Chinese business have no shame

Prospecting Australia

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They often copy things from pictures but in this case they already supply many parts to build them. They will take an inovative proven idea them jump into other markets with it before we can benefit. We might complain and send an angry letter to the Chinese but our govs won't really push back in a way that matters and they know it.
What a low act by the Chinese manufacturer.

Even if they did trademark their product in China would it make a difference? What are the TM laws like in China?
Doing business with China is just a race to the bottom. Seriously, it's time for us to wean ourselves off of them.

Nearly two years ago the time/day/date clock in our shop packed it in. It was a good quality one that was here for many years before we took over the business. I pulled the back off of it, had a fiddle with a couple of spindles and gears that looked like the grease had dried on them, lubricated them and got it going again. It went for a couple of months and then it did it again.

So, we purchased a new one from a reputable Australian company by the name of Ingram, which members of all ages have probably seen in shops, offices, police stations, post offices, banks, and so on for many decades past. It cost us over $400 from memory.

Anyway, a clock turns up from this Aussie icon company, and it looks the goods. Except, the name on it says Fartec, and on the back is says Made In China :(

While we were waiting for it to arrive, I had managed to get the old one going once again. So, we put the new one away expecting to have to get it out some time soon.
However, sods law prevailed, and the old one never missed a beat for months!

Eventually though, it finally died completely, and so we put up the new Fartech. Recently, the date on this Chinese replacement to the locally made product, has stopped working, and we have to change it manually every morning. To add insult to injury, because of the time lapse between purchase and installation, it means it is out of warranty :|

The problem with cheap rip-offs of course is that it's seductive for people to buy something that's cheaper, made in a country where people work for :poop: and OH&S is virtually non-existent. By the time the world has cottoned on to how crap the rip-off article is, it's too late- The original designer or company has gone under. Chinese goods are a cancer, and it's about time we cut them out.

That's my rant over :)
The Chinese manufacturers don't copy anything.
They get given a product and get asked to reproduce it at a price point, always by an overseas importer ( more than likely in this instance, an Australian company)
Redfin said:
The Chinese manufacturers don't copy anything.
They get given a product and get asked to reproduce it at a price point, always by an overseas importer ( more than likely in this instance, an Australian company)

Yep that makes sense Redfin, and probably what has happened with our shop clock. Instead of going under by competing with a Chinese rip-off, they have replaced their Aussie or Swiss made clocks and/or parts with a clock that they have asked a factory in China to produce for them. As a company they have survived and kept many of their workers here in Australia in employment. I guess the only downside is how long now before their reputation is in tatters for providing lesser quality products?
What is required is a central return point for all the rubbish they keep on sending us. When we have a load of broken cheapo rubbish ( shouldnt take long ) A bottom dump barge should unload it in the middle of there shipping lanes in the South china sea that they reckon is theirs. :awful: Shouldnt take long for that to build to the size of a small island nation like Tiawan. (Wishful Thinking ) :/
Jethro they don't send us anything.
Our "manufacturers order and import the crap
Redfin said:
Jethro they don't send us anything.
Our "manufacturers order and import the crap
Fair Point except its not our manufacturers ( theres barely any left in Aus ) Its Import / wholesale companies trying to maximise the bottom line.
Chinese have always been copy cats. They incapable of or too lazy to think of something original.
My tv is a Chinese made unit and it is the most bloody useless slow as a wet week channel changing piece of crap ever created by man.
The only thing China can make is rice grown in human bog fertilizer and even their rice is garbage compared to what we produce here. :awful:
Oddly enough I just went through this dilemma this week, buy the Aussie product ( more than $1800) or chinese at around half the cost. Anyway despite my guilt over the cost I took the Aussie option knowing Im helping someone put food on the table.

The real trouble is the cost of raw materials, labour and energy cant compete onshore where a product can be made, shipped and deliver a nice profit slice for the reseller.

After this debacle with the virus I can only hope my fellow Aussies join me in (trying at least) to buy local when and where they can.

Good share from the OP. :Y:
It's amazing how display models in all the businesses are all sold before they go on display. I probably took the 3 times as much time to produce and perfect all the door and window fittings etc. :(
That's where the Australian gov could help Australian buisness. I can order a 20mm pillow block bearing from China off ebay with free postage (not a light item) but a packet of tiny seeds from Adelaide is 3 dollars postage? Or a plant that weighs not even half what the bearing does from interstate is more than the total price of bearing from Guangzho again including postage. Online shopping will only grow more dominant in the future but our own postal system is already against us. Australia Post is still owned by the government isn't it?
Goldfreak said:
That's where the Australian gov could help Australian buisness. I can order a 20mm pillow block bearing from China off ebay with free postage (not a light item) but a packet of tiny seeds from Adelaide is 3 dollars postage? Or a plant that weighs not even half what the bearing does from interstate is more than the total price of bearing from Guangzho again including postage. Online shopping will only grow more dominant in the future but our own postal system is already against us. Australia Post is still owned by the government isn't it?

Surely free postage is a subsidy & isn't that the reason they are banning a lot of our products, alleging subsidies.