Navy Gun Fire at Jervis Bay.

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user 14190

Too old to care anyway.
Dec 15, 2018
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The Navy at Jervis Bay is having a bit of gunfire practice at present, been going since about 8am. They must be trying out a new shipment of ammo that has arrived from China via ebay and are trying to work out if it is as accurate or going the distance that was indicated on ebay OR they are getting the cob webs out of barrels for the next time they head up towards the South China Sea or even towards America OR they are heading up towards Darwin Harbour to try and win back some of our rights. :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

2lateagain said:
The Navy at Jervis Bay is having a bit of gunfire practice at present, been going since about 8am. They must be trying out a new shipment of ammo that has arrived from China via ebay and are trying to work out if it is as accurate or going the distance that was indicated on ebay OR they are getting the cob webs out of barrels for the next time they head up towards the South China Sea or even towards America OR they are heading up towards Darwin Harbour to try and win back some of our rights. :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:


We get it from time to time with Puckapunyal when they let rip on the range. Some days/nights they let some big crackers go, the windows shake and we'd be 20km or more as the crow flies :eek: Must be a fault line just under the house :argh: Gotta say though when they do a night drill with the flares it's pretty cool to see how well they light up the sky :Y:
2lateagain said:
The Navy at Jervis Bay is having a bit of gunfire practice at present, been going since about 8am. They must be trying out a new shipment of ammo that has arrived from China via ebay and are trying to work out if it is as accurate or going the distance that was indicated on ebay OR they are getting the cob webs out of barrels for the next time they head up towards the South China Sea or even towards America OR they are heading up towards Darwin Harbour to try and win back some of our rights. :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:


Now, now 2la,
I'll truck no criticism of our Navy. (I'm ex navy)
They do a great job protecting this country from those wild Samoans or them sneaky Fijians.
(We don't have the money for better warships or even have the crews to man/woman them to do much else)
Check out this video of a recent torpedo training exercise.

Chiron52, No there was no derision of the Navy personal, it was more that they sounded like they were tied up in the Harbour at Cresswell for lack of fuel and they were trying out the top of the line second grade ammo (we are not allowed to have the good stuff in case something happens in the China sea) that was shipped in from China by just firing over the wall and out through the heads, this is to frighten any other Countries from buying our Harbors and we need to save the money that would be used for fuel for the Navy so that the people who have never worked and have no intention of working can have more money to buy the drugs that are shipped in whilst the Navy has no fuel to go out and keep us protected. :Y: :Y: :Y: 'Tis a vicious circle.

This isn't about firing ammo....

I was on HMAS Adelaide one fine sunday afternoon doing work ups in JB.
Me and mate thought why not get a bit of fishing in as the ship was slowly doing laps.

20 minutes later out comes Coastal Patrol boat and makes the skipper stop dead in the water.
Loud hailer blaring about the laws of trawling in JB.

Needless to say we were in some deep :poop:
Spent the next month when we got back to sydney cleaning showers and toilets every freaking weekend.

Never caught any fish either :mad:
Many years had a neighbour that was Navy out there, he got permission for us to use the launching ramp out at the base to launch my 14 foot runabout. The base at that stage had no guard on the gate of a weekend and you were able to go fishing off the wharf of a nighttime, but you did not do anything wrong as there was always someone on patrol there.

As normal on JB the wind came up and we headed back in behind the break-wall as quick as possible, got to the ramp to be greeted by someone yelling and wanting to see my boat licence and who gave me permission to use these facilities and I was going too fast when I came around into the enclosed area and I upset all the moored craft, I thought that I was under the 4 knots or what ever it was. After showing all the required documents we both got a lecture and a report was made to the Commander of the base. I never heard any more and I do not think the neighbour did either as I think he had someone further up the ladder to help him. Even though he again got permission later on, there was no way I was going back out there again, I did not like being yelled at. :awful: :awful: :awful:


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