Hi All, from the Oberon area

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Jan 23, 2017
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Hi All,

My Name is Ben (username bosshog)

I live in the Oberon area.
4 Kids and a lovely wife

Have recently been given a few sets of sieves and pans and a brief introduction to panning.

I have access to a good site that is producing Sapphires and Gold.

Looking to build a sluice and a blue bowl to enhance my efforts. So far the blue bowl looks like the first DIY project to attempt as it will help recover what I lose in the learning to pan properly and its relatively cheap.

Will happily take any advice on what other necessary equipment I may need to have a decent go at finding Gold and Gems.

Current Equipment

6 seives - 1 fine, 2 slightly less fine, and 3 that are coarser. (not sure how to measure the actual size yet but will update in the future.
3 pans - 1 small and 2 large - all with different patterns in them
2 squares of fake grass to throw sieve contents on and sort them(given to me and they seem to work well)
1 black crate to put it all in.
Welcome Ben

Great to hear you have developed an interest in chasing gold and gems, and are blessed to have them in your backyard.

Us city folk love to see photos of what you guys walk over every day, so please entertain us by sharing you exploits.

This small selection found after being given a short intro to sapphire panning was the majority of our cleanup. Only a few hours work to get these.

P.S. Not sure yet if they are all gems or not but hey they are shiny and have nice colours - now just have to keep going to find a decent sized one.

P.P.S. Also this was the first spot we tried in the creek, have yet to move up or down stream.