Garrett ATX vs Minelab SDC2300

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Here's a wrap up of both detectors I posted up in the First Impressions... thread

Okay I'm not one to bag certain products, and sing the praises of others because all detectors have good and bad points whether they be price, poor audio, confusing user interface, too many settings, not enough settings, poor run time etc etc. but I will point out some key differences based on my somewhat limited experience with both units:
1. The ATX has impressive performance on Max sensitivity however start swinging it around and you'll realise there is no way you can actually operate it on max. Performance drops off quickly when you lower the sensitivity. In general I have found I needed to drop the Sensitivity on the ATX to 10 and still have good coil control to keep it running smooth. This appears only a marginal drop in actual numbers, but I have found that performance drops a lot, particularly on smaller targets. If the 8" Garrett coil allows a higher sensitivity to be run without falsing (I haven't used one), I think it would be well worth it, but the optional coil prices seem very high.
2. The SDC on the other hand does not false at all, and the Sensitivity control is such that you start at minimum and try to push it higher depending on local conditions. However, even on the recommended setting of 2 (out of 5) it performs great.
3. The ATX comes with a bigger coil, with 2 optional coils available. The SDC only comes with an 8" mono (but I hope that changes in the future).
4. The ATX audio is simply too high pitch for my liking. I find it very harsh on the ears, but others don't seem to have a problem with it. The SDC has a choice of High or Low tone, and the target signal is that smooth Minelab wee-ooo signal.
5. Beaches. Okay here is where the ATX wins. Why? The beach is flatter so there is a lot less touch sensitivity on the coil. You have the ability to reject some iron (even though it sounds harsh), whereas SDC is all-metal. Also the coil is larger for greater ground coverage, and being open web means it won't get sucked into wet sand. The ATX seems to be less affected by nearby powerlines, but I haven't confirmed this in a side-by-side test. I have to say I have only used the ATX at the beach on one occasion so my comments may not be well qualified. If Coiltek released a DD platypus for the SDC (open web 12x8"), it would make an awesome combo for beaches!
6. The SDC folds down more compact - but there is a negative. Because the control box is so thin, it means the armrest needs to fold as well, so it isn't a solid design. Because of a wider control box on the ATX, the armrest is the traditional style and feels really nice. But....
7. When swinging both detectors, the thin profile of the SDC means the control box can get closer to your body so there's less strain on your arm. If you use a harness, you wouldn't notice either way, but I am yet to use a harness with the SDC, but was really wishing for one after swinging the ATX for 45 mins.
8. Blue vs Green - sorry Minelab, but I prefer olive green so ATX wins here for me. But at the end of the day, performance rules..... if my GPX was pink with ribbons on it, I'd still be swinging it (under a camo control box cover no doubt)
9. ATX runs on 8 x AA's, and SDC runs on 4 x C cells. Yes C Cells are harder to buy in discount bulk packs, but rechargeable cells and charger are included so it is a non-issue. I've bought some Energizer C cells and have tucked them in the boot just in case I run the NiMH's down. Tip: Fishing Lure boxes make great battery storage containers!
10. In three afternoons I found 5 nuggets with the SDC. In 4 attempts with the ATX, my tally is Zero.
So there's my current take on both units.
If you followed the link above you already read my long commentary. Here is the short answer. I have both the ATX and SDC and both are good units. For prospecting I prefer to grab the SDC mainly because it weighs less and the coil resists false signals better when knocked about. Any edge on small gold is purely icing on the cake.

The ATX is the stouter detector of the two and I have more faith in its waterproof integrity. Its weight is actually perfect underwater where it weighs maybe half a pound. In other words, it is slightly negative and will rest on the bottom if I place it there. The SDC is about a pound positive. It is buoyant and I have to push down to hold it underwater. If released, it pops to the surface. I therefore much prefer the ATX for in water use.

In the United States there is a significant price difference that makes the ATX very attractive. In Oz that price advantage all but evaporates.

I really like both detectors for what they do best and have no desire to part with either one.
Steve Herschbach said:
If you followed the link above you already read my long commentary. Here is the short answer. I have both the ATX and SDC and both are good units. For prospecting I prefer to grab the SDC mainly because it weighs less and the coil resists false signals better when knocked about. Any edge on small gold is purely icing on the cake.

The ATX is the stouter detector of the two and I have more faith in its waterproof integrity. Its weight is actually perfect underwater where it weighs maybe half a pound. In other words, it is slightly negative and will rest on the bottom if I place it there. The SDC is about a pound positive. It is buoyant and I have to push down to hold it underwater. If released, it pops to the surface. I therefore much prefer the ATX for in water use.

In the United States there is a significant price difference that makes the ATX very attractive. In Oz that price advantage all but evaporates.

I really like both detectors for what they do best and have no desire to part with either one.

Don't mind me asking, but what is the price difference and cost of the 2 detectors over there
I'm sure the cost of shipping really can't be that much
I have friends over in the states, and was really considering getting them to bye one and send it over
PhaseTech said:
I'm not one to bag certain products, and sing the praises of others...

