Have you seen something odd happen when out in the bush?

Prospecting Australia

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Just wondering if anyone has experienced anything odd
while prospecting.

Was out and about recently. Car Pulls over 50 metres from
me walks in The bush and comes out with plastic bag.

My car was visible but i was partially hidden in the bush.

Where the car stopped there was a way of knowing to
Stop here by a couple of particular things that were
Visible on and off track.

Just makes you wonder you need to be careful out
There. For this reason i am starting to get used to using
An external speaker system.
Myself and a mate of mine were riding our dirt bikes in the bush one summer arvo when we came across a nice little creek with a narrow track following along one bank. We rode another 500-600m where we found a nice spot to stop and cool off and rehydrate. We were there about 15 mins before we noticed we were surrounded by about 100+ dope plants about 10 feet tall.
We didnt even put our helmets on as we got our bikes fired up and took of like dogs shot at. We pulled up 5 or so kms later to get our safety gear back on. Talking later it came to light that we both had a feeling like we were being watched the whole time we were at the creek, good chance we were I suppose.

I have to say I pay a lot more attention to my surroundings when out in the scrub now days.

Getting a hot detecting tip of a mate out in the GT not far from home quite some time ago, i found a very nice old bottle around some old ruins which were not far from some shallow shafts, i picked up the old bottle (cos it was in such good nick) and started carrying it around with me whilst i detected my way back to my ute.
Having located a target i put down the bottle and started doing the usual to recover the target, recoverd a large lead slug which took quite a while to dig out, i stood up picked up the detector, put the pick in its holder and went to pickup the old bottle............and it was missing, i stood there for a while with a sly smirk on my face waiting for my brother or a mate to jump out from behind a tree, having set me up..............nope, no one jumped out from behind a tree, left utterly confused i retraced my steps back to where i found the whisky bottle and there it was in the same indentataion in the ground as to where i found it.................i never new running (and a wee bit of 6 year old girl screaming) with packed out undies could be so messy............... having told a few detecting buddies about this the mate that pointed me in that direction sat there and laughed and said....... "yep your number 3"
Now i only ever use an external speaker.......bloody hairs on me back are standing up already..YIKES!! :eek:

ps never been back there once................hmmmmm........ Goldtarget wants to go out for a detect!!!!!
Hmmm very strange indeed DWT. I like Heatho's idea :) better still, get a camera and move the bottle, see what happens.... GT Ghostbusters is the new hit tv show!

Cheers, Tone
Wolfau said:
Just wondering if anyone has experienced anything odd
while prospecting.

Was out and about recently. Car Pulls over 50 metres from
me walks in The bush and comes out with plastic bag.

My car was visible but i was partially hidden in the bush.

Where the car stopped there was a way of knowing to
Stop here by a couple of particular things that were
Visible on and off track.

Just makes you wonder you need to be careful out
There. For this reason i am starting to get used to using
An external speaker system.

Perhaps they took off into the bush to go number 2? Just a thought :lol:
I only stay near my car as trust is an issue.

I watched the car drive by then watched the person get
Out and was carrying nothing.

If the issue was doing a number 2 i think they could of
Parked further down out of site.

Not sure though.
Wolfau said:
I only stay near my car as trust is an issue.

I watched the car drive by then watched the person get
Out and was carrying nothing.

If the issue was doing a number 2 i think they could of
Parked further down out of site.

Not sure though.

any cop in the land would like to know his rego

its quite obvious to me what he was doing

obviously the guy picked up a bag he saw dropped at the pub by a guy named fred or bob or willy

He didnt look inside it but assumed it must contain dirty footy socks and based on that belief he immediately raced to hide it in the bush in case the cops had his house under surveillance . coz the cops they always give him a hard time for no reason.

