Fixed versus Tracking

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Mar 5, 2017
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G'day everyone,

I use a Gpx5000 with a 15" Evo coil. A set up that works quite well.

I always use it "Tracking", but understand that "Fixed" goes a bit deeper. When I have tried Fixed it seems to pick a lot more ground noise so I end up flicking it back to Tracking.

Can anyone please advise:

1. If Fixed does actually go deeper roughly how much deeper?

2. How do I adjust my machine to eliminate some the extra ground noise?

Thanks & best regards

My understanding is that if you have it set on tracking and you pick up a signal, wave it over the signal a couple of times , the machine will ground balance and cancel out the signal as though it is ground noise..and signal is gone..Thats why I run on fixed and only manually ground balance when needed instead of the machine doing it automatically..I dont think fixed punches any deeper I think its about ground balance..Q2..If you want to run quietly turn the Rx gain down , but you will loose depth..The more Rx gain the more depth you will get..I run on a pretty high stability setting..Remembering the lower the number is turning it up..The highest number is the lowest setting..I run Stab on 4 to 6..regardless of the Rx gain..I recon I can run a higher Rx gain with the lower numbers on the stability because with the stronger stability I recon it runs quieter allowing me to run the Rx gain hotter..make sense xdfghtrdhji...
Hi Bullwinkle, I've been of the understanding that it's best to run in fixed unless the ground is too variable and you have to GB every couple of meters.
I run Evo coils in various parts of the Vic GT in fixed and only GB every now and then when I hear the warble of the coil when slightly raised/lowered over sticks etc.
Was told that fixed will make a target stand out better so I haven't used tracking at all yet and hopefully won't have to.

To reduce ground noise yes reduce RX gain a little.
I set up opposite to Baldy and start with Stab on factory p/s and adjust the RX until it's about to warble (usually between 7-9) and then notch up the Stab (usually 13-16) to 'open up' the machine, this is how I was told by people I trust so it's what I stick with but there's no right or wrong, just what suits you.
I still get some ground noise but it's pretty quick and easy to decipher the ground noise from a genuine target, if I get too much ground noise with my above settings I simply reduce RX by 1 and if still persisting then I'll notch the Stab back 1 or 2.
Another thing I noticed that settles a chattery machine or settings is changing the swing speed setting from slow to very slow, tested it on a test patch and I recon it actually helps pick up faint signals better because the machine is more stable, but I may be wrong too.
I always used fixed on the GPX5000 because I was always told it was deeper + wouldn't track out iffy signals. I never tested the theory on depth & don't know if it's gospel or not but many very good operators still recommend using fixed unless the ground conditions dictate i.e. highly variable. I don't think tracking actually "tracks" out signals as much as we've been led to believe & what started out as a general precaution as something that could happen grew into it will happen if you use tracking.
To reduce noise in fixed you'd need to reduce gain &/or stabiliser as mentioned above or possibly use another timing to suit. (Assuming you're getting a good ground balance).
When I had my SD2200D I would operate in tracking (mine didn't have a quick track button added) & switch over to fixed when I got a target. This would prevent tracking the signal out & was also easier in many areas rather than staying in fixed + constantly switching to tracking to re-balance.
The way I see it now tracking & fixed are just 2 of the many tools available to use to your advantage on the GPX to help you in a wide variety of conditions/situations. If I get another I would be giving tracking more of a go especially after using the SDC & GPZ in tracking.

Nenad has written some good info on GPX tracking v fixed here:
Thank you all, for your advice. It all makes perfect sense. Probably just need to patient & peristant. I know when l first went with the Evo 15, it took a while to adapt, but now I wouldnt look back.
So Ill have a crack at adjusting to fixed & see how it goes.
You never stop learning in this caper & its fantastic everyone in this group is prepared to share theirs. Which is very much appreciated.
I detect in the GT and always use tracking, when I get a target I switch to fixed.
Play around with the settings at one of the test sites and you will see/hear there is minimal difference in depth.
When prospecting for new ground and covering a fair distance at a quicker pace than when detecting, I'll often use tracking. But for 99% of the time I'll use fixed and ground balance regularly whether I think it needs it or not.

It's very hard to track out a shallow target, but easier to track out a ground noise. Often those bigger deeper bits start out as a ground noise and don't become a defined target until you've removed several inches. I'd hate to track out a bigger deeper bit.

Always check your ground noises, turn a ground noise into a target.
2 days off for a broken leg...Twice :eek: :eek: If you ever need a job in se qld mate let me know. I'm sick of these panzys around here :Y: :Y: :D

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