any old mines wanted

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Dec 20, 2012
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down a hole
hi all I am after any old mines in vic that haven't been filled in yet or that ant flooded to a great degree so if you have shafts that are deeper than 5ms or tunnels one your land I will pay between $15 and $20 to have access to go in or down them please pm me if you have or know of any old mines

thanks hunting the yellow :D
Most shafts in Vic have collapsed in on themselves, due to the old timers undermining the base of there shaft. The shafts that stood the test of time were in harder ground however a lot have been back filled by parks for liability reasons. I was speaking to a seasoned prospector about shafting on my last trip (two weeks ago) his friend is into shafts, that is all he does. He sinks one a month pulls 3oz on average. I think this story might be like a fishing tale. Generally the success of most diggings in Vic was 2 in 10. Two out of ten shafts sunk were super rich. One out ten paid and the rest ? Well, try again. Be very wary of any shafts you find in wet ground! They are death traps. Many a miner lost there lives in wet ground. Fastest burials in history. If you want to get into shafts think about shoring the walls, have a sound exit plan, look at gold leads where the sinking was less than 16 feet. There is plenty of gold in the pillars.
Sorry I got off track a little, are you chasing mines or alluvial shafts?
I know of plenty of old mines that can be accessed if your looking for adventure.
HeadsUp said:
garnethawkins said:
I know of a few in nsw, and many of which are on crown land but that's not much help i guess...

It would be helpful to me :D. (Insert cheesy grin here)

Have you detecorated' them yourself or not had time to get to them all?

i have detected a couple, haven't found any colour yet, but that's not to say there isn't any there, i just haven't found any lol, there are shafts about 14 kms north of grong grong, 20-25km. West of ardlethan, and i was told yesterday about a few at Junee reefs near the dump- Google maps will take you right to the place.
If you find any be sure to let me know :D
The Mines Department is very strong on having old shafts filled in or fenced off if they are on private property so many land owners do not publicise the presence of old shafts due to the liability factor of people possibly hurting themselves and then suing the land owner for not filling them in.

You would probably need to sign a waiver of some description to satisfy a landowner and cover him for potential public liability (and I am not sure legally if this really would suffice in a court of law.

Ryan27 said:
Most shafts in Vic have collapsed in on themselves, due to the old timers undermining the base of there shaft. The shafts that stood the test of time were in harder ground however a lot have been back filled by parks for liability reasons. I was speaking to a seasoned prospector about shafting on my last trip (two weeks ago) his friend is into shafts, that is all he does. He sinks one a month pulls 3oz on average. I think this story might be like a fishing tale. Generally the success of most diggings in Vic was 2 in 10. Two out of ten shafts sunk were super rich. One out ten paid and the rest ? Well, try again. Be very wary of any shafts you find in wet ground! They are death traps. Many a miner lost there lives in wet ground. Fastest burials in history. If you want to get into shafts think about shoring the walls, have a sound exit plan, look at gold leads where the sinking was less than 16 feet. There is plenty of gold in the pillars.
Sorry I got off track a little, are you chasing mines or alluvial shafts?
I know of plenty of old mines that can be accessed if your looking for adventure.

mmmm verry interesting story ;) :cool: arm i am more in to the hard rock mines mostly :cool:
xobazzip said:
The Mines Department is very strong on having old shafts filled in or fenced off if they are on private property so many land owners do not publicise the presence of old shafts due to the liability factor of people possibly hurting themselves and then suing the land owner for not filling them in.

You would probably need to sign a waiver of some description to satisfy a landowner and cover him for potential public liability (and I am not sure legally if this really would suffice in a court of law.


yeah your right there i completly under stand :)
The Buckland river is a good place for hard rock mines ( north east Vic )
Yakandandah, Head waters of Nine mile, I think it's called wombat mine, has others in close proximity.
Picture of mine and battery can be found on Google earth. In fact google earth is a good tool for locating mines. Look for known goldfields, zoom in on photos that bush users have uploaded, find the pictures of interest eg: old boilers, stamp head battery crushers(most) are in parts on the ground. When you find a boiler or old process/crushing equipment, the mines are close! Generally at a higher altitude. Easier on the pack horses. To carry ore down hill. The Golden triangle is a bit different process, you need to buy a map of area of interest. I generally buy John Tully maps as well as Doug Stone maps. I have found that sometimes the location of noted mines can vary a bit. Unfortunately I don't have GPS details. Hard rock mining/prospecting is not my sport.
Hope this is a little help.
One day I was riding through the bush up in the Stanley Forrest with my old lady.
It was about 8 years ago. I can't remember which gully we were on. But what I do remember is that we were the only ones in the bush. At least we thought we were? Down in the gully there was a noise. My old lady said to me " can you hear that ? " I replied "yeah sounds like a prospector down in the gully" the noise was an unmistakable sound of metal on rock. As we rode along a game track about half way up the gully the noise became louder "tink , tink , tink" by this stage we had a pretty good view of the gully. We could hear the sound " tink , tink , tink" but there was no one in sight. I turned to the old lady and said " that's odd ! Lets check it out "
When we got down to the bottom there wasn't a sole in sight. I yelled out " hello ! "
There was no reply.
My Mum and I both looked at each other with WTF expressions on our faces.
We rode along a little bit further and came across an old mine. It was only a small mine, but it was a new find for us in the bush. We dismounted to have a closer look. It was a beautiful spot. After we had a light snack and drink, my Mum took a photo of the entrance of the mine. The camera was a film camera she owned prior to upgrading to digital.
Months went by, and I was at home ( Melbourne ) when the phone rang it was the old lady. We got chatting and she brought up the ride we had in Stanley Forrest .
She asked me if I remembered when she took the photo. I said " yeah the gully with the ghost" jokingly.
She said " don't laugh, I had the film developed and your not going to believe what is in the photo"
A month later I caught up with Mum and she showed me the photo.
Sure as sh#t roles down hill there is a faint smokey image of a Chinaman's hat in the old mine.
And that is why hard rock mining is not my sport.

I will try and get the photo, I will have to scan it and the upload it. Hopefully the image is recognisable for you all to see.

Cheers Ryan
Digging an old post...but just thought id share. I grew up in central Vic and have noticed a serious renewed effort of prospectors, and I'm on the bandwagon. I lived in an area that had a distinct mining history and i suspect your post is aimed at uncovering some of the few places that remain under worked. Well you are in luck. Having spent years tracking back and forth i have just these sorts of under done locations. Shot me an email sometime and I'll discuss further if you like. Id be happy to discuss a mutually beneficial arrangement. Regards Paul.
I have a few locations of mineshaft and adit sites located in the Yarra Valley if you are interested at all? I have been into a few local adits myself, not experienced for the abseiling rope crawl though ( yet ). You can write a msg to my phone if you like, ph number is on my hello thread in Introductions on this forum
Ryan27 said:
I was speaking to a seasoned prospector about shafting on my last trip (two weeks ago) his friend is into shafts, that is all he does. He sinks one a month pulls 3oz on average. I think this story might be like a fishing tale

g'day ryan
if your mate was talking about the chap that sinks shafts on the western side of the triangle, then it's a little more than a fishing tale.
he does pretty good, it is hit and miss but I think 3oz a month average would be a conservative estimate.
regards tm
Hey trashmagnet
I've always thought this would be a productive way to acquire the elusive metal.
I thought that if a couple of guys where enthusiastic enough they could bottom out a shaft in a short time.
A detector in hand would gather the old timers left overs.
I don't know if the camp fire story above has factual info. However I'm not surprised if it is more than 3oz a month.
The prospector who told me has found more gold than most of us dream of. So I have no reason to not believe him.