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Prospecting Australia

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Sep 10, 2013
Reaction score
Hi.I have only been detecting for about two weeks,I am no expert,but I thought I'd put together the advice that I found useful when deciding to start this hobby.Others on this forum may add to this list,agree or diasagree.

1. Try to decide what you want to aim for(coins/jewellery,relics,gold)-this will impact on your choice of machine.
2. Think about the budget you want to work within-this will definately impact on your choice of machine.
3. Research-go online and read the manuacturers product descriptions
  • join Prospecting Australia and read all the advice/reviews from the more experienced members and don't be afraid to ask questions.(there's no sales pitches either).[/*]
  • go on YouTube and watch videos of advice/reviews on various detectors.[/*]

4. When you decide on a detector-shop around-there are great deals out there for stand-alone detectors or packages.Plus some places offer free delivery etc.
  • check out this site for advice/tips specific to your detector.[/*]
  • check out YouTube for the same.[/*]

5. When you get your detector-read the instruction manual a few times and take it with you.
  • watch the instruction video a few times(sometimes watching something being done can make more sense than just reading it/looking at illustrations).[/*]
  • check out Prospecting Australia for tips,advice.[/*]
  • check out YouTube specific to your machine.[/*]
  • get out and use it.In the backyard,the beach,the park,water-holes.You'll be out in the fresh air,getting exercise and when that detector goes "BING!" you'll feel like a little kid again.[/*]
  • if you've got kids, take them with you,they'll love it,they'll be in the fresh air getting execise and you'll have a whole new world of experiences,stories and memories to share.They're only young for a short time.[/*]

Sounds like your having a ball Woody!
7. Research your areas thoroughly you will be amazed of how time can make areas disappear on the surface but underneath the relics remain
8. Buy a shirt from Prospecting Australia so you look professional :)