It,s a pipe..

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Jul 9, 2015
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Found this at Tibooburra to day..Looks like a clay pipe, to me..must be Old, I think..found it right out in the scrub..any pipe guys know a bit more about it ,Cheers..
As far as I know Baldy, you place tobacco in the fat end and ignite it while sucking the other end and then blow out the smoke from your mouth. It's a very strange concept. :D
But I must say it's a very good find mate, I'm envious.
Cheers Steve :D
If any one collects pipes it's yours good taking up space in my desk..
Most pipes have the makers name on the pipe stem but some have them on the bowl. The decorative bowls are really cool relics and are a favourite type of find for me.

I have heard stories of people finding them intact on rock ledges, where they were put down and left by mistake.

Cool find. :cool:
Could date as far back as 1880,s..that's when it was busy up here..was a very remote bush I found it under..on a very remote hill..
I found one with the neck broken off..but for some reason it has skull n crossbones, musket rifles and long swords 8) its made of the same clay ( usually pipeclay or kaolin ) ;) its the same color as mine.
Very cool, I have some of my great grandfathers old pipes, still in top nick.
Two old straight pipes, one with what looks like a bowl made from red cedar root that's gotten to dry and split, and another with a bowl covered in leather with very very fine stitching.
Plus an old Sherlock Holmes style pipe, I occasionally get some Erinmoore Flake and put through them just for the hell of it, smoking a pipe isn't as easy as it looks, I keep packing it to tight and almost hyperventilate trying to smoke it.
Nice find.
Baldy said:
If any one collects pipes it's yours good taking up space in my desk..
Why not run some sort of guessing competition on the forum and give it away , We all love a comp , great find and I am sure theres plenty of us that would treasure such an item. :)
aussiefarmer said:
Baldy said:
If any one collects pipes it's yours good taking up space in my desk..
Why not run some sort of guessing competition on the forum and give it away , We all love a comp , great find and I am sure theres plenty of us that would treasure such an item. :)
Great idea aussiefarmer. I know Mrs M would travel half the country for a find like that ?
Ive got a small booklet somewhere ... Cant remember what the title is but i researched these clay pipes some time ago after finding a couple of them . From memory these types of pipes were sold pre packed with tobacco. They were often in a basket at the end of the bar in pubs. They come in ALL styles . The one i liked the most was a figure of a shiela sitting on a loo.
They were intended as single use
When researching mine, I stumbled across ships manifests and they were a significant trade item. A lot of them originated from Glasgow and became more decorative in the latter part of the 1800s.

The shape of your pipe would mean you should be able to track down the manufacturer and get a better date, my guess is that it is probably from around the later part of the 1800s as the bowl top is horizontal and sits at 90 degrees to the stem.
I got one aswell ,found mine at the first pub location in Penrith ,
I dug it out of a 4 m deep hole whilst stripping out for fill where the current council chambers are.
I got marble bottles and clay decanters .
Apparently once they blocked they would through away.
I have one of these as well,was given to me by a friend.He found it along with a heap of old bottles digging out an old drop toilet near the servants quarters on a property.The neck on them was originally about 20 cm long but they would snap them off to get a better drag on it.