Donating to charity why bother anymore ?

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Nov 5, 2014
Reaction score
, SA
Was disgusted to read that the E J Whitten charity for the benefit of cancer research has returned 6 cents in the $ to the actual cancer research department after administration costs , recent investigations into the running of the Shane Warne headed charity , and many of the large international charities returning less than 10 cents / $ to the cause.
Not pointing the finger at the celebs that allow the use of their name as I am sure it is done in good faith but It's become a bloody business for the benefit of the people employed in the background pulling salaries , driving cars and using expense accounts paid for by donations.

I am sure it is making people very cynical , there are many great charities out there need support and you would think in this day and age we could do better.

Perhaps back to the future , remember when a TV station would run a 24 hour telethon , the celebrities would donate their time and a few million bucks was made with 100 percent getting to the actual cause?
6 to 10 % is terrible. I read a story of a guy giving money to a homeless man and someone said he should give the money to a registered charity so he knows where his donation goes. His reply was that charities burn money on Administration and by giving the homeless money he knows it's going straight into the guy's belly as a meal.
well done mate.
I agree totally with you.
Here in Darwin, we only have 1 mall, or shopping centre. There is always a charity set up in the middle of an aisle, they employ out going, pretty young ladies who target, middle aged men like myself. I know, because last week, I went to the mall 3 times and was attacked by this lovely siren no less than 5 times as she attempted to lure me into parting with my CREDIT CARD numbers, I admit, it worked in so far as she got my attention, and I did discuss matters with her, but seriously, charities now want your credit card details, and a direct debit to them.....UNISEF, and the COMMUNIST do goodders, the Greens try it all the time.

Its no longer a charity, its just a business franchise, McCharity.
Yeah most charities are the same, but also corporations like the Salvation army, a fair chunk of the donations they receive goes into the pockets of those running it. But there are some good charities out there that have much lower admin fees & running cost aswell as some volunteers that help run them, like St Vincent De Paul, I heard years ago they put alot less into their own pockets compared to the Salvo's but they all have admin costs etc, its just some seem to take most of the donations to run them.
Look at the Salvo's with all there "army" type uniforms & marching band etc, I mean Really, why is that all needed, just using money that could actually be used for something better.
Most charity's are like this now days, I unfortunately had the experience of working for one of these 'charity's' for a month 4-5 years ago.

It was door knocking signing people up to a monthly subscription via credit card or direct debt. You would sign people up from either $10-$70 per month. It was all commission work to. For a $10 subscription I got pod $30, my team leader got paid $15 and my boss $30. There was also a couple other fees in between for the company I worked for ( which wasn't a charity but a fundraising company one thing) in the end after 1 year of being subscribed not one dollar was seen by the charity, it wasn't till after the first year that thy would see a dollar.

I worked there a little over a month and made I think $60. I didn't believe in it, I didn't believe in ripping people off and practically lying to their faces.

The head company of these organisations was called the cobra corp, and it was a very pyramid scheme type work place.

Took my faith out of charity and now I only give to those who I can personally see need help. It the government run appeals like the fires and stuff.
Diggertom said:
Most charity's are like this now days, I unfortunately had the experience of working for one of these 'charity's' for a month 4-5 years ago.

It was door knocking signing people up to a monthly subscription via credit card or direct debt. You would sign people up from either $10-$70 per month. It was all commission work to. For a $10 subscription I got pod $30, my team leader got paid $15 and my boss $30. There was also a couple other fees in between for the company I worked for ( which wasn't a charity but a fundraising company one thing) in the end after 1 year of being subscribed not one dollar was seen by the charity, it wasn't till after the first year that thy would see a dollar.

I worked there a little over a month and made I think $60. I didn't believe in it, I didn't believe in ripping people off and practically lying to their faces.

The head company of these organisations was called the cobra corp, and it was a very pyramid scheme type work place.

Took my faith out of charity and now I only give to those who I can personally see need help. It the government run appeals like the fires and stuff.

