Help identifying metal

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Apr 21, 2016
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Hi Guys,
I crushed a couple of rocks up that i found hoping to find some gold (couple from south of Gympie QLD area and one from Drake NSW) but found some silver coloured metal. Any ideas what it is ?
Rock 1


Rock 3

Pan result

Any help appreciated.

Kind Regards
I'm an everyday rock licker! :lol: just gotta make sure you only taste the right ones though as some are very toxic.. you don't want to lick arsenopyrite ..cinebar etc. Licking a rock is a quick alternative when there's no water, also it can reveal its texture. I guess ya gotta be born a rock licker lmao

The two white rocks are quartz, the 2nd shows some iron staining, the 3rd photo is a granite ( cooled magma and what continents are made from).

I actually think your metal is bits of lead and copper possibly. Start with a few tests: is it magnetic, how easily does it bend or does it snap / crumble, can your fingernail scratch it
interesting points, thanks. i'll give the magnet a go and the scratch test.
AtomRat thanks for the info on the rocks. Does gold ever come from those types of rocks or are they the wrong type entirely ? I thought the 2nd one might have been my best hope.
The rocks are related to gold, there's nothing ever wrong with crushing the quartz and panning them to see what they hold. If they do hold anything you would want to locate the source but rock is spread wide over up there. Alongside quartz, you want to inspect for mineralization. The metak you found may be junk or may be a good sign of a type of metal related to gold. If you havnt seen any yet, keep panning and dig a but deeper. Black sand is another sign, but it can also indicate where gold isn't in some areas. Any heavy metals a good metal, but sticking to where gold has been found before will make your digging much easier.
Funny as boys rolling around on the ground laughing. But keep it clean boys lol. And heatho I'm not licking any rocks either .