Nugget's stupid appendix

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Good luck mate, when i was 11 i was rushed to hospital to have my appendix removed after being misdiagnosed with a stomach ache 3 days earlier, just made it in time.
All the best and rest plenty!!
Best wishes I too have had my apendix removed and the pain was horrible. Hoping they work it out real quick for you. Take care :)
Thanks again guys. I'm just awaiting the results of the ultrasound, in the meantime they've put on a drip of antibiotics and fluids. Man I hate needles :mad:

Sorry to hear your crook,

Hope all goes well wether it be surgery or not

Peritonitis is not funny so you are in the right place.

Get well soon.

Hey Nugget,
Sorry to hear you're not well.
Hope they get you comfortable & recover quickly.

I'm sure the forum will tick along okay for a while whilst you take it easy.
Any minor day to day issues us moderators can deal with.
Look after yourself.
Sorry Nugget, all I found were a few lead head nails at an old railway station that was just pushed over.
I'd already done around it for naught, and now under it for naught as well.
Hope your doin well !
Dont worry about needles you get used to them all the best hope you have a speedy recovery and get back with us soon in the meantime ask for diet food in the hospital its much better they make it fresh rather than the other drool you get
And try and not upset the nurses they are all angels and should be treated as such
Sorry to here this, Do NOT remove it, they are far to usefull, from what i understand they are a backup for the imune/autoimune system, you may have drunk the wrong water at nundle, appendix must have already been working before the intoxication or bacteria, Raw egg and charcoal is the best.If you dont already eat vegetables and high energy food, this will help alkaline the system, strengthen the immune. Otherwise just take a few shots of wiskey, love to see bacteria grow drunk
Uncle asked for vegetarian food, as kilojoule count without meat equals bigger meals.
And don't shit out your appendix.
and don't laugh if it hurts.
sorry nugget ,had a few wines with tea.!!!!
hope this helps cheer you up ???????????????????????
Good to see you are still dedicated to arm-chair prospecting Nugget, bet you would still be at it if they had to take off a limb. :D Hopefully it was just the baked beans doing what they are meant to do! :8

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