That may be true, but I thought I saw you on a minelab video- am I wrong? And another post said you worked at minelab, which you seemed to acknowledge. My apologies if I am completely mistaken. If you work at minelab, then you certainly can`t be trusted (at least by people that don`t know you) to give an honest opinion, because any minelab employee that says the ATX is better on a public forum would surely be ending their career. Perhaps many regulars know who you are but I am sure there are many visitors to the forum don`t. I think some disclosure is in order if you do work for minelab. I would suggest you add that info in your tagline so you need not manually add it to every post, and the same goes for anyone else who has a possible conflict of interest. Providing a review of a competitors product without disclosing that you are employed by one of the companies is pretty dodgy, in my opinion.

I am not pro ATX, or SDC2300. I am trying to find out which detector I should buy and like many people I have been doing my research on forums, and youtube. Unfortunately the main thing I have discovered is that some of the larger detector producers are using the forums and youtube to promote their products. There is, of course, nothing wrong with this as long as there is some disclosure, but there seems to be very little. Of course there are many people that are biased for one reason or another, but when someone will financially benefit from the promotion a particular detector, they should disclose that. If a company provides a detector as a `gift` for someone to review, then they should say that at the start of the review. If the video is sponsored in any way, (such as gifted machines, tickets, accommodation, or other expenses) then they need to say "brought to you by ...." at the start and end of the video- which I have seen on a couple of youtube videos.

This wasn`t all directed at you, Phasetech. I would like to see more disclosure from everyone who has vested interests, or a possible conflict of interest.
TheinkinJapan said:
PhaseTech said:
I'm not one to bag certain products, and sing the praises of others...

That may be true, but I thought I saw you on a minelab video- am I wrong? And another post said you worked at minelab, which you seemed to acknowledge. My apologies if I am completely mistaken. If you work at minelab, then you certainly can`t be trusted (at least by people that don`t know you) to give an honest opinion, because any minelab employee that says the ATX is better on a public forum would surely be ending their career. Perhaps many regulars know who you are but I am sure there are many visitors to the forum don`t. I think some disclosure is in order if you do work for minelab. I would suggest you add that info in your tagline so you need not manually add it to every post, and the same goes for anyone else who has a possible conflict of interest. Providing a review of a competitors product without disclosing that you are employed by one of the companies is pretty dodgy, in my opinion.

I am not pro ATX, or SDC2300. I am trying to find out which detector I should buy and like many people I have been doing my research on forums, and youtube. Unfortunately the main thing I have discovered is that some of the larger detector producers are using the forums and youtube to promote their products. There is, of course, nothing wrong with this as long as there is some disclosure, but there seems to be very little. Of course there are many people that are biased for one reason or another, but when someone will financially benefit from the promotion a particular detector, they should disclose that. If a company provides a detector as a `gift` for someone to review, then they should say that at the start of the review. If the video is sponsored in any way, (such as gifted machines, tickets, accommodation, or other expenses) then they need to say "brought to you by ...." at the start and end of the video- which I have seen on a couple of youtube videos.

This wasn`t all directed at you, Phasetech. I would like to see more disclosure from everyone who has vested interests, or a possible conflict of interest.

A little unfair I think as Nenad has never tried to hide the fact he worked at Minelab, his opinions are fair and un-biased I'd say.

The SDC is getting rave reviews because it does exactly what it is intended for, it is finding gold in extremely mineralised and EMI infested areas.

Disclaimer: Heatho doesn't work for Minelab. Never did work for minelab. Will probably not be asked to work for Minelab in the future. Has no financial interest in Minelab.
Steve Herschbach said:
Don't mind me asking, but what is the price difference and cost of the 2 detectors over there
The SDC2300 is close to double the price of the ATX in the US- about 180%.

SDC2300 is $3750USD
ATX is $2120USD

So, in this case the ATX is a MUCH better deal in USA. To say `deal` sounds like luck- I should just say that Garret is ripping Australians off. The SDC2300 is roughly the same price. For other readers, don`t be fooled though- the GPX5000 is usually a MUCH better deal in the USA especially when taking into account the packages.
As you are probably aware, the big companies, certainly minelab because I asked, will prevent dealers shipping internationally and will try to void warranties if you do so- however, from memory someone challenged the warranty thing and if you do buy in America for use in Australia they will have to honor your warranty. You can certainly get a detector shipped to your friend, and then have them send it to you- I have done that. Be aware that it is possible, if not likely, that you will be sent a GST bill, or they will hold your detector until you pay 10% of it`s value. USPS has a good online price calculator for shipping internationally once you know the weight and size.

Paying all the taxes, shipping, and insurance, you should save a significant amount-without doing the math I think it would be $700 to $800.
I wish everyone would do the same, then prices in Australia would come down.
Great to see that you've joined the forum and not introduced yourself, yet are hell bent on criticizing fellow members and their rightful opinions without reading any previous history or posts put up by the member.

This forum is "not" like the forums you have probably come from, so i would suggest maybe a little reading of forum post history and a lot less criticism may gain you member respect.

You are entitled to your own opinion but that opinion should not be at the expense of "undue" criticism.

Cheers Wal.
I have an opinion, as a member of this fantastic forum and not a leech of a new visitor. I think it's feasible to say don't jump into a new forum and criticise members advice that have been here for a very long time.

