work around and or push the grey.

As a club, we do not have that option and the conflict between what is on FB/Forums and the actual Law causes conflict for all.
AngerManagement said:
I can understand why some wish to fly under the RADAR..

I like to and try not to stand out when detecting so as to keep my piece and quite and to detect/recover and relax without being hassled...

But ignorance and assumptions and the AGGRESSION shown by some; when members of the Public or Police or Council ask or question their activities is what causes even more harm.

A: The man told police that under the Mining Act that deals with fossicking and prospecting he was allowed to search and dig on the oval.

Hear this time and time again - other forums and FB

B: Central West Prospecting Supplies - ON FB where first published.

The rules applied to prospecting can be a bit ambiguous, so check the laws (google them), or contact your State's local action group for advice.

What I see all the time is:

A new person asks about parks etc and gets told - all good " don't leave a mess and fill your plugs ", its is a Public park; so if any one asks tell them to mind their own business...

I am a paid up member of a long time Registered MD Club and one of the few in Qld and we have an ongoing battle with club days and digs; as we are always battling the Rules and REGS AND new people who have been told and told again; they can dig parks all they want.

We fight to maintain Permission on some private places that allow us to prospect and camp for Club outings.

But coin and or relic hunts are almost impossible to organise/manage because of the LAWS ( We are accountable under our public Liability) and that means we have to ensure all members/guests are aware and that ILLEGAL activities can not be condoned.

HOWEVER: It is all resolved by asking and setting the conditions AND obtaining permission :)

Then some A/hole comes along after (no permission) and digs holes and may or may not, leave a mess.. Because they are under the impression that; that a public park is open slather... And then we loose access!!!

Permission is all that is needed - Just ASK...

So as a Member of a Registered Club/Organization I do not apologize for bringing the LAW to the notice of all. It is an impost in organising a Club Outing but it is not possible.

The sooner more people understand and work with the land owners/managers. The better for all.

As a single identity - you can do, what you can, to work around and or push the grey.

As a club, we do not have that option and the conflict between what is on FB/Forums and the actual Law causes conflict for all.

All good and well to be in a club and to abide by the law but you can't blame people who are not in clubs, don't want to be in clubs, don't make a mess and actually take quite a lot of rubbish away with them and bin it properly for wrecking your clubs detecting fun. What I'm getting at is if you are in a club then detecting parks and or sportsfields would not even be an option due to an interpretation of law.

I asked our council sportsground manager if he minds me detecting there and he said it was fine as long as I don't make a mess. That's simple to understand and abide by in my opinion, he's a nice bloke and obviously trusts me. I don't see making tiny little recovery holes as damaging an oval or park, it will grow back and you could hardly notice my retrieval marks anyway. The soil is deep and rich and the grass is thick and lush, easy to cover your tracks.

So 2 different perspectives on the same subject can never possibly agree. One being a club that must abide strictly by any law for insurance purposes and a 1 man operater that only has to abide by their conscience and what they perceive as doing the right thing.

This is why I'll always advise newbies to make as little impact as possible. It would be impossible to fine someone for damaging a park when there is in fact no visible damage as evidence.

The parks around my way are damaged more from golfing practice which in fact is signposted as being not allowed.
Yes and hence in my post i stated that Permission is the key.

What gets me is that the Rules as to Prospecting and liencing is often debated but most would not knowingly tresspass or go chasing Gold without a lience.

Yet the breaking of laws as to public property does not seem to be an issue.

As you stated, you spoke to some one and was given the ok. That is the correct process.

But others assume a public park is wide open, when it is not.

If people are expected to follow the law re gold, what excludes public parks from the same ?
Some good points AngerManagement.

Too often the main thing you hear in these discussions about access, highbanker/dredge legality, hole depth etc is tips on how to argue and get around the rules. A few more with the attitude like yours would make life more peaceful for us all.
Not saying give up on all our rights, but often it is wiser not to poke the hornets nest.
I do not always follow to letter but Permission cuts through all the crap...

I just feel for those that are given the wrong info and then confront Police and Council and Members of the Public and get in their face; when infact they have been told part truths and or nothing about the laws. This then generates bad blood all around.

And all to often new users are told to dig parks and fill their PLUGS... If they knew a bit more, they may take better care...

If you know the rules; then as a single person or a group of 2 or 3 or 4 etc you can;

A: blatantly ignore - but understand the potential outcome.


B: work out the best method to recover and best times to detect; so that few if any, are any the wiser :)


C: Ask and get permission :)


D: Find a place that is not owned or covered by said laws. :) :)

I like C: D: and B: