Predator tools usa

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Jun 7, 2016
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Any one ever brought digging tools from Predator tools usa?
Getting tired of getting on my knees to dig a grass plug!
And if so what size length and model do i want or need, there are a heap to choose from! Unless there is a company that makes simular in Australia? Cheers guys
TB, I bought a Leske spade for plugs some time ago. When the dollar was at paraty I paid about $54.00 I think. The spade is 27" high and works a treat. I got it from and they'll deliver to your door. Great service. Good luck!

They sell a great range of detectors too. BTW, there's someone on PA I think who's selling much the same thing
The blade on the piranha looks awefully long at over 11", personally I'd go for something with a shorter blade like the Model 55 Barracuda , unless you intend to dig 10 - 11" targets on a regular basis - looks to more suit digging deep relics. The Raven also looks the goods for regular coin/relic hunting, the blade shape would be better suited and neater for plugs than the other blades with a wider top end. Just my personal preference though.

A while back I purchased the Lesche equivalent of the Little Eagle before the company change names, sort of wished I had gone for the long handled version, but ended up opting for the shorter one for easy carrying. The Barracuda is similar, but has a wider top on the blade to make it easier to push in with your boot vs the little eagle. I was a bit cautious on buying anything too big and unwieldy, I'd be less likely to carry it around on a regular basis, and it would probably end up gathering dust in the shed.

I ordered my Model 31 Raptor from Predator Tools with no issues, really love using that digger, much better than the Lesche style tool. :)
I have bought three digging tools from Predator Tools without any problems: Model 85 (O) Digging Tool - it is the knife shaped digger with one serrated edge and is handy for popping coins and getting into tight places or in harder ground; Model 31 (C) Raptor - it is a diamond shaped digger with a "scooped" blade and is great in softer ground and for scooping soil out of a plug hole; Model 55 Barracuda - it is a T-handle detecting spade with serrated edges that slice through roots easily, and cuts anything from a small plug to whatever size you want. I bought the optional foot pegs to save the soles of my shoes from tearing. These tools are very well made, however they are not stainless steel so best to give them a wipe over with a lightly oiled rag to prevent surface rust. I love using all three. Here's a pic of them:
I have both the Leschke Knife and Shovel -wife has used the knife for weeding-loves it. The shovel has also been used in the back yard for hard weeds-great.
Not cheap but very well made-will last.
Jaros :p
Jaros said:
I have both the Leschke Knife and Shovel -wife has used the knife for weeding-loves it. The shovel has also been used in the back yard for hard weeds-great.

Not surprising...these are agricultural tools after all.

And that will be my approach if anyone (especially the cops) ever ask why I'm walking around with what looks like a giant knifel!!
Spoke to George the other day and he does post to Australia.
Tried to set up a supply line but he sells that many tools that he can't produce enough as it is. :(

He is the Lesche guy, that's his last name. But due to some ugly circumstances he can't use his own name anymore.

Order with confidence, you'll get your gear for sure.

There are a few Aussie manufacturer's popping up too, TYGER is the latest and I can recommend the stand up digger, been using it for a few weeks and love it.

Happy Hunting Mate.
Tyger gear is sold through Central West Prospecting Supplies, either on ebay or direct through their internet site. :)