Newbies from Canberra

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Dec 12, 2013
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Hi everyone, Fiona likes rocks and minerals and I like getting out. We have dabbled in fosicking at a few sites, lightning ridge, new england, black springs and Oalen ford but most of our stones were from rock shows. Our mate has just built a homemade sluice inspired by Wal(&Liz), It worked pretty well on the shoalhaven river the other day so i suppose we are along for the ride now.

Fiona is interested in gems but after watching Liz get excited and sing a tune finding a large nugget she now wants a metal detector.

Love the site and the contributions from the members, look forward to meeting some of you out in the creeks.

Ian and Fio
Welcome to the forum Fio and Ian. Having a passion for gems and minerals gives you a great head start on prospecting for gold, as they are quite often associated with each other.

I'm sure a metal detector for Fiona would be a great asset, as "Lady Luck" has a habit of following the women around more than the blokes. Hope you find the forum a great read and useful tool in the research department. Best of luck out there,

Cheers Wal.

Also from Canberra - northside - if you need any help let us know. Not much to detects around this part of the world (unless you are after junk) and gems are few and far between. There are sapphires up around Wee Jasper and at grabben gullen near Crookwell. Tumbarrumba has sapphires and gold if you can get through the blackberries and there are "tonnes" of alluvial around Oallen and all the way down through Braidwood.

Nice place to get gems and also some alluvial gold is at Eldorado just south of Wodonga in Victoria.

hello every one i am new to fossiking i have just recently bought an entry level
gold snoop pro from jack lang i do a lot of 4wding out of canberra mainly to awsome trout
fishing spots like lake eucumbine and tantangra and now i use the detector while i am there
it has come in handy filling my tackle box with very expensive lures that my fellow fishers have lost and i have found myself now chasing that first nugget i am very happy that i have found this web site as i am learning all the does and dont,s of the prospecting world and getting a good laugh at your story,s cheers muddy9
Welcome to the forum Muddy. Great to see the Canberra connection looking pretty healthy. The new hobby will compliment the 4wding and the trout fishing very well. I can imagine your "Tassie Devil" lure collection will now go through the roof thanks to the acquisition of that new detector.

Hope the forum fills in a lot of the blanks in any questions you may have, and hope the hobby is rewarding on many levels.

Best of luck out there,

Cheers Wal.
Welcome aboard Muddy,

Good to see the south side connection growing ;) , look forward to hearing about your adventures


cheers guys i am looking forward to getting out there and having some fun and i am looking forward to learning more from you all happy hunting :D

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