If the cops arrested him with the bag in his car everyone knows the bag belonged to a hitchhiker who ran into the bush just before the cops pulled him over but the cops they are just harrassing him for no reason again and nobody ever believes him.

plausible and he is going to lodge a support claim with amnesty international


glad the guy left you alone wolfau
HeadsUp said:
Wolfau said:
I only stay near my car as trust is an issue.

I watched the car drive by then watched the person get
Out and was carrying nothing.

If the issue was doing a number 2 i think they could of
Parked further down out of site.

Not sure though.

any cop in the land would like to know his rego

its quite obvious to me what he was doing

obviously the guy picked up a bag he saw dropped at the pub by a guy named fred or bob or willy

He didnt look inside it but assumed it must contain dirty footy socks and based on that belief he immediately raced to hide it in the bush in case the cops had his house under surveillance . coz the cops they always give him a hard time for no reason.

If the cops arrested him with the bag in his car everyone knows the bag belonged to a hitchhiker who ran into the bush just before the cops pulled him over but the cops they are just harrassing him for no reason again and nobody ever believes him.

plausible and he is going to lodge a support claim with amnesty international


glad the guy left you alone wolfau

And put a claim in to Centerlink coz he did his back in while carrying "his mates dirty footy socks"
Hard to say without knowing what was in the bag....could be anything. I've gone back in blonde moments to grab stuff I've left in the bush by accident, but as you were there i guess your the best judge as to what you think may be happening. Came across an old creeper once when out the bush claimed he lived over the hill and was just out for a walk, bumped into me to say hi, after a quick awkward conversation, i went my way and he went his but he was sort of following me around for a good half an hour...i wasn't detecting at the time, i was shooting (only a .22) rabbits but the whole experience left me creeped out. He could have been a harmless old guy, but there's no houses for miles, he found me not the other way round. Put me off enough that after the half hour i just left. Had that same makes you wonder feeling.
There were 2 people. Driver and passenger.

I get along with anyone. I can even start a conversation
With a stranger waiting to get served in line down the
Post office. But you need to be careful.
We find it very unusual to see another person let alone talk to them on our trips. Can recall one trip on my own out from Meekatharra.
Three weeks, the only human activity I saw was the jet stream from aircraft high in the sky. ABC occasionally on the radio let me know what was happening in the outside world. Wasn't much of interest. No mobile coverage. :)
Arrived home with 5 1/2 ozs so the isolation was worth it.
This is the beauty of the WA goldfields, be prepared for survival, and you can pluck the stars out of the sky every night.
The thump of kangaroos passing in the night and the dingos howling to one another, then the birdlife begins to waken in the piccaninny dawn.
Nightjar said:
We find it very unusual to see another person let alone talk to them on our trips. Can recall one trip on my own out from Meekatharra.
Three weeks, the only human activity I saw was the jet stream from aircraft high in the sky. ABC occasionally on the radio let me know what was happening in the outside world. Wasn't much of interest. No mobile coverage. :)
Arrived home with 5 1/2 ozs so the isolation was worth it.
This is the beauty of the WA goldfields, be prepared for survival, and you can pluck the stars out of the sky every night.
The thump of kangaroos passing in the night and the dingos howling to one another, then the birdlife begins to waken in the piccaninny dawn.

Sounds like heaven :)
A number of strange things have happened over the years. Accidently coming across dope crops is common my way. I just keep walking. Quite a few years back I was in the mountains near Walhalla and I walked in along what looked like a wallaby track for a few kms. Suddenly came across a hut in the middle of nowhere. Like a site hut but longer. How the hell it got there I don't know. It looked abandoned but the hair on my neck stood straight up. I carefully tracked around and looked through the windows. Two rooms, one with beds and a table and chairs and kitchen stuff. The other had a couple of lounge chairs, and a coffee table. On the table were a number of books, bushrangers, Australia's most dangerous criminals and others, and on a foot stool next to it a 9mm UZI machine gun. Yes it was real. I carefully looked for cover as I felt really uneasy. As I went around back of the hut past a small chimney, it was warm. Righto, time to go into stealth mode. No way was I going out the way I came in. I quietly ventured towards a fern filled gully and on hands and knees crawled about 200 feet under the cover of the ferns. When I was far enough away to feel a little safer I stopped and looked back. In the valley below the hut was a huge crop of dope and two rough looking blokes tending the crop, one with a rifle over his shoulder. I left the area without incident and vowed never to return again.
Goldtarget said:
I've gone back in blonde moments to grab stuff I've left in the bush by accident,

