Cure for INSOMNIA anyone?

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Aug 27, 2013
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Apsley, VIC
As the title says, does anyone know a good way to get some sleep? I get to sleep easy enough but anywhere after midnight its like someone has plugged me in to a power point and I'm wide awake.

Doc has given me sleeping pills saying "one will knock you out for 6hrs +". Well they don't and I end up feeling lazy the next day.

Having Gold fever does not help either as I often find myself laying there thinking of hitting that next paystreak :p

Anyway, If anyone has any tips I'm open to anything.

Tired and sleepless
I get it too sometimes, especially when the goldfever is high, I don't think there is a cure......... Warm malted milk drinks before bed can sometimes help, I'll have a valium sometimes for my crook back and they usually knock me out but they can leave you with a bit of a hangover.

Coopers extra strong vintage ale knocks me out really good too, only need 2 or 3 stubbies and I'm out like a light. :)
Be careful looking for sleep medication, I was on many for insomnia and sleep deprivation when I was younger and they messed me up mentally and physically.

Vallium will give you sleep, but your doc will probably only prescribe you 5mg tablets and you always end up self medicating and administering too much. Vallium causes massive memory loss, deficiency to think correctly and worst of all, long term Vallium use WILL cause anger and anxiety.

But.. There is a new natural medication you should be able to ask your doctor for. It has no side effects, you don't feel overslept in the morning and doesn't cause drowsyness. I highly recommended asking, I do not know the name of the tablet though sorry. It was a very simple name.

Trust me on this one, don't look for medication for a cure. Put your brain and body to a lot more daily activities and wear it out to the point of needing sleep. It may take days, but it will save you any sleep "medication" side effects.

Check out or for some brain pumping fun. These websites stopped my insomnia by giving me much to think about and do.

Hope it helps, feel free to pm me, I dealt with the issue right up until I was 30.

If you are sleeping during the day, you need to flip that body clock

I found that as soon as the minister for everything was cured of snoring my sleep quality improved, before that there wasn't a pill in existence that worked.

Good luck with it :8

I think we sometimes underestimate how important good diet and exercise is. Since reducing caffeine, sugar and eating a lot healthier I'm now getting a reasonable nights rest. Of course there may be medical reasons why your waking up during the night, but In my case it was related to stress and diet. Hope you get on top of this soon. :)
Jin said:
I think we sometimes underestimate how important good diet and exercise is. Since reducing caffeine, sugar and eating a lot healthier I'm now getting a reasonable nights rest. Of course there may be medical reasons why your waking up during the night, but In my case it was related to stress and diet. Hope you get on top of this soon. :)

As mentioned above, I didn't get out of my long term insomnia until I started pumping my body and brain a lot more. I found I needed to do excess work to tire myself out. I totally agree with you Jin.

My habits started with being on a PC all night, but then I worked as a night d.j which gave me no choice but to live like a vampire.

Hard work will tire you out indeed and prospecting is one to help with that. I move 1-2tons of gravel everyday by hand and shovel. Injuries are occurring, but I get the best sleep I've had all my life since prospecting.
zma supplements is the one mate out like a light at night and the performance to last all day when you wake up. Contains HIGH levels of zink magnesium, apsartic acid And vitamin b6. ;)
Thanks for the suggestions and feedback guys,

I'm a fairly active bloke, maintenance fitter, no shift work, no smart phone, drink about 3-4 cups of coffee a day and fairly fit. I have been meaning to get stuck in to some weight training again so if I tire myself out doing that I may get some solid rest.

I try and go the no medication route as often as I can so after these pills did not work its confirmed my want to find a more natural solution. Sometimes popping a couple of Panadol can have the desired effect....I think its more of a placebo effect though.

I reckon more time spent down in the shed of a night time instead of sitting on the couch with wifey may be a good plan :D

Learn meditation/breathing techniques
And i dont mean sitting in the corner humming to yourself but in some cases this does help
Meditation/breathing techniques is about relaxing you mind first then your body concentrating on one thing only your breathing
There is many techniques i strongly advise you do abit of research on this and try a few
All great physical feats eg deep sea diving, longest breath held, bed of nails, fighter pilots etc even the great Houdeni all use a form of meditation to focus/side track the mind.
meditation is by far the greatest aid to insomnia suffers other then medication
Yep' get projects in the shed prepared to the stage that noisy tools ain't needed, when you can't sleep sneek out to the shed and continue on with them, works for me...
But what keeps me awake is thinking about what's next.
fjute1955 said:
Learn meditation/breathing techniques
And i dont mean sitting in the corner humming to yourself but in some cases this does help
Meditation/breathing techniques is about relaxing you mind first then your body concentrating on one thing only your breathing
There is many techniques i strongly advise you do abit of research on this and try a few
All great physical feats eg deep sea diving, longest breath held, bed of nails, fighter pilots etc even the great Houdeni all use a form of meditation to focus/side track the mind.
meditation is by far the greatest aid to insomnia suffers other then medication
Worked for me. I have a cd with a lady named Cindy. Basically it starts with finding a quiet place (bed works for me) lay down, 3 breathes, inhale thinking about all the mental junk) exhale thinking of nothing as in no thing. Then being surrounded by white light to immerse your physical ailments in (for me anything from itchy to a back ache) stay in the light until you get a bit drifty. Then starting at the the top of the head work down each part of the body visualizing/feeling it relaxed, so for me I go head top, eyes, nose, mouth tongue, chin neck shoulders, each arm top elbow forearm palm fingers, top then bottom of stomach, pelvis top of legs knees shins ankles feet toes. When I reach the end if not in the zone or the day to day junk is still creeping in I start at the top again and within 3 times I'm out.