PhaseTech, I for one have appreciated your unbiased, honest and very insightful comments and reviews, I'm sure others have too.
Thanks Mate, keep up the great info.

(TheinkinJapan), bumpbowww, do not pass go, do not collect $200 Buddy, really. On your first post bah haha ha. Well done champ.


TheinkinJapan said:
Steve Herschbach said:
Don't mind me asking, but what is the price difference and cost of the 2 detectors over there
The SDC2300 is close to double the price of the ATX in the US- about 180%.

SDC2300 is $3750USD
ATX is $2120USD

So, in this case the ATX is a MUCH better deal in USA. To say `deal` sounds like luck- I should just say that Garret is ripping Australians off. The SDC2300 is roughly the same price. For other readers, don`t be fooled though- the GPX5000 is usually a MUCH better deal in the USA especially when taking into account the packages.
As you are probably aware, the big companies, certainly minelab because I asked, will prevent dealers shipping internationally and will try to void warranties if you do so- however, from memory someone challenged the warranty thing and if you do buy in America for use in Australia they will have to honor your warranty. You can certainly get a detector shipped to your friend, and then have them send it to you- I have done that. Be aware that it is possible, if not likely, that you will be sent a GST bill, or they will hold your detector until you pay 10% of it`s value. USPS has a good online price calculator for shipping internationally once you know the weight and size.

Paying all the taxes, shipping, and insurance, you should save a significant amount-without doing the math I think it would be $700 to $800.
I wish everyone would do the same, then prices in Australia would come down.

To be honest I'd rather pay the extra bucks to an Aussie business than buy from an American business. I'd rather pay double for an Aussie product than a similar American product also. :D
Heatho said:
A little unfair I think as Nenad has never tried to hide the fact he worked at Minelab, his opinions are fair and un-biased I'd say.

My apologies if I offended anyone, as I mentioned it was not all directed at Nenad. But when you are posting a comparison of two detectors and you work for one of the companies, there is no question that you need to let the readers know. At the moment, many people are searching for SDC2300 and ATX and if they do, it is likely they will end up here. Considering there was something like 100 guests when i logged on, I think it is likely many thousands of guests view the forum each week, and many of them have no idea who anyone is.

There are numerous reasons for employees to be biased. It is likely any review by an employee is going to be biased when talking about subjective data, and bias can also be introduced when measuring objective data- and that is not to say they are dishonest, although there is always that risk. When I say bias I am thinking about subconsciously preferring one machine- how could you not prefer it if you helped develop it, or your best mate did? How could you not take into consideration that your boss is going to read your review tomorrow? There are a number of different biases in addition to these emotional pressures, for example, if you always use a particular company`s machines, you might be better with them.

If I know someone is an employee, I am more trusting of the information they provide about the best settings for different situations, the effectiveness of different coils etc. I will always enjoy reading their reviews, because they should know what they are talking about.
Please do not put emphasis on "Logged on Guests" views before signed up members input. As a Guest you can take from a post whatever view you wish, however the information presented by the members is freely given for the benefit of the members, and as such should be respected.

Cheers Wal.
I get what you are saying though....... All the info is out there, it's now up to you to decide which info to believe and which detector will suit your own needs. Both will find Gold, it's been proven.
PhaseTech said:
If you want to read my previous posts I have been totally open and honest with who I am, my past, and what I do for a living now.

Yeah, I got that impression when I saw the other post. I won`t go on, because I think I have already irritated just about every other member of the forum. lol. You are obviously well liked and highly respected. Despite my comments, I enjoyed your review. Thanks.
Mate no one is irritated, you're more than welcome to hang around and join in discussions. We all get along pretty good here which in turn keeps it such a great forum.

All members who contribute here in a positive way are respected. Any heavilly biased posts or trolling on here would get stopped pretty quickly also by the moderators, we want correct and honest info on here otherwise a forum would be pointless.
TheinkinJapan said:
PhaseTech said:
If you want to read my previous posts I have been totally open and honest with who I am, my past, and what I do for a living now.

Yeah, I got that impression when I saw the other post. I won`t go on, because I think I have already irritated just about every other member of the forum. lol. You are obviously well liked and highly respected. Despite my comments, I enjoyed your review. Thanks.
I understand how you feel when it comes to getting unbiased advise or accurate info on some products in the industry.
As you have probably noticed the guys and girls on this forum are a pretty close community. If Nenad's reviews on minelab products were to be unfounded, as a self employed person he would be committing financial suicide.
I myself have been guilty of being too judgemental.
First seek to understand before you seek to be understood.
In saying this if you really want to know which detector is best ? Hire them both for a couple of days and buy the one you feel most comfortable with.
There are some members on the forum as well as trade sponsors that have been involved in the industry for a very long time.
They have also contributed positively to helping complete strangers finding more gold with no financial gain.
My independent opinion on the SDC2300 and this is from what I have heard from a couple of friends that are swinging in WA.
It is an investment that will repay its outlay in a fair and reasonable time.
I am not qualified to comment on the garret detector.
I am yet to hear anything negative about Minelab's new release except the price.

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