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Rod H

Mar 15, 2017
Reaction score
Telarah, NSW
My first florin cleaned up pretty well nearly lost my life digging it up.A woman was walking her two dogs they were not on leads they were a staffy x and a bullmasiff knocked me ass over i thought here we go they gunna kill me.the owner called them back and she asked me if i was alright i was shaking something bad turns out i scared them more than me .
Rod, that is a terrible thing that has happened to you and should never.
Unfortunately it is a sign of the times in Australia when nobody gives a continental about anyone except themselves.
I see it on a regular basis, owners not picking up their dogs droppings, dogs off leashes, not registered and worst of all the off leash areas that are just a breading ground for all dog diseases and dogs being hurt by unsociable dogs brought on by unsociable owners that dont give a $&@t.
Sorry for the rant and I pray that you are ok.
Mackka :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Scary moment,

Wish dog owner would put there dogs on leads when out,

I have been bitten buy a couple of dogs when I was a kid,

My arm was damaged and had to have many stitches,

I don't feel that I have ever got over it fully ,

I still like dogs just very aware when one is about,

yes thanks all good just a bit wary going out.was going this weekend but thought no id give it a miss

thanks Dave omg i forgot them