Angie - Another Victorian Newbie

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Jan 31, 2015
Reaction score
Melbourne, VIC

My name is Angie and I am a newbie.

I purchased an SDC2300 just before Christmas, unfortunately I have only had the chance to go out digging 5 times so far. However I have already found a little flakey nugget, weighing less that 0.01g... It was still exciting none the less. That would be it in my display picture. No more gold since, lots of tiny lead shots and other misc junk. Currently living too close to Melbourne and head out into the GT area.

Hope you're all having a golden weekend :)

Hi Angie,
Well least that's something....I bet you jumped for joy when you found it? Dry mouth, hands shaking, kept taking that second look lol
You should head out East to sunny Queensland, even if you don't find gold, at least we have the warm weather and great beer. Lol
Good luck with your MDing..... things will only get better ?
Thanks guys!!

Lol Aurum - Yes it did go something like that!! It was in a tricky little spot too. It was late in the day, so I headed to the local pub for a coldie - Bourbon for me.

I will be heading North back to my home of Queensland later this year, looking forward to spending time exploring up there and enjoying some of that beautiful sunny weather!! Living in Melbourne definately makes you appreciate sunny and warm Queensland!!!

Obviously I didn't do too bad on my research, I have read stories of people taking a year or more to find their first spec of gold. So I am pretty happy that I was able to find a little bit so soon (especially being a city slicker).
PMSL....... so true..... so very true.... But I'm sitting here with an ice cold Wild Turkey American Honey and coke and it's going down too quickly!! Haha I wonder why XXXX is sold world wide, but ummm VB is only in Australia. Lol
I bet you will find gold every day in Queensland.... just look at the golden sand :) depends how North you are in QLD.
Queensland is just better all round, sorry fellow Mexicans but 4 seasons in one day is just ridiculous. It is however a beautiful day in Maryborough VIC today. So far only more fuggetts for the collection :D
We have golden sun shine in Qld. The gold is just an added benefit to our life style.
All the young ladies come up here to improve their tans etc. and life is great for everyone on a breezy day in the city.
Sorry can't help myself --the sun does things to you up here.
Jaros.. :p :p 8)
Golden times'
in a few weeks I'd be happy for you to met me at Rushworth for the best part of the day id love to see that SDC perform in a spot out there I frequent' PM me when you get 10 post up.
Howdy Big Nugget, lucky for me I have been in vic for just over 4 years now, so I have missed out on most of the wild weather events in qld. I think there is a delusional part of me that will be in for a huge shock when I move back!! Lol.

Zuke_Lynzy - Sounds great. Thankyou very much for the offer. Would you mind if my partner came too? He purchased a GPX 5000 at the same time as me, but no gold for him yet. I will message you as soon as I hit 10 posts.

A little more useless info about me. Prior to my purchase of the SDC before Christmas I had never panned or detected for gold. My interest come about mainly from bush walking and seeing evidence from the old timers.

My first bit/only bit of gold found with the SDC was at Barrys Reef (I don't mind saying that because most of you will think I am crazy!), found in water. But am I the crazy one for not focusing on going back there? I have been back there once since, but have started exploring other locations.... :/
Yep that will be fine' let me know' I may not get the full day but can get you started and leave you to it....
GoldenTimes said:
My first bit/only bit of gold found with the SDC was at Barrys Reef (I don't mind saying that because most of you will think I am crazy!), found in water. But am I the crazy one for not focusing on going back there? I have been back there once since, but have started exploring other locations.... :/

Ps. I had been there 3 times before... I just thought it might be wise to give the mountain goat in me a rest and try some different areas. I do intend on going back there down the track.
Hi Angie.
Will be giving the SDC2300 (and GPX5000) a good whirl in a few weeks time in VIC. Went out locally to Shoalhaven River, but unable to access an area I really wanted to get on Monagarlowe River (north of Braidwood NSW) due to private and conservation areas. On one area of the Shoalhaven only some bullet shells. Keep posted how the SDC2300 performs. Moving to Kalgoorlie next month.
Apologies for the late reply guys. My brain seems to have some confusion with the "Submit" button being on the left and the "post reply" button on the right... I have now typed a reply to this message 5 times... Hopefully this time it makes it to the thread and I don't have to swear at myself again!

Thanks for the advise the duck. I do think I need to go slower and be alot more thorough when detecting. I have been reading up on old bulletins studying old maps, but continue to do so and continue to learn new things.

Hi There Aurum, Nothing new to report on my end - Just a whole heap more lead shots to sdd to the collection! How are you going? Are you in VIC yet? I am hoping to get out for a couple of days early next week. Best wishes with the big move to Kalgoorlie.

Ps... Yep I was so damn close to clicking "post reply" at the end of this message!!! :rolleyes:

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