Fell down mine shaft

Prospecting Australia

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AngerManagement said:
If in a shaft with soft walls. Dig slowly and carefully and stand on the diggings to get your self higher.. One day you may get out :)
basically it'd be like working a stope ....... working the roof down and then working on top of what you've dropped ....... might work in a shaft
Now if your detecta fell in the hole you could put it on speaker and turn it up flat out , hold it up by the coil and wave your knife over it , if theres anyone around they will come to see if they can steal your patch pmsl :lol:
Now if someone does come you could trick them into jumping in the hole to see your gold , then atleast you will have someone to play hide and seek or eye spy with while you wait to be rescued pmsl :lol:
BigWave said:
I truly love the way you think AF. If farmers ran the world, there'd be shite everywhere. Actually - maybe farmers do rule the world?
I think we serve the world not rule it , as single entities we get screwed on everything we sell almost all farm produce is auctioned or on fluctuating markets , if all farmers joined together in a co op or corporation then we could take over the world baha bahaha bahahaha .
Assuming its packed conglomerate ground carve hand and footholds at one corner staggered between left and right hand sides to get out.
In soft/ loose ground try and carve steps at the shortest side pushing the soil back behind you and packing it down with your feet, jam the knife into the soil with the flat toward you and use as a pick to help pull yourself up the slope.
In solid rock your pretty much screwed unless whoever dug it carved holds in the walls or you could take off one of your socks tie it to the end of the knife, set fire to it and try to find a way out of the tunnel - extremely dangerous and seriously last resort.

All of the above is of course if you dont break anything falling down the shaft initally. In which case the procedure is to lie there and wait to die of asphyxiation from co2 buildup if the gasses in the mineshaft dont do you in first.

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