Ideas for displaying relics - show n tell

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Jul 20, 2013
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Thought this may inspire a show n tell to give us some ideas to share. These are some of my finds that I thought were worthwhile mounting for my outside bar/bbq area. Gives me something to look at and remind me of the old timers. Have these mounted with some of Gill's paintings.

Bucket hook. Found in a layer of mullock.


Broken pick (wouldn't have the old boys been happy about this. Found in a layer of mullock.


Found on the surface - now an abstract work of art.

Really nice pieces you've got there. Found a really old pick myself fossicking in a creek at Strathbogie. Didn't recognize it at first as it was all encrusted with heavy rust about twice the size of the pick. Tossed it on the bank for later inspection. When I gave it a whack the rust dropped away to reveal the pick head. It was a nice pleasant surprise.

The first thing I'm going to mount would have to be my first find with a detector.
My steel cap boot.
It will be more of a reminder to use common sense when I'm out ;)
Greglz86 said:
The first thing I'm going to mount would have to be my first find with a detector.
My steel cap boot.
It will be more of a reminder to use common sense when I'm out ;)
:D :D :D
They are really great relics Loamer, when i get a chance i will put a photo up of what im doing with my coins. I found a bit of drift wood a while back, looks like it was part of a boat. anyway after i treated it to get rid of the salt and critters i was going to make some candle holders out of it but have now since started drilling some coin size holes into it and placing my coin finds into it to display them, just need a heap more coin finds now :)
The keys are a brilliant idea - never thought of this and I will give it a crack.
and a quick 101 on how NOT TO display sharp objects.... I was brutally assaulted by the scythe head when I had it hung it over the doorway hahaha
Incredible pictures guys and some really great ways to bring new life to old relics that otherwise would have been forgotten.
Very nice the way you have them all mounted like that.
Thanks for some good idea's. ;)
Greglz86... yes I have done that to (detect my steel cap boots lol ) :8 :rolleyes: dur
Cant help but think of some really bad horror movie scene, you are alone in the dark, the bad guy is inside your locked house... You find the key board... the music gets all sinister... Ahhhh what key... Why are they not labeled!!!

Great display work guys, looking at Loamers pick, a nice bit of gold in the quartz would take it to the next level!

Cheers, Tone
Hahaha tone you haven't even seen my cage yet >insert evil laugh here<
Where do you think I keep the key for it :)


This is what im doing with my small coin collection, one is a 1950s model of a french naval frigate, given to the Americans and become their first battle ship, which was sunk in its first battle being outgunned by an English frigate but they managed to grapple the British frigate and commandeer it before the french one went to the bottom..

The coins inserted into the driftwood will be a candle stick holder maybe.....

just a couple of ideas to throw out there :)

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