minelab 305 705 gold help

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Jan 15, 2015
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Hi all I got a few questions

Can you change the LCD on the 305 to a 705 LCD will that work (cheaper to buy 705 LCD then hole pack)

On minelab 305 how can I make detect certain things like e.g gold coins only no 5c or 10c

What is a better pinpointer then the cheap eBay $25 one that detects gold ?

Is there any gold in Vic that is not so deep only a few inches above ground?
One more question I had I forgot to put up was what settings do you guys have on the 305 or what is a good setting?
I've got the 70, I have found when in gold areas and in "prospecting mode", the machine makes too much noise and squawks every foot on something. I found putting it in all metal mode gives more stability, but less depth. Iron targets indicate say eg: "-8" or thereabouts, gold gives me a signal of around 10-12. Not sure if that helps but having a nugget to practice on really helped me with the machine. Don't know the 305 but assuming its similar. Now discounting the fact you are supposed to dig all targets, knowing what reading gold gives you does help you to move on quickly from non gold readings. There will be times that the readings jump all over the place and that's usually hot rocks or multiple targets close together. There are plenty of gold finds at a couple of inches so you can find nuggets using this method. Just my 2 cents worth, knowing what gold does to your detector (and you can test this at home with a nugget), will allow you to use the machine in gold areas without wanting to chuck the detector away after 5 mins of constant warbling, dumb it down a bit and you are good to go!
Great information but the 70&305 are different but a bit similar I get 4 or 4- a lot in Bush or in beaches ?
The guys who have a minelab 305 tell me about your detecting I believe this 305 is junk only ever found $40 in sliver n gold coins few tabs n caps n cans some modern bullets, I tried 5 state parks nothing I tried 4 beaches nothing ??