Anyone got any suggestions?

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Jan 8, 2014
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Its made from lead and is about the size of a squashed apricot.
The writing that I can read says "T?? (possibly TRD, THO,) Union Com??" (Not sure how many letters after "com") on one axis then with writing running the other way it says "Importers" then the next bit is unreadable.
Under the picture is the word "Trademark"
The picture is of a guy holding something over his knee as if to break it.

The surface with all the writing etc appears to be made from lead too.





Hard to tell but maybe an old bottle or jar seal?? Bit like wine bottles today (only they usually just use plastic these days).
Will be interesting to see if anyone can ID it.
Cheers Tom
Yeh solid. Weighs about 120g 14.5 Oz.
I will end up taking it to a local historian like the museum if I cant get an id on it.
Melted in a fire Pewter mug. Tin, lead, copper, bismuth
Looks very familiar with some I have seen at structure fires.
A large mug melts down to about that size.
thesmithy said:
Melted in a fire Pewter mug. Tin, lead, copper, bismuth
Looks very familiar with some I have seen at structure fires.
A large mug melts down to about that size.

Interesting theory..could be!
Could be a stamp , which is inked , for document stamping ? , If it were melted, you would think that the visible wording and pictures would not be so intact
I was thinking stamp but I don't think the detail is defined enough. Its definitely been crushed. I found it in the CBD of Darwin, Im thinking it was damaged in the war.
Cant be a stamper , words would be inverted . could have been attached to an umbrella , or something for decoration maybe