I was a sufferer of extended insomnia before I started this worked for me. If you find your zen sleep will come. I also ditched energy drinks at one point and alcohol, no coffees after 4 pm also a big help. I also find an hour of meditation after work is like a preventative for the above technique I get to zen point earlier in the day. Definitely makes me a better overall being to deal with outwardly and better being to be inwardly. As it was given to me what harm can it do to try it out? Cheers mate hope you find something that helps. :D
Have a camomile tea with honey half an hour before bed and clearing the mind helps me sometimes. I'm a shift worker and my sleeping pattern is all stuffed up. :)
I have a very stressful job and I too always cannot stop thinking about many things including finances, gold etc. I used to lay awake all bloody night.
My fix was I discovered books. Some of you oldies may remember what they are LOL
The trick for me was to read something stupid or very light hearted. If you force yourself to read it, you actually can get into it, have a chuckle, and your mind becomes peaceful. I now read 1/2 dozen pages and wham, out like a light.
I am currently reading the Nino Cullotta ( They're a weird mob type books) by Frank Hardy. Reading Gone Fishin at the moment.
Give it a try you will be surprised I reckon.
Good luck and sweet dreams.
Have you had one of those tests where they monitor how many times you wake at night. I forget what the illness? Is called but my uncle has had it done and was put on an oxygen machine and now sleeps through the night. It may be worth following up. Good luck I hope it changes for you
G'day MJB, without stating the obvious you have a missus! Certain things make most men sleep well! ;)
Aside from that most of what everyone else has said will work but a regular routine helps me and no caffeine in the arvo.
That failing, buy a "lazyboy recliner", or coma boy as I call them. :D Sleep guaranteed on one of those bad boys! ;)
Hope you find a solution mate.

Being a bit of a night owl, I tend to wack on some headphones in bed, and just listen to some relaxing music (Enya type music, not Metallica). I usually don't get past the second or third song before I am out like a light. If I just lie there in silence, many ensuing hours of staring at the ceiling follow before I can eventually nod off.

Since taking up cycling again, my body is less on edge, and more relaxed when it comes to getting some sleep. A nice hot bath or shower afterwards also helps to ward away those annoying night time fidgets.

I tend to sleep better in a cold room whilst rugged up in bed vs a warm room with light bedding. Don't ask me why, but it has worked for many years living in the desert in atco huts, running the air-con to keep things nice and cool. Trying to sleep in a warm room with light bedding, I just toss and turn all night, waking up feeling like I had done a few rounds with a pro wrestler.

I refuse to use any sort of drug to gain sleep, with benefits there always comes a downside, like drowsiness the next day, upset stomach etc, and the effectiveness of them will differ from person to person. There is also the risk of becoming dependant on them, something best to avoid. Same thing with energy drinks, avoid them like the plague - loaded to the hilt with ridiculous amounts of sugar and caffeine, they will certainly do you no favours.
Gone Fishing is a great book. Years ago, I met a bloke who lived on the Georges River not far from where that book was set. Its a great insight into Australia of the late 50's and early 60's. I'm fond of a "Crack o the whip" myself. The movie of There a Weird Mob is well worth seeing, but probably hard to track down these days. Nino Cullotta was the pen name of author John O'Grady.

goldtruck59 said:
I have a very stressful job and I too always cannot stop thinking about many things including finances, gold etc. I used to lay awake all bloody night.
My fix was I discovered books. Some of you oldies may remember what they are LOL
The trick for me was to read something stupid or very light hearted. If you force yourself to read it, you actually can get into it, have a chuckle, and your mind becomes peaceful. I now read 1/2 dozen pages and wham, out like a light.
I am currently reading the Nino Cullotta ( They're a weird mob type books) by Frank Hardy. Reading Gone Fishin at the moment.
Give it a try you will be surprised I reckon.
Good luck and sweet dreams.

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