Forget Hot Rocks .... Hot Dirt ????

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One foot out the door
Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
West of the Yarra, East of SA,
Hi all,
We've all come across hot rocks but out today and came across hot GROUND/DIRT/SOIL .... just sent the SDC crazy.
At first I thought I was on top of an old sheet of gal but couldn't find it, got out the pinpointer and everywhere I stuck it gave off a very very strong signal.
Picked up handfuls of dirt and each and every handful gave off a strong signal, you'd swear you were holding a handful of nuggets/lead/iron.
I've never come across this previously has anyone else had similar experiences?????
Cheers Tom

Oh, by the way the ears must have been tuned in, the SDC helped locate 6 pieces including 2 species, 1 with some of the gold falling off.
I came across a spot like that in the whipsticks,the ground was covered in little black pebbles that made my old 705 go nuts and overload.
Not sure if it was the black pebbles or the soil but that was a frustrating afternoon.
I've got a patch of slaty clay at Hanging Rock that the 5000 would not balance on. SDC will balance but still moans and groans. VLF forget it. I dunno what it is but its undetectable!
Gday Teemore ,
This happened to me in 3 different spots last Monday in the Creswick area, the same thing with the pin pointer happened to me, and yes I did dig down to about 6 inches to see if I got another ping .
Not one.
Its also happened to me in Enfield state park on a certain kind of moss a couple of days after rain.
Very strange indeed.
Cheers Steve
stoyve said:
Gday Teemore ,
This happened to me in 3 different spots last Monday in the Creswick area, the same thing with the pin pointer happened to me, and yes I did dig down to about 6 inches to see if I got another ping .
Not one.
Its also happened to me in Enfield state park on a certain kind of moss a couple of days after rain.
Very strange indeed.
Cheers Steve

....... and at Gower between Castlemaine and Maldon there is a species of tufted grass that sends my WHITES GMZ (VLF) beserk!!!!

Maybe i should lift the 'tector skywards and see how it reacts to eucalypt leaves - in some regions they're supposed to have trace amounts of gold !!!

Could be worse,imagine detecting around these guys.
Iron armoured shell.

casper said:
stoyve said:
Gday Teemore ,
This happened to me in 3 different spots last Monday in the Creswick area, the same thing with the pin pointer happened to me, and yes I did dig down to about 6 inches to see if I got another ping .
Not one.
Its also happened to me in Enfield state park on a certain kind of moss a couple of days after rain.
Very strange indeed.
Cheers Steve

....... and at Gower between Castlemaine and Maldon there is a species of tufted grass that sends my WHITES GMZ (VLF) beserk!!!!

Maybe i should lift the 'tector skywards and see how it reacts to eucalypt leaves - in some regions they're supposed to have trace amounts of gold !!!


Who said money doesn't grow on tree's??? ;)
Some of us were up Paradise River, in NW Tassie, a couple of weeks ago. There are bands of massive magnetite across the valley, and they were sending the 2300 totally crazy. I could not balance it on them. Not that I found that the ground balance button does much on the SCD, it's so stable anyway.