My "Neck Minnit" moment, whats yours?

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May 1, 2014
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Many years ago on a job site I backed up a tandem trailer full of yellow tongue floor panels in a Hi-Ace van , it was a very heavy load and the boards were over hanging about 1 metre.
So the boss tells me to hurry up and unhitch the trailer and get so e mre gear.
I needed to unload some stuff from the back of the van so I lifted up the back hatch and left it open .
In a mad rush I try to unhitch the trailer but it's jammed so I straddle the draw bar bend over the tow ball an d with all my strength pull upwards.
"NECK MINNIT" The draw bar flush up right between my legs :eek: and lifts me up off the ground slamming my head into the hatch over hanging me and then firmly flings me down on the concrete smashing my hip. 8.(
You guessed it , the boss is lying on the ground gasping for air with tears in his eye's from laughing so hard.
And still laying on the ground with tears in my eyes with pain. :8 8.(
If only it was on you tube.
Now it's your turn.
"NECK Minnit"
Jaros said:
Great story stoyve. I'll have to pick one from my 65 yrs of life experience.
Jaros :p

Thanks Jaros, I look forward to reading one of your many incidents.
Cheers Steve :D
Dismantling an old trampoline, and instead of asking for help, just let one side fall to the ground. On its way down, it sliced my ear lobe, almost completely off, and blood everywhere. The missus still teases me about it.
I was in a hillclimb race on the dirt bike, was sitting in first after the first run. On my second run I gave it heaps trying to secure my first place and better my first run. Got out of shape and laid the 250 2 banger on it's right side sheering the bolt that secures the expansion chamber to the frame. I quickly went back to my car on the bike to get a spare bolt and stick a new one in before the next run (time sensitive). Nek minute, upon inspection I touched the stinking hot expansion chamber with my forehead which instantly bubbled up into a decent sized blister right where the top side of my goggles were to sit. After getting the bolt in, I chucked the helmet and googles on and it was quite uncomfortable to say the least. Fronted up just in time for my third run, after selecting second gear awaiting that gun to go off, all pain was gone. Gave it heaps and managed to come away with first place and a nice trophy. During the third run the blister was popped from my goggles which was actually a good thing lol. Healed up like a charm. Safe to say I copped a bit of shizzle off the boys haha
When I was a kid back in the 1960's pea shooters were all the rage. You used to get (in those days) a bit of bamboo of the right diameter and use it as a blow gun with dried peas as the ammunition.

Naturally, I wanted one.

I found a length of bamboo, and was faced with the dilemma of what to use to cut it up with. As in those days dad was a publican we had no shed in our apartment and the hotel's workshop was sensibly locked so I could not borrow stuff. So no saw, which would have made it easy.

I did have a fishing knife, and set to using the knife and the serrated scaling bit on the back of the blade to hack away at the bamboo.

Well, bamboo is pretty hard stuff, and I was using my bare foot as a vice. The inevitable happened - the knife slipped and embedded itself about an inch into the outside of my right foot, about half way along. As is usual in those situations, I felt no pain, and pulled out the knife (that hurt a bit), releasing copious amounts of blood.

As there was no one around, I wrapped the foot in a towel and got downstairs somehow, and was taken to hospital for some stitches and a tetanus shot. Hospitals in those days were pretty used to boys stabbing or setting fire to themselves (reminds me of another story where I caught fire playing combat around cracker night), so no one was really overly concerned about it. I suppose you would get a big lecture these days.
We had so much dangerous fun back then. Didnt need to shoot enemies on xboxes, because we shot birds, cats, eachother...with slingshots, bb guns, fireworks, sticks, rocks lol :)
Haha I'm 27 and missed those years however I was lucky enough to have cool parents who took myself and my twin brother out in the bush to ride motorbikes, waterski and just be kids. Jeez did we use to get up to some stupid shizzle. Speaking of slingshots. Ive got an arm braced slingshot with a laser scoot on it that is absolutely lethal. Great fun when away camping, just shooting cans n what not.
I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever grow up in that sense haha.
Both my bro and I are young for our age, stay fit, skateboard, I'm into moties and he loves his rotaries (has a few old Mazda rotaries). These are the things that make us interesting I think, just like our love for prospecting. Great post stoyve!
Was about 11 years old, trying to impress my sisters friends as you do..
I thought it would be "cool" to run down the street with my eyes shut and my arms open..
*pow* face first into a telegraph post dropping me like a sack of sh.t into the gutter where i then hit my head on the kerb getting k.o'd.
A short trip to the hospital for the concussion, my face actually swelled up pretty severley.
I then wore a solid black eye for a week or two.
I remember finding my skin on the telegraph post the next day.
I drove my billycart, down the steepest hill in my neighbourhood as a kid. No helmet, no seatbelt, no suspension lol I still remember barreling down the hill, lots of speed, but at the bottom....there was a dip that I didnt know about. It launched me into the air, crashed down, and I rolled into the gutter. I was winded, couldnt move, or yellout for help, for what seemed like an eternity. Nobody saw me, no rescue, I limped back home, sore allover, and a broken billy cart....which was thrownout, because I didnt want to go on it, ever again.
Where do I start, how about getting a BB slug between the legs. My brother shot me because I was running away, we were playing convicts.
I was a test driver (5yo) for a billy cart that had a seat belt. Down Reservoir Hill I went at a horrifying speed, corner coming up, fresh gravel everywhere and yep flipped the cart, no way of getting out so slid down the road on my right knee. A piece of gravel embedded itself in my knee and still have the scar today.
Ah those were the days!!!!
Reeks said:
Was about 11 years old, trying to impress my sisters friends as you do..
I thought it would be "cool" to run down the street with my eyes shut and my arms open..
*pow* face first into a telegraph post dropping me like a sack of sh.t into the gutter where i then hit my head on the kerb getting k.o'd.
A short trip to the hospital for the concussion, my face actually swelled up pretty severley.
I then wore a solid black eye for a week or two.
I remember finding my skin on the telegraph post the next day.

Glad you don't still do that mate, especially while we're out detecting, there are mine shafts and biig gum trees, lol.

I'd hate to have to be the one that explains that to an ambo or doctor.
Not too worry though guys, I recovered 100% with no effects from the knock to my head.
See, turned out just fine.