My Name is Herbert

Prospecting Australia

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May 21, 2016
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Please allow me to introduce myself...

I am Young Herbert, I am 30, going on 80 years old, a hundred and something centimetres tall, underweight, caucasian male. By most peoples standard I am better than average looking. ;-)

I have recently had a series of dramatic life 'developments'(?), one of which is the need to relocate from Sydney metro.

I have a Bachelor of Visual Arts degree with Honours of the 1st Class.

I am an exhibited artist working with in the medium of Photography, Sculpture and Installation and I have a reputation for being a practitioner of antiquated techniques dating back to the dawn of photographic history and more recently its protohistory.

I came to this point via research into late-modern period alchemical experiments with a specific interest in silver. Between then and now I have prospected for silver. Through these experiments and due to a new, good friend I've made, I have become interested in crystals.

Now, I have decided that at this juncture of my life I should go fossicking.. and perhaps by some land somewhere, grow paper baring plants, grow my own/hunt for food, and of course ...get in the dirt and see what I will discover in the process.

So here I am :^D
Please don't be shy

Warmest regards,
Young Herbert
rocketaroo said:
you sound a very interesting character, tell us about your silver prospecting?

Why thank you! I am feeling very welcome and I like complements! :^D

So... when I say prospecting (a term I must admit do not know the full scope of), I mean by way of reclaiming soluble silver salts from photographic chemistry, namely Sodium Thiosulphate, in other words "fixer".

I work at a fairly substantial photographic institution that has analogue processing facilities, people come and go, passing one another in the dark, perhaps having made a nice silver gelatin print, or perhaps having made a new friend, associate or even something more....

I think of all the images that have been resurrected over the years in that darkroom, returning from the latency of passed time. All those moments of reflection, some profound, many banal, all ghosts.

Without silver, we would never have been able to see passed light in comparable likeness. She is an extraordinary, beautiful beast.
I am besotted with her.

It has always been a mystery to me how something so substantial, so weighty and bright can be in one state and then another, black metallic, invisible, liquid.

So in lead up to a big exhibition of photography, I pursued this path, perhaps it isn't prospecting (as I know that it is there (??) just not how much or how to retrieve yet). I was open to discovery and the prospect of wonderment, that is definite. Certainty.

I did some research in just the same way I am now, and learned from those before me who had and still do have a vested interest in metallurgy.

I aided the escape by sacrificing another, less noble metal.

I toiled....

Melted and poured.

Finally she sprung forth again with mind-bending, sheerly sublime, awesome beauty. Diana; Crystalline Phoenix.

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