How do I pan/trap gold?

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Jul 27, 2014
Reaction score
, SA
Hey I came from coin shooting and wanted to get into this.
I'm just after some guidance. I have no idea where to start or where to learn.
Youtube is your best friend when it comes to learning about panning
Or to practice at home put some lead files in some wash
Pan it into another container
Put 10 bits in and if you still have 10 bits at the end you are pritty much there
XIV said:
Youtube is your best friend when it comes to learning about panning
Or to practice at home put some lead files in some wash
Pan it into another container
Put 10 bits in and if you still have 10 bits at the end you are pritty much there
Yeah I've been watching some videos, reading articles and getting my father to ask people at his work that go up to Ballarat.
I was thinking of ordering a pan to test as you said.
I don't know what one to get, so much of them! :lol:

Here are the ones I'm looking at

There is just too much! :D

I like the first one on your list! Works for me. Make sure u buy a snifter to suck up your gold.
Twapster said:
I like the first one on your list! Works for me. Make sure u buy a snifter to suck up your gold.
Hi yeah, I heard of one of them snifter bottle things the other day, do you just fill it up with water then suck in the gold?
Thanks! :D
Yep u need one to pick up the gold in your pan, very rare to get a piece that you can pick with your fingers but adds up quickly in the bottle! A bit of water in it, squeeze then it sucks up all those gold goodies.
Hi StirFX,
Not too sure on how much you can spend BUT if you can in any way afford it, or get dad to chip in a dollar or two the get the Delux kit, includes 3 pans (dad can have a go as well), classifier (sieve), snifter bottle and a reasonable DVD. The Garrett stuff is as good as any and a bit sturdier than some others.
There's also a Steve Barnham book "prospecting/Panning for beginners that has a few good tips, apart from that search this site, plenty of info and check out youtube, heaps of videos there as well .....
Good luck, Tom
Stirfx, I too am a panning novice so I watched "Panning like a pro" in the alluvial section on this forum. The guy is a pro and a legend and makes it look really easy. Have to get to a gold bearing river to try it out.
Buy quality mate I'm sure there's a few that started with the old black plastic pan and cheapo snuffer but for a few dilates more buy something with a bit of quality like most things you get what you pay for. Garrett super sluice pan or prospector is a great start, the east wings although favored by some aren't as good. The turbo is a different story of pan, but not a true pan, different purpose and you'll still need a "panning pan" to get the most out of it. There's more than a few options around on panning styles and like driving you'll develop your own in time, but practice is key here nothing out there will get you there faster, just practice. I'll add to this discussion a bit more when I have time but check out the topics under alluvial in the forum some great advice on pans and panning in there. Your local prospecting ship will help out a lot too.
The Yandi dish!! :)
lol now your all saying .....snifter.... you mean snuffer? :) hehehehehe I cant imagine you picking up any gold with a snifter ...its for drinking brandy
Hey Teemore, I had a look at that. Is that like an all in one kit?

Tassie Daz, Haven't checked that out yet. I'll go watch it now! :)

Thanks for the advice Goldtarget, if only I had a local prospecting shop. I have to drive 3 hours to get to one. :(

Shh Golddig... its sniftererer
G0lddigg@ said:
a snifter ...its for drinking brandy
Sorry got wine & spirits on the brain.

And, yes stirFX it contains everything you need in one package including one of those little plastic bottles for sucking up the gold from your pan ......

Regards Tom.
Teemore said:
G0lddigg@ said:
a snifter ...its for drinking brandy
Sorry got wine & spirits on the brain.

And, yes stirFX it contains everything you need in one package including one of those little plastic bottles for sucking up the gold from your pan ......

Regards Tom.
Yeah the snifter. ;)
G0lddigg@ said:
lol now your all saying .....snifter.... you mean snuffer? :) hehehehehe I cant imagine you picking up any gold with a snifter ...its for drinking brandy

I must have been snifting on my cognac while I was snuffing my gold up , hey I think im getting the sniffles....& who's snaffled all my gold? lol