Donating to charity why bother anymore ?

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I used to donate to array of charities , believed in the karma bus , until I realised the police down under charity was a scam run by criminals , and they where actually trying to kill me , bravo corruption Australia

Be very weary if things don't seem right I should have trusted my gut more ....
ozziii said:
Yeah most charities are the same, but also corporations like the Salvation army, a fair chunk of the donations they receive goes into the pockets of those running it. But there are some good charities out there that have much lower admin fees & running cost aswell as some volunteers that help run them, like St Vincent De Paul, I heard years ago they put alot less into their own pockets compared to the Salvo's but they all have admin costs etc, its just some seem to take most of the donations to run them.
Look at the Salvo's with all there "army" type uniforms & marching band etc, I mean Really, why is that all needed, just using money that could actually be used for something better.
I think you'll find ozziii that the Salvos actually buy their own uniforms. There's a big difference in my opinion between those charities out on the frontline helping people to get a feed, place to live, blankets to keep warm etc etc like the salvos, surf lifesavers, volunteer firies etc and the corporation type charities that soak up huge dollars just to run.
The problem with these types of stories coming out about the corporation charities and there directors is that people tend to lump all charities into the 'corrupt' basket and stop giving to those that are on the frontline doing good work and making every cent count.
Instead of not giving, perhaps we just need to ask some questions and direct our charity where its getting the best bang for buck.
Tathradj said:
How did the RSPCA get hold of your Dog when it is the Councils Ranger's job. ?

Don't know? Didn't ask how they got a hold of him, nor how they got my ph number, Maybe a good Samaritan took him in to RSPCA rather than taking him to the council pound??? Watched a RSPCA show a few years back and the people working for RSPCA portrayed how happy they are to "reunite" lost animals with their owners and how sad they are when they can't find the original owners or relocate the animals to another owner (buyer) and "put to sleep" animals that they are unable to sell or re-home as they like to call it. How I wish I could of added on that show how if I didn't pay the $500 they would not hand over to me but the council, simple extortion IMO. I also forgot to add how it had to be $500, they would not accept a dollar less, which was near on all my pay for that week :mad: :mad: :mad:
Put it this way Cobber.
That was a wrong thing to do to some one. :mad:
I doubt if the Counsel would have charged that much.
There is about 60000 registred charity in Australia. In 2014 they collect 2.2 bilion dollars. On average nine charity is registred everyday. Big business and big rip off.
Karl I am a man of the I should be able to have a church.. I should be able to collect money tax free and pay no tax.. the donations should be tax deductable... Bugger I sew canvas (cloth) for a living and I missed something... :)
Animal was your the police.

Charities have lost the plot, the last straw for me, was when I gave my young son change, to give to a charity at a shopping centre. They refused to take it, said they were not allowed. Clincher, was when they asked if I would like to donate, via a monthly debit from my credit card. So my son was confused, I explained it all to him, and he said that it wasnt fair. I occasionally drop change in the plastic guidedog, but thats it.
Talk to anyone that has been to war and the first thing they found was a Salvo with a hot cup of tea, something to eat and an ear to listen to their issues.
I don't understand the ignorance of some people. they do more for the homeless, the victims of home violence than most people know. Give the Salvo's a break and open your wallet at Christmas.
As an ex soldier, I agree in principle to the Salvo,s.

However, When I later found out that the town where I grew up (population approx 500) swelled to 2000ish, and that the land (Once farm land) to develop the town was owned and sold by the....Salvo's, at $150K to $300K a block.

I have salvo's in my family, cousins, and they are great people, as were all the sally men I met when in the Army, the act of giving loose change is more symbolic to the salvo,s, you making an effort to help others less fortunate, they don't NEED our loose change though.
Filthyphil said:
We have sponsorship of 2 kids with World Vision, very worthwhile doing. :)

I don't know if you posted this as a joke Phil but if not you should really look in to it a bit more. Find the names of a few other "sponsors" and compare the pictures they send you, you may get a shock.

