Funny day - slightly gross though.

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Jan 27, 2013
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Goulburn, NSW
Well, I've been on the road for much of the last 10 days, between Goulburn, Canberra and different parts of Sydney.

Anyway, I have had a boil brewing in a sensitive spot, and have not been able to get to the doc. Today I had a late meeting at Sydney Uni, and stopped in this new place in Enmore for a large amount of American BBQ. It was excellent, and would have been appreciated by the fans of low and slow cooking on the forum, except for the Sydney prices. I had the platter for two - brisket, chopped pork and beef rib, home made pickles and slaw and with can of beer it was $70 something. But the dry rub on the beef rib was exceptional.

The boil was actually feeling a bit better, and I drove home to Goulburn, arriving around 9:00. Got out of the suit and into shorts, and sat down for a cup of tea.

I then smelled something bad and realised tha the boil had burst. Off to the bathroom, where an impressive amount of smelly puss poured out of the thing.

Well, here I am at Goulburn Base, full of three different kinds of antibiotics, on an IV, and waiting to see a surgeon in the morning.

I doubt I'll sleep much, and it's too late to get the TV actuated, and my phone's batteries are low.

At least the boil feels a lot better!
Ohh geeze duck.. what a pain in the ass. I wasn't expecting this to pop up tonight! At first lance I wasn't sure what was going on but I'm glad you got to the bottom of it and you can now put it behind you. :D

On a more serious note, I suggest Magnoplasm..or salt of magnesia next time..

Give it a couple if days, tomorrow you will feel like new and the slow poisoning has now been ceased. Lucky its not on the spine. After seeing what you eat in the cooking food can't be something your looking forwards to mate..
I agree with AR, Magnoplasm is the bee's knee's when it comes to any type of boil, carbunkle or extraneous pain in the ass...

Look after the wedding tackle, they only pass out 1 set, dickheads excluded.

Be well and prosper Dr Duck

Best wishes

Bigger job than I thought, I'm on three different antibiotics, including one for resistant bacteria.
Surgeon says I'll have a wick and a bag, and have to attend the wound clinic through next week.

I should get done after lunch sometime, and home for dinner.

Thanks for all the good wishes.
Sounds very nasty Doc if on 3 antibiotics, I was on 5 for a week with that lung abscess I had in Feb/March, then on a singal antibiotic for 6 weeks after getting out of hospital. Can't believe how sick I was. Actually had hopefully my final CT scan yesterday and another follow up on Tuesday for it all.

Just take it easy, it's a wonder you never had worse symptoms of a systemic poisoning from it. I did for a few weeks with mine until I had a chest xray and then CT, I had a rash, nausea/vomiting, fever, night sweats, was horrendous.

There is a good antibiotic cream I use on any suss looking spots that look like they are becoming infected, it's called Bactroban, use it early on with any pimple or cut that is getting red and angry and it usually stops it in it's tracks. Would not work on a full on abscess like you have though but may have very early on when it started.

Anyway hopefully it heals quickly for you.
Gross :eek: yep sure was :D . Was that caused by a bikini wax ready for a mankini for summer ?? :lol:
I can't help myself I always dig into or squeeze things before they get to big , l have had thistles , splinters , metal and even wool trying to grow inside me.
Long time ago I had a blister on my hand about an inch round and kept fiddling with it , I was sitting at a pub with friends and a lady I was persueing ,going well to , until the blister let go and sprayed it juice all over the ladies shirt. Let's just say that relationship stopped right there :D
Good luck drduck and hope its all fixed
Glad I wasn't eating when I read that. :eek: Maybe some stinging nettle tea with honey may help clear things up from the inside.
Well, I was a bit optimistic about getting home promptly.

I got the surgery on Saturday, and ended up with a pretty big excavation, about 8 cm long and very deep, I think it is almost a fist size hole. They had to leave it unclosed, so I basically have a major excavation in the place previously described, and instead of going to the wound clinic this week, I'm at home and getting visited by the community nurse to have the dressing changed every day. The hole is packed with gauze, and the first couple of times this was changed in hospital it was very painful and they gave me morphine before it was done. It is a lot better now, and I just have to take a strong codeine based pain killer. The nurse told me that I should expect that this will go on till at least Christmas, and the surgeon said that it might take one to two months for it to heal up completely! The whole thing was not so good, because I did not even enjoy the narcotic pain killers. The endone gave me a shocking headache (one of the potential side effects is increased intracranial pressure), and the morphine had a stimulant effect instead of knocking me for six, so I could not sleep, which is hard enough in a busy hospital ward anyway.

Still, there were blokes there with stuff that was much more serious than me, so I'm thankful it was only a minor thing, relatively.

One thing was great, and that was the quality of care from the nurses, I was lucky enough to have old school nurses who knew what they were doing, and had a great attitude. Obviously, given the location of the wound, I have no dignity or shame left, but the nurses had a wonderful sense of humor and helped me through the time with their professional approach.

Oh, and if you follow the what I cooked thread, you will know that I like my food, and eat a high protein diet. Well the only way to describe the food was vile, and even the diabetic option was very heavy on carbs. Luckily, Jannine brought me up some good meals when I was able to eat.

Pic is of me and Ronda, who has worked at Goulburn Base Hospital for 40 years and who along with Catherine and the others, looked after me very well.

KarlS said:
This is not something to cure with home remedies. I had same thing about eight years ago. Without antibiotics I would most likely die of blood poisoning.
Best wishes for quick recovery Doc.

What was Her Name? :)

Glad to see your better Doc.
That's certainly a rough week you've had Doc, hope it heals up quickly for you. It really sux the way life can be all fine 1 day then the next go all pear shaped.....

Endone should be banned, I only ever hear of grief when people use that drug, it does not work for me at all, gives me the stimulant effect and a headache too. Morphine is way too potent for me and makes me halucinate, Pethidine and Fentanyl though are the perfect pain killers and help me sleep great but every medical doctor thinks the person being treated with it will get a raging opiate habit after getting these in hospital, really annoys me as I know what I need with pain like that. Everytime I've been in hospital with severe pain they like to juggle pain killers until they do what I told them in the first place....

Anyway sounds like you had great care and they are looking after you, all the best with it. Did they work out what the infection was? Yeah hospital food is mostly terrible, though last time I was in (Royal North Shore) the food was actually pretty good.