Haha, I've done exactly this, woulda looked mighty dodgy to anyone that had seen me lol

I was detecting once in a cemetery in a old gold town and even though I had headphones on I could hear kids laughing and playing. Stopped and removed my headphones and only the sound of the bush!
After 40+ years in the bush I have seen and heard some very strange things, lights, odd shaped animals etc etc but as I am yet to be attacked by a vampire, bunyip or a UFO, I just shrug my shoulders and move on. What I do find very strange though is how after 10 beers at the pub on a Friday night, all the ugly people are replaced by good-looking people, especially in the Ladies Lounge.
loamer said:
After 40+ years in the bush I have seen and heard some very strange things, lights, odd shaped animals etc etc but as I am yet to be attacked by a vampire, bunyip or a UFO, I just shrug my shoulders and move on. What I do find very strange though is how after 10 beers at the pub on a Friday night, all the ugly people are replaced by good-looking people, especially in the Ladies Lounge.

Hi loamer care to elaborate more on the lights and
odd animals You saw?
Lights - probably min-min lights, glowing bugs, gas, the Southern Lights etc etc. Animals - I have seen my fair share of 'black panthers' (most likely very big feral cats) and some unexplained tracks that are unfamiliar to me and I have a pretty good handle on animal tracks. I have ever only seen one thing I cannot explain and the 'thing' took off from ground level at a great speed and went straight up - most likely a light trick or a weather balloon. These things usually have a simple explanation.
I read Ben78 comments about noises with headphones on and have had the same experience - sometimes when I wear headphones I swear I can hear voices and they are also kids laughing and singing - how odd! coming in through the threashold but when I stop and concentrate they are gone. I am in no way spiritual or a believer in the supernatural but the noises and sights of the bush sure can play some strange tricks as can the detectors electronics with EMI noises. Having said all that I have never felt unsafe in the bush and never had any cause to be worried of the unknown. (my old Pop kicked my arse if I ever sooked about bush-noises :lol: )
loamer said:
Lights - I have ever only seen one thing I cannot explain and the 'thing' took off from ground level at a great speed and went straight up - most likely a light trick or a weather balloon.

yeah those weather balloons can be quite shy

i saw a shooting star when i was about 10 years old , it covered the distance of the horizon from left to right in about 3 seconds and made these beautiful big circles as it travelled .

only shooting star i ever saw that had a rudder
A lot of people dont believe in the superatural, and i like to think im one of them, but sometimes its that "in your face" you can only believe what your eyes have seen and your ears have heard, take for instance "the hairs on the back of your neck",
why do they stand up, whats that feeling you get when your just not sure, like before stumbling into a dope crop or just before traversing down a 150 year old mine, some of the most strangest things can be seen and heard in the bush, i remember being a kid and camping with my brothers and father the first time i ever heard a mopoke bird i could of sworn somone was in trouble and it was some wierd cry for help.Nowdays each time i hear one it makes me think what it would of been like to be an old timer on the early days on the gold fields, a new country, no idea of what animals or dangers lay in wait, and iam sure a lot of them had their superstitions before they arrived here, man those guys and gals were tough......
Anyways the Dr and myself didnt see this happen but i could imagine we wernt more than a day past, i saw it from a distance and thought i would catch a photo this is why we dont seek shelter under trees in lightning storms..........



If you look closely at the last pic you can see some bark on the right hand side of the tree part way up in the pic, the bark had been blown in a 20mt radius around the tree itself, nasty.....

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