Petition For QLD Fossickers

Prospecting Australia

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Yeah M3 exactly Steve and I were talking about this coming home from deep creek. While ever we the prospectos and fossickers sit back pay out money and say nothing, then nothing will change and they'll (Govt) will sit back rubbing their hands getting all this money for jam. I sure would be happy if I was them. No one complaining about what we had set the QLD fossickers, not many places to go, restricted usage of equipment.

As I said to Steve, that money most likely has gone into lavish dinners, traveling the country and God knows what else.
Hey Guy's
Don't get too hung up on the $500000 dollar figure, the revenue they raise should not be our concern as I am sure we would all be happy to pay what we are for an improvement in access & a relaxation in the rules on what we can't use.

The $ value mentioned would most likely not even cover the yearly budget of say running the Charters Towers mining Registrars office, the real income is from the big boys, so don't worry about the loose change we provide.

We need to be focussed on what we are trying to achieve, if we lose focus we lose the fight.
Yes Lee agree, just thought I would mention that as it is a part of the whole picture, and seeing that the Govt office wouldn't supply me with stats, which is what I wanted for the petition. And yes the focus is still on......More Access....And.....Relaxation of the rules. Absolutely.

Thanks Lee.
Only 65 more signatures to get 100 then we need to get the next 100....then 1000
Thanks wilko, yes mate go for it we need as many as we can get.
Wasn't it fossicking at Gympie that saved Queensland as Qld was broke and Nash found all that gold.. Seems strange that they are so harsh on this hobby up here that saved this state.
There are about 50 signatures so far, it will be interesting to see how that changes as it goes viral through facebook in qld and further abroad. :D
Thanks guys, Wilko looks like we got some from those groups.

Got 53 supporters thus far.

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