DT I think I know who you are talking about here and is the one that got up my nose , about 6 months ago I had an uncle pass away and I had to finalise his estate , clearing his mail I opened a letter from one of the larger charities stating that his. " DONATION " was overdue ! It was a regular direct debit and not a small amount either , they prey on goodwill especially the elderly
The vast majority of charities are businesses first and formost. A very business savy small group of people that frequented a night club I used to go to knew the ins and outs of what charities were all about. So they set one up. They were accountants or similar. They are now doing very well and have made a lot of money being on the board of directors. They travel all over the world holding fundraising dinners and the like. It is well known where the money goes in the business communities that attend these functions. When it's tax deductible, it becomes a case of mates helping mates. They all get something out of it.
I went past a new RSPA building
The other week,
Mega structure,multi million dollar building
Very classy,
You have to have the highest quality
Comforts when your looking after animals welfare,
Donate to the RSPCA,the animals need your money ha ha ha
Another business for profit that's how I see it anyways,
It's a shame
When I give money,I give directly to who this money will affect and help,
That way I know they are getting the full benefits,
Saying this charity's do help the less fortunate
And are needed,just a pity more isn't passed on
"Donate to the RSPCA"

Talk about that mob, my experience was years back in Logan, my dog had got out and received a phone call, saying it had be found and was at the RSPCA shelter, go to pick my dog up after work, got told I had to pay $500 or they would hand my dog over to the pound (which evidently was next door to them)
I couldn't believe it, so paid the $500 of which they wrote a receipt of "$500 donation" but more like extortion, where if I didn't pay they would of effectively allow my dog to be put down by the council. Then every year I'd get some "RSPCA" worker calling me up asking me to donate as there records showed that I had previously made a hefty "Donation" I learnt quick smart that all these places make out they "Care" but in reality it's mainly about how much money they can get out of anyone!!! :mad:
RSPCA is not about the animals
Is all about the Coin,
A prime example there from JakeofallTrades,
One "corporation" that I have no time for,

JakeofallTrades said:
"Donate to the RSPCA"

Talk about that mob, my experience was years back in Logan, my dog had got out and received a phone call, saying it had be found and was at the RSPCA shelter, go to pick my dog up after work, got told I had to pay $500 or they would hand my dog over to the pound (which evidently was next door to them)
I couldn't believe it, so paid the $500 of which they wrote a receipt of "$500 donation" but more like extortion, where if I didn't pay they would of effectively allow my dog to be put down by the council. Then every year I'd get some "RSPCA" worker calling me up asking me to donate as there records showed that I had previously made a hefty "Donation" I learnt quick smart that all these places make out they "Care" but in reality it's mainly about how much money they can get out of anyone!!! :mad:
I don't donate to any charity anymore. As noted above it goes off into admin fees and hire cars etc. I think we pay enough in tax during our working lives to cover any additional hand outs required by charities and churches. I paid nearly 50% of my salary in tax for the last 10 yrs of my working life and now i can't work, my wife works because they don't have to pay them as much and my pension goes down by 50% --bugger them all.!!!!
Jaros :mad:
ozziii said:
Look at the Salvo's with all there "army" type uniforms & marching band etc, I mean Really, why is that all needed, just using money that could actually be used for something better.

Dont begrudge them that.
Hey guys

I agree with the sentiment and we have all but stopped donating because of these reasons, but how friggin sad is that!!!

I don't donate to any charity anymore. Most money goes to the wrong things.

Looks like Shane Warne's charity under investigation also:

According to the report, TSWF passes on just 16 cents in every dollar raised to its nominated charities, with the majority of money raised paying for the staging of glitzy events and even providing an income to Warne's brother Jason, who was listed as the general manager of the organisation.
I remember when it was $3,000 to train the dogs, it's not the dog that are dumb it's the bum shiners in the offices that take up the funds.
Jaros said:
I don't donate to any charity anymore. As noted above it goes off into admin fees and hire cars etc. I think we pay enough in tax during our working lives to cover any additional hand outs required by charities and churches. I paid nearly 50% of my salary in tax for the last 10 yrs of my working life and now i can't work, my wife works because they don't have to pay them as much and my pension goes down by 50% --bugger them all.!!!!
Jaros :mad:
I forgot to add that i am training to do volunteer work for Aust. Vol. Coastguard---it's something worthwhile. :p