
Prospecting Australia

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Apr 4, 2015
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Got tired of the lack of water round the Ballarat/Creswick area to run ma banker so figured a Drywasher was on the cards for the bits n pieces i had laying around the shed.

Its made of 1.6mm steel, hence the red camo paint job and cold gal to stop rust.

Lack of a welder and brake i just used 1/2" angle where needed. Riveted together

Design was just a mixture of a few on here, roughed out to suit materials i had handy. The whole thing cost about $12 bucks :)

Still to sort the bottom of the legs, some fabric for the riffle tray, source some expanded for the hopper (currently just doubled over 1/2" mesh) and hopefully Santa brings me a new blower for Christmas. Only managed to borrow one for a little for some rough testing on my shaker fan.

Measurements being ..
Hoppers 23" x 13",
recovery box is 20" x 9
..Big enough to be light enough.


Je looks the goods hit those old dried up dirt piles the old timers left behind mate hope you find some yellow stuff
I agree Nightjar! Same with Highbanker ! another Americanism lol! Mine is a Banjo and always will be .
Looks a bit top heavy but might be the picture angle. None the less well done and very creative whatever its called ( Blower, washer, banjo. High banker) sounds like theres a hippy party going on, LOL
GT :)
Field tested an she works a treat..

Welp, backyard tested. Been to many holiday prospectors out creswick the last week when ive headed out, pinching track access for my wagon to bush it around them, so just grabbed buckets and did them at home......and what a freakin' mess haha.! *note to self, remove clothes from clothesline before drywashing next time*

Just threw the mankiest wash i could find at it, just seeing what heavies it'd catch with RPM and shaker influence and was pleased to see even the tiniest bits it was hanging onto :)

Bad pic of the pan but colours there :)


Missus is gunna kill me when she gets back :O

Just tell the better half it is more
cost effective than going down to the pub for some thing to do.
Been there done that with the washing.
I learnt a while ago not to whipper snipper in the dirt whilst the family whites are on show. :8
Ooops. 8)