Gpx Handle or sd/gp series handle without quick track button

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Jan 21, 2014
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Hi all im in desperate need of a handle from either a sd gp or gpx series detector.
Sadly my 4500s handle snapped on me this morning 8.(
I don't like my chances of getting one this weekend but if someone has one i am willing to drive and i have cash waiting.

Get a soldering iron onto it and weld/melt it back together. Did that to mine and it lasted quite a while. Dint look pretty but it worked
Mate I've got one you can borrow, I'll take it off the old 2000 your welcome to it until you sort a replacement. Pretty sure I've got your number if so I'll send a text and we can sort it out from there.
Thanks RM it's greatly appreciated mate, i ended up hand carving one out of tasmanian oak. Very pretty handle and is much stronger than the stock plastic minelab handles.
Took a good days work to customise the handle to fit my hand but it is now so comfortable to hold and swing!
It's not a copy of the timber handles already available on ebay, i went a completely different shape and style and only have raw timber at the moment while i decide whether to paint or to stain and lacquer
RichterScale said:
Get a soldering iron onto it and weld/melt it back together. Did that to mine and it lasted quite a while. Dint look pretty but it worked
I Tried the soldering iron route and it was ok but not worth driving out somewhere only to have it break again. Timber is the way to go and just carry a spare timber handle pre fabricated.
Although i highly doubt tassy oak will ever break on me. Its much more solid and has a bigger girth than the plastic stock handles
Mate if you've got raw timber keep it as is and grab your self some linseed oil and dunk it in that for a few hours or a day. Honestly it make the timber shine for a while but it'll last for ever, just repeat the process in a few years. You'll be able to hand it down to your kid's, as a relic of course :lol:.
I agree RM, i prefer a more natural oiled or clear coated grain of timber.
Unfortunately a lot of other folks prefer the painted finish to match up with whatever they are customising.

It's a shame because natural timber grain especially off a cut like Tasmanian Oak should be presented in all it's natural glory!
YellowFever said:
RichterScale said:
Get a soldering iron onto it and weld/melt it back together. Did that to mine and it lasted quite a while. Dint look pretty but it worked
I Tried the soldering iron route and it was ok but not worth driving out somewhere only to have it break again. Timber is the way to go and just carry a spare timber handle pre fabricated.
Although i highly doubt tassy oak will ever break on me. Its much more solid and has a bigger girth than the plastic stock handles

No worries. After welding mine I filled all the grooves with epoxy resin, then put more epoxy resin over that to make sure the handle wouldn't break again. It lasted for ages. The only reason I replaced it was because Minelab has a 3-year warranty on the handle that I didn't know about. So they gave me a new one.
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