If anyone is seriously thinking of donating money to a charity they should at least google who the CEO is and what his salary is. Charities are big business and it has very little to do with helping people. The Salvo's are the best of a bad bunch, at least they do a bit of good.
We give directly to The Star Light Foundation.
I received a phone call from a Cold Caller to donate to same.
Credit Card details were a just little bit incorrect.
I reported the scammer after I baited them and found out they were from over sea's.
Folk's, There are some true blue ones out there so be care full on who you give to.
The other charity of my choice is a direct yearly cash to the Salvation Army. They have helped a few people I know and I respect that.
I see a post of where they sold of some land to generate funds. I would nearly say that the land was either donated or left to them via a will.
To me they do a lot of good but remember, Like any organization, They do have a job to do to raise funds.
I only ever give to local ticket sellers on a face to face level, that way I'm assured that it is a local organisation and not some ring in mob from out of town tryin to sign me up for a shovel full of cash out of the back of me card while I'm forgetting I ever signed up at all in the first place,... I won't pay over $2 a ticket(but I'll buy a few if they are local,...I'll cross the street to buy a local ticket, just to make sure they are getting a sale and feeling good about their day. :)
Mackka said:
Talk to anyone that has been to war and the first thing they found was a Salvo with a hot cup of tea, something to eat and an ear to listen to their issues.
I don't understand the ignorance of some people. they do more for the homeless, the victims of home violence than most people know. Give the Salvo's a break and open your wallet at Christmas.
Couldn't agree more Mackka.
Any charity such as the Salvos need to have a structure in place to organise and distribute help, and no matter how much others feel this should all be done 'gratis' it's simply not practical and they are kidding themselves. Surely the last thing we want is some 'nuffer' and their cronies running a multi million dollar organisation because they're cheap?
Governments even give vast amounts of money to charities because they don't have the troops on the ground to do the 'hands on' help and distribution of food, shelter and a shoulder to lean on like these charities can do.
We need to be careful we don't throw the baby out with the bath water when we talk about not giving to charities imo.
By all means be selective and do your research, but please don't stop giving of your time or money.
boy o boy ,if I was doing it tough or in a spot I think I'd be waisting my time putting my hand out in front of you hard lot, if you were down and out, and it happens to a lot of people who aren't deserving of such, who do u think steps up and helps,its the smith family, its the salvos,its the red cross ,its st.vinnys, its the local church, lions club, rotary, all charities and groups of people with community values and empathy for those that aren't as smart or as fortunate as most of us are .These people ask for your help so they can help the unfortunates.
I never go past a salvo without dropping all my change in the tin, that old gent whos sitting there in his uniform, what do u think hes getting out of it, nothing, just the satisfaction of helping others and hes the bloke that's spreading good cheer to hard done by kids on xmas eve while yor sitting at home looking after you fortunate own.
I never give over the phone,only donate diect at the door,always a ton note there for salvos, smithies and red cross on there days, there the real volunteers knocking on yor door.
Wife runs a team of volunteers just one night a month and we cook at the community centre for 50 to 70 people mostly homeless, u might be of the opinion well who would want to help those ferals, but theres a lot of very unfortunate people out there,mental problems, disfigured and disabled,low tertiary skills,young people from bad home environs.U wouldn't believe some of the families that come in for a feed. Self is the cook specialising in a couple of huge pots of spag bol wth plenty of finely chopped vegies in there for the fussy eaters.
Its an easy out being sinical, better to sow a bit of heart,spare a thought and a few bucks for the needy. phill
bit of a broad subject really but as a whole the charity "business" in Australia flew past the $100 billion dollar a year mark in 2014. Whilst there are some scrupulous charities of course there are many many more dodgy ones who are in it for the fame and fury $$$ . I personally support save a child who are often first on scene in a emergency event in australia or overseas. You have to remember 10 cents on the $ might not seem much but think of it in the way of flying 10 tonne of rice and water into a remote community and distributing that. take fuel, pilots, doctors, admin, etc etc its not that hard to believe. sad but not that hard.

Organizations like the salvos have to deal with people dumping rubbish at their doors, disposal fees, legal fees, and they manage to provide an amazing service to those who need it. Whats doesnt get reported on paper with these organizations is professional peoples time and volunteers. sure the sales people are on commission but for every one of them theres 10 who arent getting paid at all.

RSPCA well i'm not really a fan after taking some many many stray dogs in over the past three years sometimes 2 per week, they have an attitude in ballarat they scan the dog to get the details " $110, if the owner cant get down to collect the dog by 5pm when they lock the door $245. Ive had to take dogs in due to having my own big dogs who wont play well with other so i cant baby sit them. Sometimes they have know whos dog it was bt would not tell me, ive said i'm happpy to take it to the owners.... nahh mate well take it form here..... hmmmm not really the country attitude ive come to expect.

They do have their place, and i cant imagine how many wild cats we would have if they didn;t put down as many as they did but thats another issue.
The thing the disturbs me is that most volunteer organizations (cfa ses surf lifesavers ect and also the charity's which look after our own people) have to rely on donations yet the government gives away millions a year of our tax payers dollars in foreign aid yet we have no say in where these dollars go or what there used for. Look after our own first I say. While I'm on the subject I find it disgusting that we can spend millions on so called art projects , especially on the side of the road while people go homeless and hungry.
Bjay said:
The thing the disturbs me is that most volunteer organizations (cfa ses surf lifesavers ect and also the charity's which look after our own people) have to rely on donations yet the government gives away millions a year of our tax payers dollars in foreign aid yet we have no say in where these dollars go or what there used for. Look after our own first I say. While I'm on the subject I find it disgusting that we can spend millions on so called art projects , especially on the side of the road while people go homeless and hungry.

Go figure hay ....
Bjay said:
The thing the disturbs me is that most volunteer organizations (cfa ses surf lifesavers ect and also the charity's which look after our own people) have to rely on donations yet the government gives away millions a year of our tax payers dollars in foreign aid yet we have no say in where these dollars go or what there used for. Look after our own first I say. While I'm on the subject I find it disgusting that we can spend millions on so called art projects , especially on the side of the road while people go homeless and hungry.

What art projects are you talking about mate?